'N Sane in The Brain

Have *N Sync on the brain ? Or was it just an *N Sync filled day for you? Ever had one of those moments when you find just the littlest things about *N Sync strange? You know, like that cookie you were eating at lunch? Right when you're about to take that last bite of chocolate chip goodness, you notice it looks like Chris' head, then you shrug your shoulders and pop it in your mouth? Omigosh! Me too! Hehe..here's some odd and funny stuff that comes to me when I have *N Sync on my mind.

* There's this dude in my biology class that looks sOoOOO much like Joey. But this guy is kinda fat and he looks kinda hunchbacked. Oh yeah, this guy's smart too...*tee hee* I'm just messin' with yah Joey!

* You all saw this already but there's another guy in my american government class that looks like Justin too. He's got that whole fro shaped hair and one time he had the khakis thing goin' on. But the really funny thing is that this guy is black!

* Remember when Lance used to have that gay looking hair in the early *N Sync days? Didn't he look a lot like that Ellen chick? You know, that lesbian that's goin' out with Anne Heche...hMmMmMm...

*My friend was eating Lance crackers at lunch one day.

* I rented H20 and as my dad and I were watching a preview for the movie 54, even he said that Ryan Phillippe looks like Justin. He goes...
" Hey he looks like that guy in , uh, what is it? Backsrteet boys?"
"*N Sync, dad,"
" *N Sync. Yeah, yeah, that's it."

* This girl in my american gov't class was wearing an *N Sync shirt. I turn my back one second, and I turn back around to find her and this other girl are singing, " Yes, yes, yes here we go! *N Sync has got the flow!" And they do that flowy thing with their hands. Then later in the mod, this guy was all doin' the dance moves from the concert ( I do recall it being from " I Want You Back ".. you know when Justin sings, " So don't hang up the phone now,".. my favorite part, hehe) just to make fun of her. I was crackin up, it was crazy!

* Two guys in my american government class (why does everything happen in american gov't??)were rapping.Oh yeah, they were white. Who does that make you think of!?!? Why it's J-dawg of course!

* Today, I was walking home from my bus stop, and I heard a car passing by. I looked up, and what did I see? A candy apple red Mercedes Benz. I swear, if I had no dignity of any kind, I would have been chasing after that car. Then, I went to the mall and I saw a guy in a red car that looked exactly like Johnny Wright. And as if that weren't weird enough, when I was leaving the mall, I saw a man walk by me that looked a whole lot like Lou Pearlman. Oh...my...gosh! Coincidence?? I think not! What a very odd day.

* I was reading a magazine and I came upon a thing with different couples' stories like how they got together or something. I saw one of the stories and it was subtitled with my name and Justin's: ******* and Justin. Ooohhhh yyyeeeaaahhhh!!!

* This doesn't concern anything *N Sync-ish but I noticed that this guy in my band class looks exactly like Nick Farter from the Backstreet Boys. It's actually funny cuz this guy has got some chubs goin on. If Nick-ay were fatter, I'd swear they were twins. Okay now on with *N Sync schtuff....

* A good friend of mine has his birthday on January 31 and this year he turns 18. Well, I'll be darned! Justin's b-day is on January 31 and he turns 18 too! Coincidence? I think not!

**NEW AS OF 5/4-5/99! **

* I was listening to the radio last night and I heard some commercial about a Cinco de Mayo(however you spell that) celebration at some club or something and they were talking about a pool full of margaritas and for some reason I interpreted that into a pool full of Jell-O.....anyways, I heard that and in my head I was like, "What!?......Joey get your @$$ over here! It's your big chance!" hehe

* Yesterday I saw about two or three girls wearing *Nsync shirts. I was like "Oh hell naw! Here come the teenies..." dude and I'm in high school too!

*Happy Cinco de Mayo, y'allz! Do you guys remember Kid from Kid 'n' Play? You know the light skinned black guy with the tall @$$ hair!? Well, today I was watchin' Sister Sister and he was guest starring on it. It was soooooooo funny cuz he had braids or dreds or whatever and he looked exactly like Chris! It was so hilarious!

That's all the weird stuff that happens to me so far. If you happen to find anything weird about *N Sync or just funny stuff that comes to your head when you think of them, email me and I'll put it up, okay!? Okay.

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Email: trublupnay@juno.com