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Leo McGovern

Leo McGovern, besides being a sometime contributer to Yadda Yadda Yadda, is a staff news writer for the University of New Orleans paper, the Driftwood. He majors in English, while hoping to one day make a living doing something productive, preferably owning his own comic shop, but he'd settle for being a journalist or maybe a teacher. Any way he's realized that there's no way he'll make any money during his lifetime. Leo presently works at a Journeys shoe store that's located ten minutes from New Orleans, Louisiana, and makes no money there either.

Current favorite books- Strangers in Paradise, Savage Dragon, Transmetropolitan, Ressurrection Man, Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob, Daredevil, WildCats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Avengers, Iron Man, Webspinners

Past Favorite books- Erik Larsen issues of Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, Freak Force, Star, Superpatriot, ShadowHawk1, House of Secrets, Death: The High Cost of Living

Current Favorite Music- Incubus, Sugar Ray, Fatboy Slim, Beastie Boys, Shootyz Groove

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