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This page is dealing with Prompts. In case your'e not entirely sure what that is, it's when an image, a scent, or another sensory "trigger" is provided for you. You then write what you feel, think, or create based upon what you saw, felt, tasted ( or imagined tasting ), heard, and smelled.

I will be providing prompts in all categories very shortly. The prompts will be changed monthly. When you are finished with your prompt and want to show it off, you are more than welcome to post it on the Message Board. This message board is connected to ALL my writing sites. When visiting this, you might find out a lot more than you thought you would!

The Message Board

Look at this picture and write down all the adjectives you can think of for it. ( How about ten, at least? ) Then imagine yourself in this scene, recording what you will hear, smell, and see. Also, feelings can be involved. Now write a short=short story on it. Who knows? Maybe you will be inspired to write a short story, a novella, or even a novel!

Any donations of pictures ( of something that has a "tastefull" image, such as a strawberry, or a sound wav, would be very helpful. You would get the credit for your prompt. Thanks a bunch!

Sound trigger memory, emotion. Below is a tune that you can play. Let me know what it reminds you off. Close your eyes and relax while listening to it. Picture something, anything.

Meditation is also fun and interesting. If you would like, go back to The Writer's Life To learn more about this.
