Want something to be on this page or a thought to penetrate the minds of non Law Enforcement visitors LET ME KNOW! This is YOUR PAGE to express ANYTHING you want..
To: NiteSummer
The "New York Shields" is a non-profit, fraternal Law Enforcement organization representing agencies throughout New York State. We believe the following information is of importance to all law enforcement officers, regardless of the Department that they serve.
At the recent National F.O.P. conference in Alabama, the delegation in attendance voted unanimously to begin a boycott of persons, products and companies associated with the supporting of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.
In case you don't know, this animal was convicted in the 1981 killing of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. The act was an especially brutal and sadistic murder that still haunts the family, friends and co-workers of Officer Faulkner. (The New York Shields presented Officer Faulkner's family with a Medal of Valor at their 1999 Police Memorial Breakfast).
Convict Abu-Jamal has written a book, "Live from Death Row," and attempted to place himself in a celebrity status as a result of his criminal behavior. Other have supported his pathetic attempt to gain stardom and freedom, all the while spitting in the face of Officer Faulkner, his family and every single law enforcement officer in the United States.
The F.O.P. has announced the formal boycotting of the following:
1. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Products who are donators to a defense fund for the killer. 2. Actor Paul Newman, an outspoken supporter of the killer. 3. Actress Susan Sarandon, another supporter of the killer. 4. Filmmakers Spike Lee, Oliver Stone and John Landis, supporters of the killer. 5. Writers Norman mailer and Joyce Carol Oates, supporters of the killer. 6. Supermodel Naomi Campbell, supporter of the killer. 7. Musicians Sting, David Byrne and Michael Stipe of REM, supporters of the killer.
As you also may not know, a tape recorded statement made by the killer was played at the graduation commencement ceremony of Evergreen State College in the state of Washington in June 1999. This resulted in over 800 graduates walking out and another two dozen turning their backs during the killers 13 minute diatribe of hate.
The F.O.P.'s position is getting widespread coverage in the media, as well it should. The members of the New York Shields stand with our fellow brothers across this country in strongly supporting this boycott and honoring the memory of Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner.
We urge you to participate in this boycott and request that you pass this e-mail on to your co-workers, partners, family and friends. We must stand together against this brutal murderer.
On behalf of the over five thousand law enforcement officers we represent in New York State, we thank you for taking the time to read this important message.
The Executive Board New York Shields
This was taken from a "Community Policing" question and answer via an e-mail forum in California.
The question was: "I would like to know how it is possible for a police officer to harass people and get away with it? And where can you go for help, other than a civil attorney?"
And the answer was: "It is not easy.
In California we average one cop for every 2000 people. About 60% of those cops are on patrol, where we do most of the harassing. One-fifth of that 60% are on duty at any moment and available for harassing people. So, one on duty cop is responsible to harass about 10,000 residents. When you toss in the commercial, business, and tourist locations that attract people from other areas, sometimes you have a situation where a single cop is responsible to try to harass 20,000+ people a day. A ten hour shift runs 36,000 seconds. This gives a cop only one second to harass a person, and three-fourths of a second to eat a donut AND find a new person to harass. This is not an easy task. Most cops are not up to it day in and day out. It is just too tiring. Since you now understand why we cannot harass everyone let me explain briefly what we do to utilize some special "tools" to help us narrow down who we harass, so we can focus our limited "harassing resources" to those most worthy individuals. They are as follows: The Phone: People will call us up and point out things that cause us to focus on another person for special (concentrated) harassment. "My ex-husband just beat me and my boyfriend up and he is barricaded in the bedroom with our baby and a gun, or "My neighbor is beating up his wife and she is screaming for help" are a couple code phrases that are frequently employed. Then we come out and give special harassment to the wife beater. Another popular one on weekends is "My neighbors are out of town and their kids are having a loud party." Cars: We have special cops assigned to harass people who drive; They usually ride motorcycles so they can get around fast or cut through traffic to harass as many people as possible in their given shift. They like to harass the drivers of fast cars, cars blasting music, cars with expired registration tabs, and the like. It is lots of fun when we pick them out of traffic for nothing more obvious then running a red light, going around railroad crossing arms, or driving 20+ MPH over the posted limit in a school zone. Sometimes we get to really heap the harassment on when we find they have drugs in their car, are driving drunk, are unlicensed or have an arrest warrant! Runners: Some people take off running at the mere sight of a uniformed police officer. Nothing is quite as satisfying as running after them like a trained beagle on the scent of a bunny. When we catch them, gosh darn it if there isn't always some good reason to harass them for hours! Codes: When we can think of nothing else to do, there are books that give us ideas for reasons to harass folks. They are called Codes, Penal, Vehicle, Health and Safety, Business and Professions... They each spell out all sorts of silly things for which we can really mess with people. After we study these code books, we can just drive around for a while until we find someone violating one of the listed offenses and heap on the harassment! Just last week I saw a guy smash several car windows right in front of me. Well, believe it or not, one of the code books says that is not allowed. That meant I automatically got to harass this guy...of course he didn't like it, because just when I got done harassing him, the jail deputies harassed him and that will likely continue until the judge harasses him, then he will probably be harassed by a probation officer for the next couple of years. It is a pretty cool system that we have set up, and it works very well most of the time. We seem to have a never ending supply of folks to harass, and we "get away with it" because the good citizens pay the tab for us to keep the streets safe for them...and your civil attorney. Next time you are in my town, give me a "single finger wave". That is a secret signal that you wish for me to take a closer look at you, and maybe find a reason to harass you.
Looking forward to meeting you, Officer Friendly Community Policing Division .
This "Bike Seat Dagger" was discovered by Ofcr. Alan Turecheck of the New Haven (CT) PD after a suspected gangbanger abandoned his bicycle and fled during a street stop. The "dagger" consists of a 10-inch piece of solid steel, machined down to a spear-like point and then welded to the end of the bicycle seat post. It is easily concealed when the seat post is clamped in place in the bike's vertical seat-post tube. Remember when dealing with cycling subjects, separate them from their vehicle to reduce the risk of them quickly accessing a hidden weapon. Thanks to: Ofcr. Pete Beckwith for showing this weapon at the Street Survival Seminar.
I am a Police Officer's wife and we also make sacrifices. If there is something going on in a police officer's life, We, the Wife are left alone as our husband's have to go when needed.Where I live, they have to go in whenever they are called so they are always on standby. I have been told often how lucky I am because my husband is a Police Officer. Well they are very wrong.As I said, they have to go where and when they are needed.Giving his life, of course, would be the biggest tragedy and loss but the most honorable thing a cop could do. Shooting a human being because there is no other option is painful and traumatic and the Police Officer has to live with it the rest of his life. A Police Officer sees women raped and assaulted,kids neglected, beaten or dead,the elderly cheated or forgotten, good people suffering and bad people getting off cleanly. There is a lot of stress for the Police Officer and his wife wondering if or how he will be coming home. Take care till next we meet.===========================================
I have been where you fear to be,I have seen what you fear to see,I have done what you fear to do -All these things I have done for you.I am the person you lean upon,The one you cast your scorn upon,The one you bring your troubles to -All these people I've been for you.The one you ask to stand apart,The one you feel should have no heart,The one you call "The Officer in Blue,"But I'm just a person, just like you.And through the years I've come to see,That I am not always what you ask of me;So, take this badge ... take this gun ...Will you take it ... will anyone? And when you watch a person die And hear a battered baby cry,Then do you think that you can be All these things you ask of me?(Author unknown) ========================================== This is an email I've archived sent to me by someone.. and upon reading it, I saved it... I've read it many times in the past two years, and each time I read it, it seems to say something else to me. It's written from the perspective of the police officer's wife, although I am positive a police officer's husband would feel the same.The Lady
I watch him as he rises before his alarm,Another day to get ready and prepare for potential harm.He gets out of the shower, fresh for the day,He starts his routine, I just stay out of the way.I watch as he pulls out his uniform of blue,He pins on his badge, it looks shiny, but not new.His name tag, he places perfectly straight in a line.I watch him with pride, I'm so glad that he's mine.On goes his belt, with necessary tools, every one,Handcuffs, baton, extra ammo clip and gun.He kisses me gently, caresses my face ever so sweet,I watch him walk out the door and right out on the streets.I pray each day, as he walks out the door'Please God, bring him back home to me once more!'I watch as he comes home, after an extra long day,Weary and tired, with not much to say Stabbings, shootings, women tormented by abuse, There's always a bad guy out there on the loose. He's out there to protect and serve in his town, Ever ready to be there when a call comes down.He is ready to give his life, for another,Leaving behind his kids, wife, father and mother.I watch as with pride, I'm reminded once more,Make every moment special, before he walks out the door.This email is a special one to me today... written in support of the MANY GOOD cops of the LAPD. I've pretty much had to sit idly by, in the past days, watching the intergrity and the honor of one of the best police departments, be torn down and drudge through the mud of shame and media publicity. One, two or even three bad cops do not make a"bad department". So, let's talk some "real" facts here instead of "media hype" and "don't blame it on me" hysteria being spouted on national TV. Los Angeles is a city of almost 3,700,000 citizens (41% White, 38% Chicano/Latino, 10% Black, 10% Asian, 1% Native American and people from other backgrounds). To maintain justice, order and law, there are a total of 10,300 individuals to do this... 3,000 of them being civilians. In other words, 7,300 police officers out there on the streets, protecting you, your home, your business and most importantly, your children. Or in other words, 1 officer for every 507 citizens.More REAL facts: In 1998, the LAPD received 1,919,468 "911" calls~~ and ~~ 1,414,745 7 digit calls.. for a total of 3,334,213 calls~~ or ~~ 457 calls PER OFFICER.We also have one of the lowest crime rates of the larger metropolitan cities in the US, BTW. Of this 3+ million population, there are a total of 407 gangs in L.A., with a membership of 60,596 as of August, 1999. In August ALONE, the following crimes were committed by the gangs: Homicide (11), Attempted Homicide (41), Felony Assault (214), Attacks on police officers (23), Robbery (218), Shots inhabited Dwellings (12), Kidnappings (12), Rape (7), Arson (1), Witness Intimidation (32) and Carjacking (20) for a grand total of 591 crimes in August of 1999. If you use that as an average, 591 X 12 months is 7,092... how many officers do we have, 7,300? Let's look at the REAL facts as for crimes city-wide: and when I speak of arrests, I'm speaking of homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burgulary, largency, vehicle theft and arson - crimes tracked by the FBI. The Central section of L.A. has 288 arrest for every 1,000 citizens and the lowest scale is West L.A. for 21 arrests for every 1,000 citizens. I didn't pull these figures off the ceiling... they're on the web for all to see (links supplied further down), as well as written documents, periodicals, newspapers and magazines. Oh, and before I forget, let's list one other REAL fact here: Officers Killed in the 1997 - 688How? Responding to disturbance calls (310), Burgularies in progress (16), Robberies in progress (19), Attempting other arrests (15), Civil Disorder (4), Handling/Transporting Prisoners (15), Investigating suspicious persons and/or circumstances (153), Ambushed without warning (1), Mentally deranged (14), Traffic pursuits/stops (88), and all other (54). Now, there is a bit of "bright news" if you can call it that. The number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty during the first half of 1999 dropped to it's lowest in more than 30 years, per figures released this month by two national police organizations. ONLY 68 officers were killed during the first 6 months ~ automobile accidents (26) shot to death (25), job-related illnesses (8), motorcycle accidents (4), aircraft accidents (2), two were struck by autos while outside of their own vehicle and one was hit by a train. This is the lowest number since 1966. These figures were released one week after the Justice Department reported that the number of violent crimes had plummeted to its lowest level since the figure startedbeing tracked in 1973. OK.. OK, Lady.. I get the picture... but that's Los Angeles and I live in my community very far away... How does this affect me? EVERY time you refuse to support your police officers where ever YOU live or THEY live, the entire police officers community is affected. Any time you allow your children to develop a prejudicial hatred towards the men and women that defend our communities, you are doing them an injustice. Non-support has long reaching implications much further down the road. For 'today' this might be OK, but what about tomorrow, when it's your neighbor or your child's home that is burgularized or raped and the law enforcement community is weakend by a lack of community support? I can't TELL you how many police officers are responsible for removing abused children from awful environments that "neighbors" stood by, knowing 'something was wrong' and did nothing to protect that child. "Well, you see... I didn't want to get involved".. or "it's their job, not mine".... Support of your local law enforcement IS YOUR JOB... plain and simple. And one more thing before I finish this article... You say the LAPD has no impact on your community? http://www.basinlink.com/mpd/ DAREHIST.HTM http://www.basinlink.com/mpd/DAREHIST.HTM DARE is the acronym for Drug Abuse Resistance Education.... Los Angeles Unified School District educators created it... LAPD officers brought it to life -- for a purpose. The officers worked to help students to develop the skills necessary to resist unwanted peer pressure. Consequently, more than 70% of America's school districts have adopted the program. That puts more than 8000 partnerships in place between officers and educators throughout the USA - Do YOU have a DARE program in your community???? Am I proud my husband has 26 years as an LAPD officer? YOU BETCHA~!! I hold my head proud for what he has done in the past and what he will do in the future to make this community (and maybe our world)a better place to live. As for this latest "sensational media hype",I have but one thing to say.... If you soar like an eagle, you're going to attract a lot of hunters. As Always (and sincerely from the heart),The Ladyhttp://www.ladyisreal.com LawEnforcement http://www.promotionalguide.com/bread/law.htm On Aug. 9, 1997 for the first time in South Central Los Angeles Meher D. Amalsad, former Gang members, local Community, & LAPD Officers joined together to declare an end to oppressiveness by "Holding Hands" and welcoming goodness in their lives. CJSC DATATABLE LINKS (CA Dept Justice)http://www.caag.state.ca.us/cjsc/datatabs.htm#EXPP The 'statistical' information quoted in this article. CJSC What'sNew? (CA DOJ)http://www.caag.state.ca.us/cjsc/whatsnew.htm ...take a gander in here and see what the officers are really doing for their communities.... Support Your LocalPolice http://www.jbs.org/sylp/index.htm The sheriffs and local police forces throughout the country, of course have a pretty good idea of what is going on. They have learned it the hard way. Let's hope that we can help the public at large to acquire the same understanding in time to give these local law enforcement officers the support they so desperately need. Take a moment today.. to call your police department... and thank them for doing their job!I guarantee you'll surprise them, but you'll make their day!================================================== Subscribe : Welcome to the REAL Family... , then click on REAL Family Press http://www.ladyisreal.com Forwards of this newsletter are encouraged, but PLEASE keep the header and footer in place. Please Unsubscribe Me! <~~ Note: This will unsubscribe youfrom The REAL Family Press (this message complies with the United States Federal requirements ofthe PROPOSED commercial email bill: Section 301, para (a)(2)(C) of S. 1018. Sender Info: 2828 Cochran St., #175, Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805)581-5715
From: JDOG704
To: NiteSummer
Okay, here it goes but I don't want to hear any smartass remarks from you......
I was working the night shift one night and we recieved a burglar alarm at one of the movie rental places here in town. Myself and another officer got there at the same time and found that the door was unlocked but did not look like there had been any forced entry. So myself and the other officer went in to clear the building. Keep in mind that this was about the same time that the new Terminator 2 movie was still a new release. So, we went in with guns in our hands just to be on the safe side. He had his flashlight but like an idiot I left mine in the car. We rounded one of the corners and out of the corner of my eye I saw a very large black outline of a man holding what looked to be a shotgun with the barrel pointing up toward the ceiling. I spun around and yelled at the subject to drop his weapon and he didn't move a inch. At that time my partner realized what was going on and out of the confusion he dropped his flashlight. So here we were both of us taking aim at this huge guy with a shotgun in his hands. Again, we ordered the subject to drop his gun and he still refused. He just stood there not moving at all. I then took a shot at the subject aiming for his shoulder. After the shot the subject still just stood there like nothing had happened. This really scared me, I couldn't figure out what was going on. My partner then took a couple of steps to the side of him and picked up his flashlight and lit up the subject. So there he was, a real life size cardboard cutout of Arnold Swartzanegger from the movie T2, with a bullet hole in his left shoulder. I have never laughed so hard in my life.
From: Patrolman, Joe Medrano
To: NiteSummer
A case of False Identification
One night on patrol I stopped a vehicle for a license plate light violation, While speaking to the driver I was able to get his name but he had no form of identification. He told me that he had a Tx Driver's license but that he lost it. While checking him by name and date of birth the dispatcher told me that there was no such person by that name licensed in the State of Tx. The subject had no insurance, the vehicle was not registered, and had no inspection sticker. I instantered him on traffic and transported him to the jail. I had a gut feeling that he was lying about his name, but his story telling ability was very convincing. I left him at the jail and continued my shift. The next day a booking officer contacted me and stated that the subject had false id'd himself to me. I asked him how he figured that out and he told me that when the subject signed for his belongings the following morning he signed using a differen't name than what he was booked in as. The subject was wanted on a parole violation. Stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
To: NiteSummer
One night, while I was working the highway, this man drove up to me and, as usual, started a conversation. These conversations never lasted long and were usually about nothing. Finally he got to the all important question, you know the question that I had been waiting for, "How much for a knob". Well, keep in mind that I was wired to the teeth and on video and at least 15 of my partners were listening to the wire...safety reasons of course. Being the un-street smart person that I was, I know I must have a puzzled look on my face while I was trying to figure this out, I said "$20", He accepted the deal, I told him to meet me on the road approximately a block behind me, he drove off, I said, "I don't know what the HELL a knob is but I just charged him $20". I wasn't sure if a solicitation had been made or not...I still wasn't sure as he drove off because it took so long for the guys to arrest the bad guy...I was later told that they were laughing too hard from my comment and had to wait until they stopped rolling in the floorboards before they could affect the arrest...
To: NiteSummer
Here are a couple true ones that yours truly was involved in:
I had a patrol squad that covered an area that was frequented by prostitutes and budget/manpower had eliminated the district vice unit. Being an ex vice cop, the district commander asked me to work on abating the problem. Well, I had the squad run the prostitutes and chase the "johns", and made a pretty good dent in the problem. One night I'm in a marked police car in full uniform and I pulled up to one prostitute and asked if she was "working" and she laughed and said "No, I'm leaving, why?" I replied "Cops need loving too" to which the prostitute went ahead and solicited me for a sexual act, and even gave me a "police discount" on the price. Needless to say a minute later she was on her way to lock up, and I spent the rest of the night laughing at stupidity and greed.
I was working a patrol post some years ago on a drizzly day and saw a middle aged male stumbling as he crossed the street, as I turned the corner he yelled "Hey" to me and i pulled my car over. i asked him if there was anything wrong to which he replied "My matches are wet, I need a light for my bowl" and produced a corn cob pipe containing marijuana for me to light up for him. A month after his arrest, the court date came up, the man having been found guilty of possession, the judge sentenced him and added "it's a shame they didn't pass the stupidity law yet."
I was working a midnight shift and making the rounds through the dark parking lots that many young lovers used and came upon a car parked, engine running, windows fogged up, and lights out. Figuring I had two teenagers making out I walked up to the car to run them off, and was surprised to find a 47 year old man wearing a tux (partially) engaged in a sexual act with a 45 year old woman wearing an evening gown, later identified as his wife. The startled couple composed themselves and explained that they were returning home from their 25th wedding anniversary party, feeling a little horny, and just couldn't wait. As the man put it "We wanted it to be just like old times, and it was, we got caught by the cops once when we were still dating." I thought it was kind of sweet, bid them farewell, and headed down the road for a cup of coffee.
It was a cool,cloudy Novenber day , as I patrolled the south end of the city. I never cared to work the south end, because it wasn’t a busy area and made for a long day . I remeber that I was driving east on Brayton Ave. when I heard the nasel voice of the dispatcher calling my sector car. I was togo to Steven St., to the rear of the Swan Fisihing textile mill for a reported automobile fire. Now, at the time I really wasn’t too concerned with the call, because I’ve responded to many auto fires and they were all routine. As I approached the area I could see the black smoke, rolling into the damp air, as an evil genie exits it’s lamp. As I finally arrived I saw the cause of the flame. It was a old Dodge van, that looked like it had reached the last of it’s many miles. I then fingered through my report case when Butch, the peramedic, knocked on the cruiser window. I recall giving him a strange look, because paramedics never responded to a auto fire unless there was a victim. Before I could finish opening the window Butch blared out “ There is a man in the van." . Once again I looked at the firey auto, as red and orange flames shot from it’s every orafice. Initially, I was overwelhmed with the idea that a human being was literally being barbaqued as the firemen fought the blaze. Knowing that I had to get involved and fearing of looking like I didn’t know what to do, I turned off any emotion that I may have been felling, much like the robot on lost in space .Shortly after the arrson investigaton unit arrived, the fire was extingushed. The stench of burned rubber filled the air as the firefighters opened the rear doors of the van. As I looked into the chared toom I saw what was left of the victim. He didn’t look like a real man, but more like something you might see in a wax museum. The tips of every finger and most of his skin had burned off completly, leaving only the structer of his musels exposed. He was positioned on his stomach with one hand reaching toward the rear doors. I realized he was trying to get out before he was overcome by the fire. I stood there watching him through the rising steam and the falling water droplets and wondwer why I didn’t feel sad that he was only a few inches away from freedom, and life. Later after the medical examiner had left with the remains, amd the firemen rolled up there hoses, I was clear for another call. The rumbling feeIing in my stomach was telling me it was time for lunch. As I sat eating, my tasteless sandwich, the robot was turned off. Then, I thought sadly, "He was only inches away from life ".
From: COCObxny
To: NiteSummer
I'll give you a brief but funny one:
It was a slow night which was a rarity for the bronx so my partner and i were granted a 60 minute meal at the precint. As we entered we were stopped at the door by a rookie, (we work plainclothes) who stated , "hold it dirtbags where are you going?" To which my parner replied, "Ive gotta call your mom so she can drop off the shirt i left in her hamper." I quickly intervened to show my shield and explain that we were on the robbery team and that he should be a little more cautious of how he talked to people with only 4 days in the precint. He explained that the desk sgt told him he was station house security which meant he had the authority to challenge any person entering the building, and no cop was gonna make him look stupid, (famous last words). We decided that this kid needed to be humbled. I went to the payphone directly across from the desk and gave the Sgt, a 30 year vet, a wink and called the kids desk. He answered and i said, "THIS IS CHIEF MARINARA FROM THE AVIATION UNIT, WHY ARENT THE ROOF LIGHTS ON, WEVE BEEN ATTEMPTING TO LAND FOR 5 MINUTES ALREADY"? The kids face went pale and he turned to the sgt and explained his dilemma, the sgt screamed to turn on the lights at the roof landing immediately for the chief to land his helicopter. The kid goes running up the 4 flights in record time to my partner who is conveniently on the landing near the switch for the light in the supply closet which is now marked HELICOPTER LANDING LIGHTS OUT OF ORDER-AWAITING BULBS. The sgt is screaming to get those lights on and the kid is sweatin bullets so i suggest he grab a couple of flares to guide the chopper in, and i hand over 2. He climbs the ladder and ignites the flares, but not before we hand over a riot helmet with a turret light used for just such an occasion. We are screaming at him to run in counter clockwise circles waving the flares and looking for the chopper, blowing his whistle( many choppers in the sky, this is NYC after all), and almost the entire precint is now outside watching this kid and laughing hysterically. So we shut the roof hatch and let him spend a few minutes pondering his existance and when he came down we we looking at a humbled man. Im happy to say that 2 years later he is working with me and is a great cop, still a rookie but a great cop.
Hope this is cool, let me know if you need more, plus i enjoyed the little horse race, my kind of humor!!!
From: Qtrhrsrder
To: NiteSummer
A officer at our dept was dispatched in ref. to a 3 yr old wondering thru a trailer park unsupervised. When the officer arrived, he found the child, he put the child in the cruiser and drove around the park trying to get a reaction low and behold the child started pointed at a particular trailer. They got out and the child ranto the door and went inside. When the officer got to the door he could see the childplaying with the toys in the floor. The officer anounced himself with no response, he was geetiong madder and madder (at the thought of parents leaving the child alone) so he went down the hallway of the trailer yelling POLICE when he arrived at the bedroom, he found 1 female and 2 males passed out. The officer started pounding on the wall yelling and screaming for them to get up that he was going to throw them all in jail and proceeded to trash them as parents and as human beings in general. Well they were rather dazed at being woke up in that manner they didnt saw a word as they stumbled down the hall toward the living room. When they arrived they just listened to the continued barage of threats coming from the officer. When the officer paused to catch his breath so he could continue one of them said thats not our kid without missing a beat the officer said well its a damn good thing he isnt scooped up the child and went out the door. The mother was found outside at a nearby trailer
From: QuotaCOP
To: NiteSummer
This is from the files of the Glenpool Police Department:
One night while on patrol Sgt. Carson Noteware of the Glenpool Police Department spotted a driver who appeared to be driving drunk. Sgt. Noteware turned on his emergency equipment, the driver accelerated and the chase was on. Sgt. Noteware chased the driver north on Highway 75 and up onto the Creek Turnpike. The pursuit reached high speeds for several miles until they approached the toll plaza. It costs $ .55 to use the Creek Turnpike. The driver stopped to pay his $ .55 toll and was apprehended trying to count out $ .55 in coins.
QuotaCOP From KWIN
From: GPD Racer
To: NiteSummer
Hi darlin', I'm gonna briefly relate the following story, use it any way you need to... hope it helps.
In about 1992 I worked undercover with DEA, working narcotics. I had set up a deal to buy marijuana from some "bad boys" from TX up here in Colorado. They brought up a large quantity for me to purchase, and we arranged to meet in a motel room to do the deal.
I decided to do a "buy/bust" on these guys because they were from out of state. And because they thought they were "bad" I notified the local agency to do the bust. The locals decided that they'd use the SWAT team to take off the bad guys, and set up a plan to enter and then take into custody everybody there, including me.
I went into the motel room, and found that they had indeed brought the marijuana. I checked the marijuana, and at that time noticed that they were all armed, and that there were two bullet proof vests on the floor, by the door. I made mention of these, because I was "wired" so that the SWAT would know. After making the deal, I gave the "bust signal" and knew that SWAT would be hitting it shortly. I excused myself, and told the bad guys that I had to use the toilet. I went into the bathroom, closed the door, bent over, and covered my ears. Sure enough, I heard the front door crash open, and in came the "flash/bang" grenades. One grenade landed right outside the bathroom door, exploded, and blew the door open, and into my backside. The force of the explosion pushed me into the toilet, broke the tank, and covered me with water. When the SWAT officer came in, he just stood and laughed at me. I was covered with water, and extremely irate...LOL. Anyway, I never did get taken off with the bad guys... and everyone had a great laugh... at my expense...LOL
Hope that helps NiteSummer...take care.
I was working patrol one day when i get asked to call dispatch for a detail. that usually means some really screwed up call that they are too embarrassed to put out over the radio has just come up and they want to dump it on the guy who gives them the most trouble. (me) so i reluctantly call them. the dispatcher was very kind however and explains that they have a gentleman calling from a nearby park who wants to report some suspicious circumstances but cannot call from his home as the phone lines have been tapped. dispatch has already labeled this guy a 220 (kook, nut, mental whatever you like to call it) and passes on that information to me. so...i show up at this guy's house with my mind already made up (hey, you get a call like this and try to avoid jumping to conclusions!) so i knock on the door and i don't get an answer. i have visions of this little scared man hiding in a closet convinced that i am from the CIA coming to kill him for discovering the illicit phone tap. i knock two more times until the door is finally opened by a rather normal looking middle aged man. (knowing that nuts come in all shapes and sizes i was not about to start thinking he was normal however) i introduced myself and asked him how he was. he glanced towards the neghbors house like he was nervous about my car being parked in front of his home then said "I am okay but i can't use my phone. i think they might be listening" trying not to smile i prepared myself for the coming black helicopter story and pressed him for details. "i was out mowing my lawn yesterday when i noticed a trench had been dug through my side yard. i followed the trench and saw that a wire ran from my phone box on the side of my house, into the ground and comes out by the nextdoor neighbors house. the wire runs into a one of their bedroom windows." hmm.....not the usual clicking phone line with foil on his head but still out there. I asked "will i be able to see this trench?" he replied "i don't know, the grass grows pretty fast" Any doubt was now removed, Mr. Invisible Trench was definately looking for his marbles. "do you neighbors work for the government?" i asked "I don't know where they work" he said now this was odd...usually the government, or some weirdo cult, is the focus of the delusions but, not to be swayed, i continued to treat him as the nut i was convinced he was. i asked him to show me the side yard and he agreed. he took me around the house and i asked "now where is this trench?" he said "well it's really hard to see" because it's not really there you kook, i thought to myself. He then began yanking bushes aside next to his home and i thought "here we go, he's losing it!" "it's right here!" he yelled "see? see?" it was time to control the situation. "now sir, please just calm down. Maybe what you need is help...." HOLY SHIT THERE IS A WIRE STICKING OUT OF HIS PHONE BOX AND RUNNING INTO THE GROUND! i looked behind me and saw a faint dirt line running across his lawn to the neighbors house. i quickly composed myself and finished my sentence "ummm..... disconnecting that wire" okay.....so he wasn't nuts but come on! the evidence was very compelling! and you try and change a cop's mind when he has already pre-judged someone! it's not easy! i contacted his neighbor who claimed to have no knowlege of the phone line running into his bedroom. when i told him what bedroom it the line ran into he became extremely agitiated and turned red. "that little shit!" he said. "he's in there...you deal with him!" he went into his bedroom and closed the door. well.... i had no idea who "him" was but, having already shoved my foot into my mouth once today i was ready for more. stifling a chuckle i walked down the hall and opened the bedroom door. what i saw in the room was more of a nest than a bed. no sheets just a big pile of blankets on two matresses. a large (very) juvenile male who looked about 13 was lying in the bed. it was about 1 o'clock on a school day so i was not really sure why he was there and never did find out for sure but some mysteries are better left unsolved. "hey...can you get up? i need to talk to you" "go away!" he yelled as he rolled over "police department! wake up!" i shook him lightly thinking he might still be asleep and not know who i was" "leave me the fuck alone!" okay now it was clear that there was a communication problem here that may or may not have stemmed from his being recently asleep. the solution was of course to make sure he was fully awake so he could fully understand our upcoming conversation. I grabbed his wrist and bent it into a gooseneck then pulled him from the bed/nest. "excuse me? may i have a moment of your time?" i asked nicely as he squirmed at my feet. over the next 30 minutes we came to an understanding about the use of others phone lines. he knew that dialing phone sex on his neighbors line was wrong and was sorry for it in the end. (luckily dad came out of the bedroom and used appropriate physical discipline on his child to educate him so i didn't have to. this came after learning that ultimately he would be responsible for the bills) in the end i learned a valuable lesson about making up your mind before sizing up the scene in person. i still do it, all cops do to some extent. (but most of the time we are right!) sometimes the kooks aren't really crazy and the wire taps are real.
One night an officer was dispatched to Arlington St.at app. 3-5 min later he radioed saying he needed location again he was having problems he couldnt find the street on the map,he was looking under R for the street Scary huh {writer unknown}
One evening while working the midnight shift on cruiser patrol I had occasion to be driving in one of the more economically depressed areas of town. On this particular evening it was very uneventful. As I operated my cruiser I passed a street, Graves Ave. to be exact, I observed a vehicle with it's headlights on in the middle of the roadway. I continued on and passed Graves and then turned into a parking lot a very short distance away. As I stated it was a very slow night and Graves Ave. has a mixture of low income as well as students so trolling can be prosperous. It was my intention to see if there were any equipment violations etc. on this vehicle.
A short time later this vehicle slowly poked it nose out of Graves, saw me parked, at which time the vehicle acclerated at a very rapid rate in reverse back down Graves Ave. Thinking this was peculiar, I immediately put my cruiser into drive and drove quickly over to Graves Ave. As soon as I turned onto Graves I noticed the vehicle was parked at approximately the original location. Also as soon as I turned onto Graves the operator bailed out of the vehicle and ran into an apartment directly next to where the vehicle was parked.
I approached the vehicle, thinking I minimally had a stolen vehicle, and began perusing it when I looked into the second floor window of this apartment to see an individual pull the shade as soon as I looked up. The first floor tenant then came running out to advise me that the person that I was looking for had just run out the back door.
As backup units began to arrive an individual came running up from behind the building. This subject was sweating profusely and breathing heavily as if he had just run a couple of miles. This subject just wanted to relieve himself of the guilt that he was feeling and the impending thought that he was about to be found out regarding a crime for which he was involved.
His guilt.....The crime for which he had terrible paranoia over.....He was babysitting his friends Marijuana plant. This subject then took me to the bush, three streets over, where he had concealed this Marijuana plant after fleeing out the back door. Sometimes we underestimate the influence we have over some people....{writer unknown}
Although I currently worked as a detective in a large City my first police job was with one of the smallest departments in the state. As I was putting myself through college in 1981 I found a good part time job working night turn at a small emergency center in my home town. After college I continued to work there a couple nights a week and developed some strong friendships with the local officers. The center covered 4 departments and I became good friends with the Chief of the smallest Department. In 1989 I decided to go to the Police Academy and begin my law enforcement career. The Chief told me when I graduated he would have a job waiting for me and he was true to his word. I remember how excited I was that first day as I put on the uniform and headed to work. I was going to work the 8pm to 4am shift and the Chief said he would work the shift with me as my Field Training Officer. Less than an hour into my first shift as we were on patrol radio told us to go to the town hall at the request of the mayor. As we entered the town hall several council members were waiting and asked us to go into separate offices. The president of Council then proceeded to tell me that they had just voted to fire the Chief! I was told to go into the chief’s office and make sure he clears out his desk, take his firearm and escort him from the building! I was stunned and not sure what to do. I entered the office and the Chief was busy cleaning his desk. Apparently there had been a long feud brewing between him and several council members and he explained the situation as he filled boxes. This man had just got me my first job and I felt my loyalty was to him not the town and told him I was willing to resign and walk out with him. Don was, and still is, a very kind hearted guy, and said no way you stay here get your start and who knows they may make you the chief some day. Well I led him out of the building telling him several times I’d go too if he wanted but we shook hands and he drove away.
Well I never did become the chief but it did enable me to start a career that I dearly love and to this day Don and I keep in touch as he is the Chief of another small town in this area. To this day we laugh about that night and I let him no how grateful I am for his help.
I was working routine patrol when I got a call for an accident near the station. I arrived to find a minor accident between a semi and a small car. Both vehicles were driveable and I proceeded to gather information form the two drivers. The woman driving the car, in her mid 30’s was very nervous and upset. I did my best to calm her and we got the situation completed and I sent them on their way. I then went back to the station and began to write my report. The desk Sgt. Told me there was someone aat the front desk that wanted to see me. I went out to find the woman from the accident who was still visibly nervous. I asked her what I could do and she explained that she was going to be late for work and the boss told her she couldn’t be late anymore or he would fire her. She then handed me a piece of paper with tears in here eyes and asked me to sign it. The paper said
Please excuse Mary for being late today because she was in an accident. It was not her fault and I kept her at the scene until I could complete all the paper work If you have any questions please call. “
I gladly signed the paper for her and sent her on her way. I never heard back from her or her boss and she promised to call if she got fired so I guess things worked out.
From: Satendolls
To: NiteSummer
I was directing traffic at a motor vehicle accident, when a Doberman came out of no where and bite me in the ass. Just about ripped my paints off. There were people everywhere and boy were they laughing. I was pissed and bleeding. So my SGT. took me to the ER where the hole Hospital thought it was funny. As I lay face down on the bed, A nurse cleaned the wound. As I lay there every nurse came to get a look and to get a laugh. After It was all over I went back to Headquarters and in the back room was a picture of the Copper tone suntan location baby, the one were the dog is pulling down his short and someone had put my face on the baby.
It means you are at the public's call, Shows honesty, integrity and fairness to all. Nite or day, any hour - it makes you a mark, Yet can not protect you from a shot in the dark. It is what separates you from a crowd, Symbolizes a second family of which you are proud. So now comes your time - you can't be denied, When you pin on your badge, wear it with PRIDE.... For the minute you wear it upon your chest - It becomes a symbol that you are one of the BEST.
Your family, friends, co-workers, community, the on-line buddies that you have made, and all that you touch value who you are and what you do for us. It truly takes a special person to serve as an officer, firefighter,EMT, and dispatcher. We need you all and are very glad that you chose to do what you do. Without you...where would we be?
Sincerely, Jen ( MarshlsLuv
To: NiteSummer
"Loving a Police Officer"
Watching my love put on his uniform, I catch the glint off the badge which adorns. Checking his gun, adjusting his belt, Anquish begins to build like the other nights I've felt.
I know his job is to protect and to serve, And my mind knows good men are what the force deserves. But selfishness enters with matters of the heart and so why him? To put his life on the line for so many unappreciative women and men.
But that one difference is all he wants to make, From easing some abuse to giving a lucky motorist a break. So when his hand reaches for the door to begin his night, Only God knows what will be his plight. I can only hope he knows of all my love, And in another breath say a prayer to God above. Keep him safe as well as his other fellow brothers, May they all return to their wives, husbands, and mothers.
But in the night I know a siren will wail, For the call of duty will always prevail. Injustice seems to need no rest or sleep, But instead constantly lurks in the shadows deep. Nothing matches the feeling at the end of his work day, When he reaches out to touch me in the bed where I lay. Peace reaches my soul and I thank God again For bringing my love safely back to me, our family, and friends.
Author: Shelby
Compliments of:
"A Tribute to Law Enforcement"
To: NiteSummer
I may only be 19 but this beer makes me feel cool. Just one more drink, just one more than i'll head home. I really don't want to wimp out on my friends so i'll just have one more. Oh man! Look at the time! My mom is going to whip my hide when I get home. Where's my keys! Oh there they are, if I can just get them into the lock. Where is that key-hole! I shouldn't have had so much to drink. I live only a few moments away from my house. Please god don't let there be a police officer pull me over. I can't afford getting my licence taken away. Almost there, just a few blocks away from those railroad tracks. I feel so dizzy, I can't see a thing. My mom is going to be so mad! Oh no! Whats this! My truck stalled out on the tracks! Come on you piece of junk, start up! Whats that sound? My head is spinning so bad. I think i'm going to pass out. Sounds like, oh my god its a train! I got to get this truck started, I can't function..can't think! I can feel the truck shaking, the train must be near. Whats this? Why is there white light all around me? Why am I standing out on the road? Why are there so many police cars and rescue trucks here? I must get a better view. Thats funny, the cops are telling me to stay behind the yellow line. It's almost like they can't see me. Oh man look at that! The train has derailed off the tracks and there seems to be a bunch of police and rescue people surrounding a particular spot. Oh man! There is a body wedged between the wheels of that train. Gross! His whole body is twisted around like a knot, but he seems to be having a conversation to that nice officer. The boy is wondering why he can't feel a thing and the officer told him that he is fine and they will have him out in no time at all. They know he isn't going to survive, why tell him that? Now that cop is running his fingers through that kids hair singing him a song, a nice peaceful song. That boy looks familiar. I need to get a closer look. I hope he isn't our neighbor. That cop is now in tears and just placed his jacket over that poor kids head. I just heard him that he identified the kid and is now off to inform the kids parents. Everyone is now leaving the body. Now is my chance to get a peek! Oh my god! No! It can't be! How can it! That boy looks just like me! Im alive! Lord please let me be alive! This was a real incident that has taken place a couple of years ago. I was that police officer that comforted that young man. I hope all the readers will take this time to teach their kids or even teach themselves about the dangers of driving while intoxicated. Bryan
To: NiteSummer
To: NiteSummer
This happened yesterday at the Sam's Club onAirline & Greenwell Springs Road, Houston, Texas!!!!!!!Hi guys! Please take the time and forward this to any friend who has children! Thanks! Wanted to share something that happened today while shopping at Sam's club. A mother was leaning over looking for meat and turned around tofind her 4yr. old daughter was missing, I was standing there right besideher, well she was calling her daughter and no luck. I asked a man who worked at Sam's to announce it over the loud speaker for Katie.Well, he did, and let me say he walked past me when I asked and went toa pole where there was a phone right there to make his announcement forall doors, and gates to be locked a code something.. so they locked all thedoors at once. This took all of 3 min after I asked the guy to dothis. They found the little girl 5 min later crunched in a bathroom stall,her head was half shaved, and she was dressed in her underwear with a bagof clothes, a razor, and wig sitting on the floor besides her.Whoever this person was, took the little girl, brought her into the bathroom, shaved half her head, undressed her in a matter of less than10 min. Makes me shake to no end. Please keep an eye out for your kids when in shopping places. It only took a few minutes to do all of this, another5 min and she would have been out the door...I am still in shock some sickperson could do this, let alone in a matter of minutes...The little girl is fine..thank God for fast workers who didn't take any chances.Thanks for reading. ---------------------
I am your Badge
As long as I exist, you have civilization. Your life will be longer because I am willing to run the risk of mylife being shorter. Before every criminal I arrest can be judged guilty, I must be proven innocent. If one of my brother officers commits an act of cruelty it is seen throughout the entire world, while countless kind heroic deeds remain the bestkept secrets of the world. Along with traffic control, crime prevention and mystery solving, I have also Talked to your children in schools, Pulled you out of burning buildings and wrecked cars, Helped your babies be born with only a squad car for an operatingroom , Supported charities, coached little league teams and Ushered in churches and synagogues. I belong to a roll call for the ages. My name appears along side: The centurions of Rome The Knights of the Round Table The Minutemen of Lexington The strain I have endured has created problems in personal relationships. The danger I face has often cost the health and even, in somecases, life itself. The authority I carry has created more fear and hatred than trustand appreciation from the people I protect. There are times I ask myself, why, why do I do it? But then I will see children playing in their front yard, teenagers dressed in formal attire to celebrate a forth coming graduation, a husband and wife moving into their first house and an elderly couple holding handswhile taking a walk at twilight all in relative safety and security. When I see such sights, I know, I know.
SilverIris@webtv.net ..from one who is trying to be aware of our FRIENDS AND PROTECTORS IN BLUE..
I was sitting alone one night thinking about what it will be like when I become a police officer and a little voice in my head said,"Why not write it down and see what you can make of it?" I have several friends and aquaintences who are police officers and have heard hundreds of stories and have also had the privilege of riding along with some of them while on duty and no occupation I know of could ever compare to what an officer experiences or deals with on an emotional level. Those who do not understand the "profession" see it as only another way to make money or develop an enormous ego, but there is a positive force behind the desire to wear that badge and I believe that it is there from the moment you are brought into this world. This was intended to be for fun, but I know that it came from somewhere inside myself and surely I'm not the only one who sees it this way. Who knows? If nothng else, maybe it will offer a little encouragement to an officer out there who may think that no one has faith in law enforcers anymore or one who feels his or her sacrifices are without cause. May no officer feel he has devoted his life to keeping peace in vain...for you are TRULY appreciated and in someone's heart, TRULY cherished. ...he wakes to find that another atrocity has eluded him as he slept. He knows he can't carry the weight of the world alone, but he tries for It's sake. Being what he is could never be enough, yet without him, all the evil in the world would soon become our only truth. Unappreciated and scorned by fearful unbelievers, he carries himself through the threshold of his own existence into the domain of the criminal mind; for he must cross over this boundary where others fear to tread in order to protect the innocent from what is inflicted upon him every day. He doesn't understand why he must perform this duty, but his passion for peace and justice drives him on. Surely he must believe that the results far outweigh the pressures; otherwise, what would be the point? What would be the purpose behind the crosses he inevitably bears? How many people can you say are untouched by him? Few of those affected by his deeds will ever have the true honor of holding his hand or standing by his side, but HE knows his true reward...for he has done what he was called to this life to do. "Protect and Serve..." a duty no doubt, a tremendous load to carry, but for him, a duty he holds dear; for the heart of the police officer is unlike any other...it is our closest link to the truth of who we must all strive to be.
Last night was the most frightful night that i've had since I have moved up to Wisconsin and joined the department. At about 01:00 AM, we recieved a call to the Club 125 on South Washington street. Upon our arrival, we noticed alot of pushing and shoving at the front door of the nightclub. Little did we know, that was only the beginning. Two officers entered the club, and only seconds later they blurted signal 99 over the radio. Luckily the police department is right in back of this particular club. About 10 of us darted inside the bar to find not only 1, but 8 seperate fights and the other two officers on the ground. We proceeded in protecting our own by helping out the other officers, but that was not enough. We were able to move all the trouble makers outside, but they were not willing to give up then. The started pushing the officers around making it more difficult to handle everyone at once. The owner pointed to a particular customer and told me that this man has pushed him and threatened to kill him. While trying to obtain the particualar person, he went off and punched the window of the club shattering it in several pieces. Upon doing that, he sliced opened his wrist and started to gush blood everywhere. The suspect started to run down the side walk, bracing himself between a telephone booth and the walls of the building making it difficult for us to retrieve him. He removed his jacket and covered his hand with it, but the blood was still oozing out of the jacket. We had paramedics on the scene within minutes. The suspect kept repeating that he did not want to be hacked up anymore and did not want anymore stiches. With the way he was treating us, I believe that he has had a bad run in with the law before. After the loss of blood started to kick in, the suspect flung his drenched jacket at another officer, covering him in blood. Needless to say, we were not pleased. I used the spray on him with little effect. At this time we had enough of playing his games so we reached behind the phone booth and dragged him out. He was weak from the blood loss and did not put up a good fight. Soon after that, he was strapped down inside the ambulance and was sent to the hospital. After rounding up the rest of the troubled bar drinkers, we shut the bar down for the rest of the night. This whole scene had everyone ancy, even the officers. One officer grabbed another to calm him down and that turned into pushing and shoving. We are all human. We try our best, but we are all human. Bryan
Cops Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, Yet he slept all alone. In a one-bedroom house, Made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney With presents to give, And to see just what man In this small house did live. I looked all about, What a strange site to see. No tinsel, no presents, Not even a tree. No stockings by the fire, Just boots spit shined bright. Then something else gleamed, Reflecting the moonlight. They were medals and badges, Awards of all kinds. And a sobering thought Soon came to my mind. For this house was different, Unlike any I'd topped. This was the home of an officer, The home of a cop. I'd heard stories about "them," And I had to see more. So I walked down the hall, And pushed open the door. And there he lay sleeping, Silent and alone. Curled up on his bed, In this one-bedroom home. He seemed so gentle, His face weathered tan, I soon understood That this was more than a man. For I realized the families That I saw this night, Owed their lives to these people Who were willing to fight. Soon round the nation The children would play, And grown-ups would celebrate On a bright Christmas Day. They all enjoyed safety Each month, and all year Because of officers like him, This man lying here. I couldn't help wonder How many were on patrol. All alone on Christmas Eve Out in the shivering cold. I watched him for hours, So silent and so still, And I noticed that he shivered, From the cold nights chill. So I took off my jacket, The one made of red. And I covered this officer From his toes to his head. Then I put on His jacket With the badge of silver and gold, With the words "Police Officer" Emblazoned so bold. Though it barely fit me I began to swell with pride, And for one shining moment I was an officer inside. I didn't want to leave him So quiet in the night, This guardian of justice, So willing to fight. But half asleep he rolled over, And in a voice clean and pure Said, "Carry on Santa - it's Christmas, All here is secure." One look at my watch And I knew he was right. Merry Christmas my friend, Code four and good night. >>
First he takes..the oath. Now look at all the takes:
He takes.. it in stride when people call him pig. He takes.. time to stop and talk to children. He takes.. your verbal abuse while giving you a ticket you deserve. He takes.. on creeps you would be afraid to even look at. He takes.. time away from his family to keep you safe. He takes.. your injured child to the hospital. He takes.. the graveyard shift without complaint because its his turn He takes.. his life into his hands daily. He takes.. you home when your car breaks down. He takes.. time to explain why both your head lights have to work. He takes.. the job no one else wants telling you a loved one has died. He takes.. criminals to jail. He takes.. in sights that would make you cry. Some times he cries too, but he takes it anyway because someone has to. If he is lucky.. he takes retirement. He takes.. memories to bed each night that you couldn't bear even for one day. Sometimes, he takes a bullet. and yes, occasionally he may take a free cup of coffee. Then one day he pays for all he has taken, that god takes him. God bless all cops everywhere.
FROM Debra Trammell
"Thanking a Cop"
Have you today, thanked a cop, an Officer of the Law? They risk their life, moment by moment for justice, for us all They see things we cannot imagine human eyes to see When they leave their homes to go to work, in their lives must be Graphic visions, terrorizing sounds, left in their brain, under lock and key This job is their profession they do for us, just because they care Let's go out of our way, to say a kind word and pass on to them the smile we wear They carry a heavy burden that most of us will never know But into their lives we can throw some seeds....of love.....laughter, kind words and even hugs, as about our life we go. Debra Trammell 1-16-2000
FROM SilverIris
I never dreamed it would be me, My name for all eternity, Recorded here at this hallowed place, Alas, my name, no more my face "In the line of duty" I hear them say; My family now the price will pay. My folded flag stained with their tears; We only had those few short years. The badge no longer on my chest, I sleep now in eternal rest. My sword I pass to those behind, And pray they keep this thought in mind. I never dreamed it would be me, And with heavy heart and bended knee; I ask for all here from the past, Dear God, let my name be the last. George Hahn, LAPD, Retired