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Buisiness Terms

1. SASE- A self addressed stamped envelope you send to everyone you wish to hear a reply from.

2. Simultaneous Submission- When you send a story or article to a editor or agent without sending a query letter first.
3. Query letter- promotes your story idea. If the editor likes the theme, she or he will write you back in your SASE and tell you to send the novel or sample chapters.
4. Literary Agent- Someone who represents you in the writing idustry. Their job is to get you the most money and recognition possible. They can do this because they know the market quite well, and editors trust their judegment. Many are on " hands shaking hands" bases. Some companies won't accept unagented manuscripts. A good agent WILL NOT charge you a reading or editing fee, and will only collect money once the novel is sold. They usually get fifteen percent of the sales.
5. Advance- Something some publishers offer an author to cover living costs until their manuscript has gone through the novel process. Many times it can take up to a year for your novel to hit the bookstores.

6. Retail- This shows how much money the publisher will pay you for the profit they make. For instance, twenty percent of a book, ect.

7. Synopsis- Sort of an outline, or a sample of what's to come. Some editors ask for this upfront, or they want it along with the query letter, OR they want it along with the query and three sample chapters.

Please look this over and email me with answer questions; also, point out anything I have missed.