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BSB Encountering
By: Nessi
Scene: BSB concert in Orlando. The Backstreet Boys are backstage getting ready to perform.
Nick: Hey B-Rok. You’re wearing the wrong outfit. That outfit is for the 4th song we do I thought.
B-Rok: No it isn’t.
Nick: Yes, it is.
Howie: B-Rok, I think Nick is actually right.
B-Rok: I still think Nick is wrong but whatever you say D.
Kev: Hey guys did you hear that music?
Howie: It’s probaly the opening act.
Aj: But didn’t they already perform?
All: Yea!
The Backstreet Boys go look on
B-Rok: Who let Nsync in here?!?!?!?
All: Not me.
Nick: Hey this is our show get off the stage.
Justin: Yo we’re takin over now. Muahahahaha!!!!
Kev: Good thing we were prepared for this.
Aj: Which weapons should we use.
Howie: Either machine guns or water guns.
They’re not water proof!!!
Nick: Think we better use both.
All get out their machine guns and water guns.
Kev: All right shows over!
Put your hands up or will shoot.
Aj: yea.
Nsync: Never!!!
Kev: Ok guys. Aj you take Chris. Nick you take
Justin. B-Rok you take Lance. Howie you take Joey. I’ll take JC.
B-Rok: Lets Get em!!!
BSB and Nsync start shooting at each other.
Aj: Oh, no! All my bullets and water are used up.
All: Mine too!
Nick: Hey I know we can do Plan B.
Howie: Not Plan B!!!!
Kev: I think it’s for the best.
Howie: ok.
B-Rok: Who has the number?
Howie: I have it. I’ll use my cell phone.
B-Rok: Okie!
Howie calls them up.
Howie: You have to come right away. Please, you are
our only hope.
Person on the other line: Sure.
The person shows up.
Nsync sees them and drops dead.
NOTE: BSB has their shades on.
BSB: Thanks, Britney Spears.
Britney: No problem.
BSB goes back to the backstage to finish getting ready.
Aj: Umm guys Britney is still here?
Nick: She is?? BLLLAAAAAA!!!!
Kev: Will someone get me a pin?
B-Rok: I will.
Gets the pin for Kev.
B-Rok: Here ya go Kev.
Kev: Thanks.
Kev goes up to Britney and pops her inflated
boobs and bod with the pin.
Kev shouts: You guys can come on stage now.
All: FINALLY!!!!
Where are they now?
Well, the Backstreet Boys are still making girls
scream and they are doing soo well.
Nsync is in the mental institute (hospital) getting
therapy for what ugly fake thang they saw. In
5 to 10 years they will be back on their feet.
And Britney Spears is in hell since she made that
contract with the devil.
If you have any BSB Stories send them to me at

Millennium Hotel Rooms

Go down the hallway to the Main Office
Take the elevator to Nick's hotel room
Take the stairs to Kevin's hotel Room
Take the elevator to Brian's hotel room
Take the stairs to Howie's hotel room
Take the elevator to Aj's hotel room
Walk down the hall and make a right to the Backstreet Boys video room
Walk down the hall to the hall of photos
Go down the hall and make a left to the Millennium Cafe
The Larger Than Life Project be a part of it.
Go to the 1st floor and make a right to the BSB Media Room