Happy Birthday, Justin!

(thanks to the "Justin is Da Man" page for this pic!)
Isn't he just a cutie in this pic?

Top Ten Things Justin Got For His Birthday

10. Now that Justin is finally eighteen, the guys take him out clubbin'.
9. A new pair of Nikes to add to his "collection" of sneakers
8. Hair relaxer for the fro.
7. A big ol' jug of hair bleach- I'm pretty sure he was running out.
6. A speach coach to work on the ebonics.
5. Since I'm on the subject, I do recall him getting a therapist to help him come to the fact that he IS white.
4. One of those strippers that pops out of the cake, since it's his eighteenth birthday(a gift from Joey of course).
3. No more opening acts like Britney Spears.(hehe j/j)
2. A new gold chain that says "I'm money" on it.

And the number 1 thing Justin got for his birthday...


1.More wifebeaters-they're brand spankin' new!

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