Happy Birthday, Lance!

Top Ten Things Lance Got For His Birthday

10. Stuffed animal.....Dalmation. Bring back memories, eh, Lance? Mwuahaha!
9. Avon coupons
8. Dalmation beanie babies
7. Roll of toilet paper autopraphed by Garth Brookes( I guess it's all he could find to sign!).
6. Dalmation print boxers .
5. Book...How to Be a Mack-Daddy: tips on how to get some flava.
4. CD of the PooFu song. (are you guys noticing a pattern going?)
3. Leash w/ the embroidered letters D-A-N-I-E-L-L-E on it for his new best friend :P
2. Manicure and peticure set.

And the number 1 thing Lance got for his birthday...


1. A Malibu Barbie Dreamhouse!!! Yay!!! Now Barbie and Ken have a place to live, right, Lance?!

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