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Updated March 18, 1999

--Erik Larsen has departed DC Comics' AQUAMAN, citing creative differences with his editor (Kevin Dooley). This is, ironically enough, the same reason cited by Peter David in his departure from the series, which opened the door for Larsen in the first place. Issue #62 (#55 was released yesterday, 3/17) will be Larsen's last. Predictably, no response has issued from DC with the exception of a confirmation of Larsen's resignation.

--Bob Schreck of Oni Press is the newest addition to DC Comics' editorial stable, joining the recently relocated Matt Idelson and Heidi MacDonald. Schreck will administer to the general DC universe titles, rather than the definied groups such as the Batman (Idelson's new post) or Superman books. Oni Press has stated that there will be no change in their creative direction as a result of Schreck's departure.

--Acclaim Comics is back in business. The company has announced a return to publishing in July, in the form of a Turok/Shadowman one-shot by Christopher (QUANTUM AND WOODY, BLACK PANTHER) Priest, Mat (WILDC.A.T.S.) Broome, and Oscar (STORMWATCH, WOLVERINE: BLACK RIO) Jiminez, as well as an ongoing Shadowman sereis by the RESURRECTION MAN writing team supreme of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, with art by Ryan Benjamin, Mat Broome, and Sean Parsons. These projects tie into Acclaim's upcoming SHADOWMAN video game; if they prove lucrative, the continued rebirth of Acclaim would almost assuredly mean the return of QUANTUM AND WOODY, the late and much-lamented Chris Priest/M.D. Bright humor series that the publisher has always been very committed to.

--Marvel has lost arguably their finest editor in the form of Matt Idelson, who is pulling up stakes and moving over to DC's Batman offices. Idelson's stints on the uber-individual DEADPOOL and the wildly successful Waid/Garney CAPTAIN AMERICA attracted DC's eye as they guided Batman into what they call the "most crucial time in the character's existence". Idelson's "unique voice" was just the sort of thing they were looking for. Idelson's Marvel Tech books will be divided up between other Marvel editors; no news about the editorial future of DEADPOOL.

--From the Marvel forum at this past weekend's Orlando MegaCon: John Byrne's much-rumored "X-Men Lost Years" project is not on the schedule, and is not being actively pursued... an interesting turn of events considering the amount of 'Net discussion devoted to its presumed-upcoming existence.

--There is joy in Yaddaville! Contrary to previous reports, Joe Kelly IS remaining on DEADPOOL-- his previous statement of an issue-33 finish was based on a belief that the title would end at that time, and it has emerged from Kelly and Marvel that another stay of execution has been granted. Deadheads across the world may breathe a sigh of relief.

--ABC is in final negotiations with Miramax and Toucshtone TV to air six episodes of a CLERKS animated series in mideseason 2000. For details, hit Newsaskew.

--As announced in his interview with Yadda, Joe Casey's series from Avalon Press, HELLCOP, has been put on hiatus after issue #4. Also, Casey will apparently be working on a JIMMY OLSEN project at DC-- details are unavailable, but if it relates at all to the Olsen series Casey described to WIZARD as a "dream project", it's certain to be interesting...

--There's been YET another creative upheaval in the X-Men offices. Y3 was previously under the unreleased impression that Joe Casey of CABLE and HELLCOP was the new regular writer for both titles; however, Mania! Newsarama reports that Terry Kavanagh of X-MAN is now scripter. Things are a little confused, it seems (Or perhaps it's just us...). More details as they come (As well as a Y3-exclusive Joe Casey Interview).

--And speaking of upheaval and Joe Casey... both Casey and Ladronn are off CABLE after issue #70, as Rob Liefeld of YOUNGBLOOD and CAPTAIN AMERICA: HEROES REBORN infamy returns as penciller. Writing details are unconfirmed (Fabian Nicieza has reportedly refused them)... Liefeld apparently was contracted to also work on X-FORCE; however, there has been no news about the status of that series from Marvel, Liefeld, or its current creative team of John Francis Moore and Jimmy Cheung.

--One last chunk of Casey dirt (Man, that guy is newsworthy): The penciller for his upcoming Marvel Tech series DEATHLOK will be the stunning Leonardo Manco, not-so-fresh from a run on the late, lamented STRANGE TALES ongoing WEREWOLF BY NIGHT (As well as work long ago on Warren Ellis' DRUID).

--The oh-so-loveable Joe Kelly (READ DEADPOOL! --ed.) has allowed his exclusive contract with Marvel to drop, and is taking over the writing reins of DC's modifierless SUPERMAN ongoing. Simultaneously, it was announced that Jeph Loeb, critically red-hot after his SUPERMAN FOR ALL SEASONS miniseries, will be taking over ACTION COMICS (Stuart Immonen will move to ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN).

--Devin Grayson departs CATWOMAN with issue #71, the conclusion of the Selina-in-New York storyline. Grayson apparently desires to focus on her upcoming creator-owned DC miniseries THE WEINBERGS (Superpowered parentless teens travel the DCU in a Winnebago) and USER, featuring painted art from John Bolton and pencilled art by Sean Phillips. The story will revolve around on-line roleplaying games, with Bolton painting cyberspace and Phillips rendering the "real world"... Grayson's CATWOMAN successor will be John Ostrander, who's signed up for a six issue arc and will, quite understandably, not state his status after that.


--Marvel Comics has finally formally announced their plans for a new volume of NEW WARRIORS. Written by Jay (GENERATION X) Faerber and pencilled by Steve (THE TENTH #1/2) Scott, the series will maintain a portion of its classic roster through Nova, Namorita, Speedball, and Rage (though the issues of Nova's membership are being smoothed out with Erik Larsen, writer of the upcoming NOVA ongoing), and 5 other members who are Marvel-Universe teens that never joined the Warriors. Faerber has stated that his strongest conception of the Warriors is their rebellious, anti-establishment, borderline-anarchist image, and it will be played to full effect. For more info, hit Newsarama or 2k Comics, Faerber's personal website.

In other Marvel ongoing-series news, the ex-X-Man BISHOP will get his own monthly, possibly as soon as late summer '99. No creative team is set.

--Trade paperbacks, trade paperbacks, trade paperbacks: Oni Press plans to release a collection of the critically acclaimed four-issue miniseries WHITEOUT by Greg Rucka in May. Rucka will soon be penning a portion of the Batman epic NO MAN'S LAND, so having his previous comic work available in collected form is an excellent financial bet for Oni... Marvel has also announced plans to re-release the first four issues of THE 'NAM, their Vietnam war series of the 1980s. The issues in question were written by Doug Murray and pencilled by current Marvel artistic director Michael Golden.

--Since he'll be otherwise occupied with the upcoming PLANETARY series with Warren Ellis, John Cassaday of DESPARADOES is getting a little help in the form of fellow Texan John Lucas for the upcoming 48-page oneshot DESPARADOES: EPIDEMIC!. Cassaday will provide layouts for the occult Western drama from Wildstorm, while Lucas will furnish the finishes, if you'll forgive the alliteration.

--John Ostrander's upcoming DC series QALIBAN has been aborted, as it were; DC has no plans to continue with its production. Ostrander is quoted as saying that he has other proposals in with DC (and Marvel as well) that both parties are excited about; further news should be forthcoming.

--Marvel Knights update: Joe Jusko's upcoming BLACK PANTHER 4-issue run will be a kind of tribute to Jack Kirby, featuring Captain America. As has spread around the 'Net by now, former artist Mark Texiera has departed the book suddenly, citing friction between corporate decisions and himself. Biiiiiiiig surprise-- your book had an "M" in the upper right corner, didn't it, Mark? (Seriously, our support goes out to him).

Also, PREVIEWS magazine misprinted the cover price of the upcoming BLACK WIDOW miniseries' first issue; instead of $3.50 as PREVIEWS reported, it will be the standard MK mini price of $2.99.

--Mark Waid has announced his departure from time-jumping Cap spinoff CAPTAIN AMERICA: SENTINEL OF LIBERTY, effective with issue #12 (Which Waid describes as "the definitive Bucky story"). No news has issued from Marvel vis a vis the status of the creative team, or the title.

--The obligatory Warren Ellis update (WE LOVE YOU, WARREN!): Following the six-issue HAUNTED arc, Ellis will provide HELLBLAZER with six one-shot stories, each with a different artist. Amongst the most intriguing of those artists are Phil Jiminez (JLA/TITANS, INVISIBLES vol. 2, X-MEN: LIBERATORS), and Tim Bradstreet (covers for THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER and the Hellblazer "Haunted" arc itself). Jiminez will illustrate a story about one of the few things that disturbs Ellis himself: The sudden outbreak of gun violence amongst schoolchildren on America's playgrounds. Entitled "Shoot", the story should appear in the middle of the six-issue "non-arc"...

More news will be forthcoming as a check of the services allows. Just about all our news has been compiled from Mike Doran's rockin' Mania! Newsarama, the finest comics news-site on the Web. We bow down before you, Mike! Additional information is compiled from the other super-useful Mania news site, Daily Buzz.

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