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Your taken down another hallway, to the Healing room, and upon entering it, you notice that the ceiling is made almost entirely of stained glass panels. The panels are set up in such a way as to give a particular color to a given area of the room, and beds are lined up underneath these beautiful panes of colored glass. It is explained to you that the various colors of light, have the ability to help your body to heal. The priestess takes you over to the patient closest, and explains that the man on the bed is suffering from malnutrition, and because of this, he is placed under the red light, which will help his body absorb the nutrients in a more efficient way. She then goes on to explain to you the uses of the different colors in healing.

Red is a vitalizing, enlivening energy which stimulates the physical body and the nervous system. It's use has been recommended for:

    inertia,physical, exhaustion, the circulation of the blood, to raise blood pressure, worry, fear, colds,chills, malnutrition,anemia,emaciation, deficient menstruation

Orange is stimulating to both the physical vitality, and mental attitude,it enlivens the emotions and produces a feeling of well being. It's uses are:

    mental catatonia or infirmity, the lungs,bronchitis, asthma, emotional strains, muscle spasm and cramps, the kidneys, hemorrhoids

Yellow radiates an optimistic, joyous energy which affects the nervous system and stimulates the mind. It's use has been recommended for:

    depression and mental lethargy, stomach trouble, indigestion, constipation,the bowels, hard of hearing, the skin, the liver

Green's energy is a natural builder-upper, for it both relaxes the body by cooling the blood, and refreshes the body by stimulating the nerves. It's use has been recommended for:

    high blood pressure, ulcers, headaches, sleeplessness, nervous irritability or disorders, boils, muscle tension

Blue's energy of hope and serenity has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and mental attitude. It's use is suggested for:

    sore eyes and earaches, sore throat,laryngitis,hoarseness, inflammations,infectious diseases, excessive menstruation, skin abrasions,cuts,burns,stings,itchings

Indigo's intuitive faculty provides the energy to relieve man's consciousness of fears,frustrations,and inhibitions. It is suggested for:

    anesthesia, pain killers, the eyes,ears, nose and throat, lungs,pneumonia, fevers, skin diseases, mental excitability, obsession

Violet's energy purifies the blood, calms the nerves, and inspires the brain to mental and spiritual uplift. It can be used for:

    neuralgia,sciatica, diseases of the scalp,dandruff, kidney and bladder ailments, rheumatism, neurosis,mental disorders, insomnia

The priestess goes on to say that the use of color therapy is to be done,of course, in addition to other treatments such as:

    herbal teas, massage therapy, meditation, healthy diet, aromatherapy

She then says that while using the light therapy, it is also useful to eat foods of the same color as the color of the light being used. Doing this makes the light therapy even more effective,as well as giving the patient solar charged water of the appropriate color. Solar charged water is made by taking a glass container that has a strong,clear color, and filling it with distilled water. Then you place the container in the sun for about 6 hrs. You then add a small amount of vodka to preserve it.It can be given to the patient several times a day, about an ounce at a time.

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MANIFESTING HEALING ENERGY -------------------------------------------------------

The priestess takes you further into the Healing area, and sits down with you. Offering you some wine, she continues telling you about another method of healing they use in the Temple.

MANIFESTING HEALING ENERGY All humans possess the ability generate healing energy, to heal sick humans,as well as plants and animals. Learning how to generate this energy when you need to, is rather simple with practice. Initially,because it seems so easy,you may be tempted to discount it as a result of static electricity or friction, but the energy is REAL, not your imagination! But first you need to center. CENTERING------------------------- Whenever you perform healing work,it is essential that you take the time to center and connect yourself with the healing energies of the universe. Your personal reservoir of healing energy is limited, and if you fail to connect with the universal supply, your energy balancing work for yourself of others may leave you exhausted or accidentally taking on the symptoms of those you attempt to heal. Routine energy-balancing work, properly done,should leave you feeling slightly invigorated; during balancing you may find that your own minor ailments are also cleared. To center and connect, breathe deeply and imagine your aura penetrating into the earth and rising to the stars. Ask the help of Aset to provide you with the necessary connection to the universal energy sources. And of course, you need the permission from the sick person, before you attempt to heal them. They must make the decision.

GENERATING THE ENERGY---------------------------------- Begin by inhaling deeply,andthen rub your hands together rapidly for a cound tof five. Pause and hold your palms toward each other about two inches apart. Move your dominant hand slightly awayfrom te other hand. You will probably feel the energy field in your still hand respond as your moving hand changes position. Breathe deeply again. You will feel the sense of energy increase and subside. You may also be aware of the ebb and flow of healing force in other areas of your body, particularly in the energy centers called the chakras throughout your body. As you do this exercise,if there is anything giving you pain, such as a cut or a bruise, trying placing your hands on either side of the injury without touching the skin , and move your dominant hand back and forth around the wound. If you have made a good"connection", you will feel a pleasant tingle or mild tightness in the skin around the wound. After a short time, you will probably notice the energy begin to subside. This is normally the cue that no more energy can be absorbed, and that it's time to finish the session. When you stop, the discomfort or pain will generally have lessened or vanished. Often, the ailment will continue to improve for a short time after the energy transfer has stopped. When you finish transferring energy, clap your hands away from you or shake them vigorously. This acts as a purification and clears you of any problem-related energy you may have encountered during the energy transfer.

(The above passage on Generating healing energy was used with permission from DeTraci Regula, from her book,"The Mysteries of Isis") (The above passage is not meant to be a replacement for seeking a doctor, but an addition to it.) -------------------------------------------------------

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