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Erin's Web Design
Erin's Web Page Design

Greetings! My name is Erin Williams and I am a writer, a college student, and a lucky woman who is engaged to a wonderful person, Bert Leach. I am a avid animal lover, a huge book reader, an eager participant in watching horror movies, and a web page designer.

I am making web pages for all of my interests. Unfortunitely, I am running out of topics-LOL! Still, a hobby that I have adopted is web page creation. If you want a site with up to two pages, it's free. Please see here for guidelines.

Please visit pages I have designed.

For my love of Rabbits - The Ultimate Rabbit Site .

On this page there are links, a message board, pictures, and a neighborhood where you can post pictures and a bio of your adorable bunny. :) Also, I have drawn some houses you can "live" in, or a "cloud" for passed on bunnies. There's a club there, you can join, called Rabbits Unite.

Erin's Writing Page- This page is not my main writing site. The link for that is below. However, I made this page so that I could show everyone my work; on the main page, The Writer's Web, there wasn't room for that and I wanted a separate page.

Poetica X- I designed this page for my fiance. He wanted a page that talked about the wonderful site Poetica X. Mainly he did this one, picked out everything, wrote everything ( I just did the HTML nonsense) so he worked very hard. PLEASE visit this for him. Tons of thanks

The most wonderful site that I have was not created by me. Before I learned HTML, I had a very talented friend of mine, Alecia J. Rivas, design it for me. It is called the Writer's Web. Please go there and see what I mean! WOW!

Email Me! if you want me to design your page.