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Everyone can relax... Gambit has arrived. I couldn't tell ya how long I've been hoping that this favorite character of mine would get his own series and now it's here! Not only is it here, but it's just as good as I'd hoped, with former X-men writer Fabian Nicieza returning to the X-world with the new Gambit series. Steve Skroce, formerly of X-MAN, supplies the art for the book and I hope the two stay with this book for a long time. Starting off in style, the Man of Steal (does anybody else just love that tagline like I do?) begins his solo adventure doing what he does best. He's raiding the twelfth and final temple of Garbha-Hsien's twelfth and final child, in the remote range of Wu-Tai Shan in China. Well, the major corporation (Elysian Enterprises) which just recently discovered the temple are a little upset to find the Cajun stealing the precious artifact that is hidden inside the booby-trapped temple. Much like the last Indiana Jones movie, Gambit has to figure out what the clues that he's learned mean in relation to the death traps that are hidden throughout the ancient tomb. Does he survive? Of course not, what a silly thing to ask. The Elysian Guard are sent after the Cajun, since they believe that they should have the gauntlet which was hidden within. Did I mention that American special agent, Carl Denti is a part of the Elysian Guard? Anyone know his alter-ego? You don't?!?! Well, it's the X-cutioner-- the guy who has unsuccessfully tried to apprehend Skin of Generation X and Emma Frost when she was in her coma! He would have gotten Emma too, had Cyclops and Cable not shown up to stomp a mud-hole in his @$$. Denti even aided the Punisher in one of his latest appearances. This doesn't mean that Gambit will have to throw down with the X-cutioner, does it? Hell yeah, it does! I don't want to give away anything so I'll just say that the second adventure is, by far, one of the coolest Gambit scenes I've read. I have to applaud Nicieza and Skroce's creativity. Never predictable, that's you guys!

Like I said, the guys rocked on this book. Skroce's artwork has come a long way, even from his work on X-man. All the action scenes flow smoothly and there's not one deformed body part in the whole book, which seems to be the new style for some super-hero comics. The storyline is interesting enough to keep people's interest, I think. I just hope that all the mysterious elements aren't solved right away. Sure we want to know everything about him, but like Wolverine, the mystery surrounding Gambit is part of the charm that we all love about him. When you know everything about someone, it's kinda hard for them to look mysterious. In this first issue, we find out that someone called "The New Son" is responsible for saving Gambit from the Antarctic wasteland that Rogue and the other X-Men left him in. As payback, Gambit is now stealing certain items for the New Son, but how long can this go on before he crosses paths with his teammates? The Interludes in the book, also, set up some great plot-lines that will hopefully be explored soon, but not right away. The Interlude with Remy's father, Jean-Luc LeBeau, also provides a great origin story for those who don't know everything there is to know about Gambit. There's also a great commentary by Mr. Sinister at the very back of the book that you might enjoy.

Well, here's a big surprise for you. The first issue of my SN's own monthly mag, and I'm gonna recommend it to everyone who's ever had an interest in him or Rogue or the rest of the X-Men. Even if you aren't as impressed as I was by this first issue, stick with it. There's so many subplots being started just in this issue alone, that you're bound to find something you like sooner or later. Quality- 9.2 out of 10, Pop Culture Parallel: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, R.I.Y.L.- Duh... GAMBIT! Also, the X-Men, X-Man, Deadpool, Wolverine, Cable, Catwoman, Chronos, Hitman, Elektra, Maverick

"Sorry 'bout the nose ... but since I'm already embarrassin' you big-time, s'it okay if I use you t'make my getaway?"

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