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Ian Sharman

Ian Sharman lives in Kent in the UK. His Cyber Hellfire Club web site allegedly provided the first spark of inspiration for Stefan d. Wenger's XOU newsletter, which later became Voice and Vision, and, in turn, spawned Yadda Yadda Yadda (and thus he apologises profusely for inadvertantly causing all of this). His discussion folder, "PSharman's British Jokes," has, at times, rivaled John Byrne's "Byrne Ward," located on the same forum, for popularity. Although increasing commitments to his local church, King's Church Medway, and his recent engagement, leave him with little time to concentrate on comic books, he still hopes to support Y3 in any way possible.

Favourite titles: Deadpool, Cable, WildCATs, Strangers In Paradise, Inhumans, Iron Man.

Past favourites: Excalibur, New Mutants, Power Pack, Uncanny X-Men, Generation X.

Musical faves: Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Jaci Velasquez, Hillsoongs Australia.

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Ian's Favourite Web Sites (Note the weird British spelling... -ed. ;-D)

Cyber Hellfire Club
Ben's Poetry Corner
Kat: Black Queen of the Cyber Hellfire Club
The Official Star Wars Website