Say What!?

Here are some *N Sync quotes I've found quite funny and memorable. Check 'em out.

-I think my ball got stuck.-CHRIS
-I guess something beach oriented would be nice.-JC
-I'm comin' home Grandma!-JUSTIN
-I don't play like a girl, I just can't play!-JOEY
-Soy bomb! Soy bomb!-LANCE
-See, in Orlando, we have trees that grow basketballs ( points to an orange tree ).-CHRIS
-You like that don'tcha!?-JUSTIN
-I like A.J. he's a cutie.-JUSTIN
-What's up wit dat yall?-JUSTIN
-I'm Justin, and I'm 21...and maybe not...I'm 17 and I'm from Memphis, Tennessee.-JUSTIN
-Q:How would you describe your music ? What kind of music is it?
Chris: I'm Paul.
JC: I'm John.
Joey: I'm Ringo.
Justin: Describe the music!
-I'm gonna pee in my pants!-JOEY
-Girl were you alone?-LANCE
-Everybody knows Joey.-JC
-Can I get a Jay Z.-JUSTIN
-And uh here are he uh finalists-CHRIS
-Let's play some basketball bebeh!
-Lance was sleepin' and i woke him up!-JOEY
-Just let it go, Carson.-JUSTIN
-We're single and ready to mingle!-JUSTIN and JOEY
-I want some Boston.....stuff.-LANCE
-We're killing our brain cells!-JUSTIN
-We wear spandex like sometimes underneath our clothes because we do a lot of heavy dancing. And you wanna wear it....nevermind.-JOEY
-Whatever you do, I do it too. I just don't play hopscotch.-JOEY
-Stop askin' me dis!-JUSTIN
-Now we're about to get in the CAH!-JC
-Was she the one with the head?-CHRIS
-I was like 'huh?'.-JUSTIN
-It's not about riding a horse.-LANCE(Of course not. It's about riding WHOREses. Hehe j/j.)
-He designed that? I'm gonna hit him in his head.-CHRIS
-Joey likes briefs-JC ( whoa,JC! And how would you now that!?)
-I was skydiving and hit a bird.-LANCE
-I hope he doesn't puke on me. That'd be really bad.-JUSTIN
-Oh you're NOT touchin' that button!-JUSTIN
-I'm in love with an alien.-CHRIS
-Lance likes tasmanian devils, I like large bills.-CHRIS
-Boom! Whoa! My hair was scarin' me.-JUSTIN
-I'm just *N Sync. Last night some guy passed me and said, " Hey *N Sync!" Uh, my name is Lance.-LANCE
-Finish this sentence: When I'm older...
Chris:But I'm already old!
-Maybe in the group I'm one of the top five!-CHRIS
-Lance with the hands all over the place!-JOEY
-And we got Lance!....The four of us are replaceable....Lance is irreplacable...he's albino....quit lying, he's a Mississippi Albino....they're very rare in this part of teh country.-CHRIS
-Well, we were all out albino hunting one day...-CHRIS
-Joey has his own style which is cool at some points, but on the other extreme, very bad.-LANCE
Joey:YYYY (pronounced why)
JC:CKKK.(Then they all bug Joey 'cause he messed up his part.)
***NEW QUOTES FROM 3/30/99...***
-Q: What exactly does girl power mean to you?
Lance:We have no idea!
-This is our first time on MTV so we don't wanna mess it up.-JUSTIN
-That would be a politially incorrect statement to make right now, therefore we have no commment.-CHRIS
-Hey I'm bigger than you.....Quite a different level!!!-JUSTIN (oOoOooHhHhHh! really?!? hehe.)
-Actually, I fear, actually, like somebody...cause when throwing stuffed animals on stage, I fear someone's gonna throw something like really heavy towards mr head and its gonna smack me on conscious and they'll have to take me to the hospital and I might die! That won't happen!-JUSTIN (Oh, just wait, Justin! Mwuah-ha-ha!)
-I don't have a superman tattoo on my butt, I swear!!!-JOEY
-This is the Bass-man.-LANCE
-This is the Fat-man.-JOEY (Hey, you got that right)
-This is the J to the T.-JUSTIN (Ummmm, sorry, Justin hun, but that just doesn't go with the rest!)
-I am the Cookieman and this is my sidekick Sprinkles!-JUSTIN
-Lance got a big ol' butt...I know I told you I'd be true...but Lance got a big ol' butt, so I'm eatin' you!-JUSTIN and JC
-I have big nostrils because when I was younger I used to pick my nose.-JOEY (Well gee-golly! That just explains it all!)
-M-I-C...See yah real soon...K-E-Y...Why? Because we got paid to!...M-O-U-S-Eeeeee.-JUSTIN and JC
-Well, U-N-I, V-E-R, uh, S-A-L (*studios!*) S-T-U-D-I-O-S, Uni-ver-sal Studios!-JOEY and CHRIS
-Glad I didn't work in a theme park.-LANCE
-Theme park nothin'! You were Poofoo!-CHRIS
-Poofoo, Poofoo, where are you?! Please come out and play.-LANCE
-I expect that to be over you bed, mmmkay!?-JUSTIN (He says that after Carson opens up his gift from *Nsync.)
-I think Santa was munchin' on mah Oreo cookies. He was likin' them so I got good presents that year.-JUSTIN

That's all for now kiddies! More will be up next time I update.

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