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Where do I start so I dont sound like I have just began Basket Weaving Classes and keeping myself above the catagory of "Not having all my fries to make that Happy Meal"

Okay there are 2 of them. The First one alone was all one human could handle but 2!!!!! I have been racking my brains on what thing in life did I do to deserve this..I am not a mean person,in fact I am really sensitive. My life was not the total pits..I had some bad tuff times but thats normal in our lives..

Well I just dont understand..And this One Angel keeps saying God is not to be questioned. You just keep the faith and go with the roll..Yea well thats all well and good but this God gave us brains to think with AND BOY DOES MINE DO OVERTIME!!!

Like I was saying my life was not the total pits..I had a mother who stood by me in everything I did even tho sometimes she voiced her opinions which became nothing but garbled words when it hit my ears.. I think thats called "parent talk/kid filtering" syndrone. It effects us all. I have 3 kids. God could have just given me them and that would have been like me winning the Heaven Lottery..They all grew up to be pretty dern good..One has his own business,one has talents that are awesome then I have the librarian..WITH PLATNIUM CREDIT CARDS!!!!!!! I never had that!!!!!! I think I taught her to well in the tightwad dept. She can find a sale in a city as big as New York and has never been there..

Okay back to these Angels..Lets do the first one..This Angel I met on line..YES THEY DO HAVE PC'S!!!!!! I think is run by them..He was online and now you have to know I was not online looking for dates in fact my PC was for business. I took a break one day and discovered Chat rooms.. WOW THE PEOPLE!! I met this Angel in one I use to go in alot..CopsnCountry.. We talked and then I dont know what happened..really..WE GOT MARRIED!!!!! Feb 29 2004 is our 4th year but to be technical our 1st..figure that one out ..

You are probably saying yea and..... so where does this Angel stuff come in at? Okay here are the facts:

There is a alot of other things that just dont match up to a human male but you get the picture..Trust me the guy is not human normal.

Now here is ANGEL 2. This one is new to my life. Just a few months. But if you knew him and saw him you would wander first off why is he living here and WHY THIS TYPE OF PERSON ACROSS THE STREET FROM ME!! I know this is hard for all of you to understand..I'd have to tell you more of my life and then you would know just how these 2 are like the super glue to my cracked and leaking ship of life..

Here is Angel 2's so called human facts haha.

  • Law Enforcement and Retired from it..(Well I can say one thing for Angels..They know a career that is God worthy and God's favorite soldiers of this earth. So its not surprising that both of these Angels come disguised with their MO's as LEO's Hmmmmmmmm)
  • He Is So In God's Likeness (just like the other. They both claim bad boy days back in younger days but when you meet them you look around to see who they are talking about.. I know people change but PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.)
  • When I AM Mad At Life (he is again like the other one. Tells me why things happen and to keep the faith so on and so on.)
  • When I Am in Need He is right there.(Again he like the other knows when I need that right word to be said or that explaination or that famous Faith talk. Sometimes material things will pop up on my porch or in my front seat of my van ect ect.)

Again I will say with this would have to know more about me to understand and see where Angel can be seen..Before when I fell on my face I had to crawl up myself..Now it seems like one of them is always there to stand me up again..and let me say that at my age haha its harder to get up nowdays alone..They came in my life just in time.

Well I have say to Angel BROWN and Angel STANLEY (gawd these names they made up)probably didnt ever think I'd be double time for them. If they knew they had to do so much work I think they would have just stayed in their other jobs baking Angelfood cakes or whatever they do when they arent doing the Micheal Landon/Della Reese part.

I am not going to strain too much on figuring the whys and where for art thous. They both are here and God saw I need two cuz the first one was getting major overtime on me and probably hollored for BACK-UP.

I promised pics for proof.. Now you think their names are a little off track..look at what they dress like..The FIRST ONE kinda over did not only his redneck MO but joining it with a Santa look..I guess no one took the time to show him the suthern santa was assumed that santa wore his cammie jacket down south sighhhhhhh

ANGEL 2 well he is not so bad..He likes the Indian look. I wander if that was a gift from one of his clients like me??? It could be, I mean he has to be a few 1000 years old too or millions..we dont know the ages of these Angels. But anyway here is Angel 2..I am sorry I cant show his face..As I said before his MO he claims is a retired cop and well Angel or not I have to show some safety to him..My Angel 1 lives with me and everyone pretty well knows I am a pre-Menopausing/PMS-ing Italian Psycho woman which is better then any Security around..If this country would have sent a bunch of us women in this catagory to Irag we would have had this all sewn up in a few days..

I hope I have given you my Copspage Visitors something to think about and maybe a lift in some of your lives..To know that there really is a God and He does send us help in all ways and forms even as Indians and Redneck Santas with first names and colors for last names

I want to end this page by telling My Angels THANK YOU..My first Angel gave me new life and hopes with new dreams and makes me feel protected and loved 24hrs a day..

The 2nd Angel I dont know what to say that I havent already..Both of you just have me in awe and speechless. so this is why there is this web page..Since I cant find the words worthy enough to say to you I will show you ..I figured if I could tell the world that God exists and how He may not do the help in person but sends his army (LIKE YOU 2) to keep our feet ON the dirt more and our faces OUT of it as we trip on the crap in life.

I also figured if I THANKED you publicly this would show greater appreciation.. sighhhh to be honest there is not no way to show all the Thanks and Appreciation I have..No words to express it either..Hopefully you will get the idea.


Now if this still don't convince you of ANGELS look at this pic. .My sis in law took it..This Angel came here as her son and my nephew..hmmmmmm WELL WE GOT HIS NUMBER!! Look at the pic..Its a 2 YEAR OLD READING AND NOT HOLDING ON FOR DEAR LIFE!!!!! you show me a 2 year old who isnt gripping the seat of a big potty and show me one WHO READS WHEN HE IS ON IT..!! THIS IS ANOTHER ANGEL AMONGST US!!