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Nick Carter's Hotel Room

Full name:Nicolas Gene Carter
Nicknames: Nicky,Frack
Fave Food: Pizza
Fave Color: Green
Family: Mom (jane), Dad (Rob), Aaron (bro), Leslie, BJ, Angel (sisters)
Fave music: Journey
Martial Status: single

Frack here!Hi and welcome to my hotel room. Just relax and have a good time while your in here.
Nick and his lil bro Aaron.
Nick and Bruce Willis. See Nick's tattoo!!!
Nick in concert!
Go to the Main Office
Go next door to Frick's Hotel Room
Go next door to Bone's Hotel Room
Go down the hall to Howie's Hotel Room
Go down the hall to Kevi's Hotel Room
Take the elevator to The Hall of Photos
Take the stairs to The Video Room
Go downstairs and make a right to the BSB Media Room
Take the elevator to the BSB Fan Fiction Room