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The BSB Media Room

Hey! Welcome to the BSB Media Room. Here you will find wav files of the Backstreet Boys saying some pritty weird thangs. SO you never know what to expect!

BSB sound thangs

B96 interview with Aj Mclean Part1
B96 interview with Aj Mclean Part 2
I can't let my banana come out-Nick
Volcanic ash...volcanic ash..awww-Brian
We are the bugmen, bliii-Nick
Looks like a field goal to me Bob-Brian
Somebody get him outta here-Brian
That's my hand dumbass!-Nick
BSB dissin N Stink
I like Nick's butt-Aj

Millennium Hotel Rooms

Main Office
Take the elevator to Nick's hotel room
Take the stairs to Brian's hotel room
Take the elevator to Kevin's hotel room
Take the stairs to Howie's hotel room
Take the elevator to Aj's hotel room
Walk down the hall to the hall of photos
Go next door to the Backstreet Boys Video room
Hungry? Go down the hall and make a right to the Millennium Cafe
Go to the 3rd floor and enter the Fan Fiction room
The Larger Than Life Project Be a Part of It