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Rules the writer abides by

Please realize that I'm not insulting you if you don't follow this guideline. These are the rules I've gathered, the rules I believe in. You may follow something different, and neither of them are wrong.

1. Always write. Write everyday. I personally don't have a time set to write; I feel too restricted doing that. But I make sure I have written daily, recorded my thoughts.

2. Always be on the lookout for new ideas. They're around every corner. Just because you're writing that bestseller, that anthology,or that poem, doesn't mean you shouldn't be on the lookout for possible stories. In my oppinion, always looking for new ideas keeps the excitement up. Keeping the excitement up keeps refreshment in the career, and helps "block" writer's block.

3. Read. Read everything in the genre you wish to write. Also read in genres other than your own. If you admire a writer's style, read everything by him or her. Sometimes read aloud. Notice the wordings,how the story flows.

4. Have a suitable writing atmosphere to grow in. Inspiration should be on the walls: Photos you love, incense that ignites smell, music if that's your thing. A TV on can also aide writers. Or maybe you prefer piece and quiet.

5. Keep everything organized. Your publishing and agent information, your idea files, your stories that need to be edited files, your completed stories, your inspirational folder, your author information folder. I have all of these, and I also have the writer's life folder, articles files, tips and exercises that I do when combating writer's block.

6. Don't be afraid to announce yourself as an author.

7. Keep notes on the wall inspiring you to continue writing, even if you don't feel like it.

8. Join a critiquing group. Have people help you for free.

9. Keep track of interesting markets

More coming soon, so stay tuned!