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The Writer's Life

I've always been interested in the lifestyle of a writer. Every one of them has different secrets, different shedules, different inspiration. This page talks about what you need at your writers desk, inspiration possibilities, and what authors think of these things. Be sure to visit my Articles page for tips on maintaining your writing schedule, how to make the most money out of freelancing, ect.

On this page I will cover everything essential for your writing area, and opinnions of other authors, unpublished or published. Want to give your advice or trick of the trade? Email me!

Meanwhile, take this survey!

Now onto the tips about being an aspiring writer, what you need to survive in the world of freelancing.

Things needed at the Writer's Desk
Some buisiness terms
Coming up with ideas
The rules of writing
Living the Writer's Life
Your writing schedule

This page will constantly be updated, so come back often and see the new information I have gathered.

The Writer's Board

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