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Of course the first people on here I want to mention is my FAMILY AND FRIENDS...GAWDDD without them I'd have no form of life..Each one has given me a part of them that molded me into what I am..I'd like to mention every name but I dont think Angelfire gave me enough room and anyway..MY FAMILY knows who they are and if you check the forewards in my will have a good handfull of my heart..To MY Family..hey Thanks..Ya put up with alot from me..To MY FRIENDS well ya got to put up with me ..Its in the FRIENDS HANDBOOK..I LOVE YA'LL!!GOD HAS BEEN VERY GOOD TO ME!!!!

I WANT TO THANK MY SIS-IN-LAW CHRISTINA PETRONE...SHE SENT ME THIS AND I THOUGHT OF ALL YA'LL AS I READ IT..THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL WHEN I COME ON LINE..AND EVERY DAY SOMETHING WILL MAKE ME THINK OF ONE OF YOU...Like you MujiMoto..I see a radar cop and well you know what I am talking about...haha and maybe the word STUFFED SHIRT..GAWD if we would of met back then I am sure it would of been a hell of a CATFIGHT..we had some pretty heated IMs in our friendship..For two people who could have some real down and out knock out drag outs we have become very special heart buds..**And you JDOG..Blockbuster Video..LMAOOOO and of course my first special Cyber Heartthrob****and Pat..GOLF and Private Chats..hmmmmmm*****Colorado Brian..sweetie you are account for alot of my grey hairs and a few songs I hear that you sang to me over the phone xmas of 98*** Fla Trooper Bryan..BBQ ribs is what you are all about ..wouldnt give me one..and of course when I get on I-75 and see your brothers I see you*****EVE..gawdddd its Panda's what else****My Army Bud have taught me sooo much,and I learn more everytime we are in Ims***B1Belle..when I see AOL I remember the good times in COPSNCOUNTRY***** are another that reminds me of the good times on AOL***TRiley..I save special chats and sometimes I go and look at what we use to talk about...remember the boat and son and talk..ya have to update me***Satendolls,Satendolls what can I say..what reminds me of you is specialality that you made me feel all the time****LITTLEONENOW..hell we have 11 years almost as pals..the last year tho has been very special and I cant wait to do more****..BeckyBells..tinkle tinkle hun,,bells I think of you when I hear and see bells****NY1YANKS..teddies...Gawd I still roll in fits of laughter.ROFLOL****DOOZY AND PIRAHNA..when I think of home I think of you..tell Galveston Tx hey for me****NYPDOFICER..jeez what can I say..alot reminds me of you***BUNKCOP..jokes jokes jokes and well I bow to the KING!!!!*** were my very 1st aol bud..the senior citizen chat is where it all began for us and to this day I still dont know why we were in there LOLOLOL.except we both said as newbies on aol..we were both afraid of chats and figured it would be easier in a senior chat to get rid of our fear..LMAO..and we found out later we both were not old enough to be there...OHHHH gawd!!!****Bluiidcwboy...again My home in Tx puts out a special pal for me..and beer for breakfast after your shift..***CK_ROG..we havent had that mich time to talk but everytime I send e-mail you are a part of my list and I only have my special buds on this list..****HOOKNBOOKR..gawdddd girl..your life is like a exciting cop book everytime I talk to you..Thanks for sharing the life I always wanted to do.*** Fla buddy..when I see angels I think of you and of course special feelings ..thanks for all of them...******Ryan my longhaired yankee buddy..laughing is what you mean to me..gawd you are a riot***MStauf.hmmmmm..Mark ,you are another that gives me special stories to remember all the mind is never idle..I can sit for hours and replay what we have talked about***Jth..DANCING AND BOOT SCOOT BOOGIE..I cant hear that song without remembering that night you asked me to dance with you..i still have that web site with the little dancers and the song playing as they danced..thanks..***MakPage..web site building!!!!! you tried so hard to teach me..well hunny I dedicate this one to you...I finally learned how..LOLOLOL******* were the best next door buddy anyone could have..I miss the days we lived next to each other...***RMAY..we didnt have much time to spend together..but what we did do was are a very interesting person..***CupChamp..gawd its race cars..plain and simple lolol****** BK..911 and well strange things in life..your name is in my head when I see these are very unique I have to admit*** 3rd bud I had as a newbie on the PC ..and painting and like Muji we could sure get in some big ones..hows the and Muji always knew what buttons to push when you wanted a rise out of me...***Bakerkat..COOKIES CAKES AND COOKIES AND PBEAR starting food fights cuz she would get to you first and hog it all and not give me none..we had some fun on AOL..***BLKDAWG500..the teddy bear you sent me..thanks again***txmedic..very cool person..miss talking to you..our friendship is new and we havent had that much time to talk but again you are on this list and very few make it on touched a part of my life.****Tpetrone..hell you are my brother..I was born with you in my life..I love you loads..just wish we could have spent our lives together like normal brothers and sisters***..REEBOOT..guys this is my younger brother..the Navy man..and Christines make me feel like very loved..and I am proud to have you as a brother..*** now for my last but not least part...SHERRI..I am reminded of her everyday..for one I have her brother YEEEHAWWWW what a man!!!!!!!and another..she is my shoulder and somehow she always knows when I need her to be around for do you do that???????/

well guys..There is alot more to each one of you that reminds me daily of you and how blessed I am to have you..but I hope what I wrote you get an idea..SPECIAL IS THE KEY WORD and you all have something that has touched me in some I have something else that I want to present to you to seal what I feel for you..Thanks again Christine..what I am about to put below is exactly something I have wanted for these people..

I have a list of folks I know..

all written in a book,

And every now and then.

I go and take a look

That is when I realize

these names... they are a part,

not of the book they're written in..

but taken from the heart.

For each Name stands for someone..

who has crossed my path sometime,

and in that meeting they have become..

the reason and the rhyme.

Although it sounds fantastic..

for me to make this claim,

I really am composed..

Although you're not aware..

of any special link,

just knowing you, have shaped my life..

more than you could think.

So please don't think my greeting...

as just a mere routine,

your name was not..

forgotten in between.

For when I send a greeting..

that is addressed to you,

it is because you're on the list..

of folks I'm indebted to.

>P> So whether I have known you..

for many days or few,

in some ways you have a part..

in shaping things I do.

I am but a total...

of many folks I've met,

you are a friend I would prefer..

never to forget.

Thank you for being my friend!

I have something SPECIAL to put here..The year 2001 was a year I'll always remember! I got to hold and hug my SISTER that I only saw 20 years ago for 30 minutes..We spent a week together that was priceless!! And THANK GAWD she thought of videoing!!! I have that whole weekend on tape so I can relive it over and over.Its a whole lot better then remembering in thought cuz as the years go by you forget pieces of it.Now I have it all and pieces will never fade. I LOVE YOU BONNIE!!!!!!!

U.S.-FIGHT - Your Source for all your Boxing Equipment


U.S.-FIGHT - Your Source for All Your Boxing and Martial Arts Equipment

U.S Fight..Please let me say..You were there when I asked for help for a Police Dept I know..I wrote you one day and you responded less then 24hrs..Hey isnt this a business you'd want to deal with?? Mr.Juergen..COPSPAGES THANK YOU AND SO DO I..GOD BLESS YOU AND THANKS!!..

Pennsylvania State Constable

Warren County Office

This is another site that touched me..Constable Pierce received a letter from me tellin him how much I liked his site and that I wanted it on COPSPAGE..Well I didnt know I was writing him on an E-Mail that wasnt mine..The name was BONOSSXKTN..OHH GAWDDDD was I embarressed!!But the gracious man he is assured me it was fine and he understood and ended with a HEE HEE..HEYYY YA'LL go see this site..The man has it going on..Thank You Constable Pierce for something in my life I'll always laugh at ..REDFACED..May God Hold You Tight and Protect





I know this should be on MY FAV LINKS but when it comes to my PC and saving it from crashing ..well this site deserves this spot..A Police Sarge pal of mine sent me this..and I used it..Gawd I had 4 infected files!!!!..PLEASE if you do nothing else and even if you have a virus control already TRY THIS ANYWAY..YOU WONT BE SORRY..THANKS HOUSE CALL AND THANKS MY FRIEND FOR SENDING IT TO ME..

I have another to say THANKS TO..Battalion Sergeant Major - CSM David W. Draughn ..I met him a few months ago and the things he has taught me...Learning from him is very easy cuz he has this way about him that makes you sit there all READY AND HUNGRY for him to teach you more..I keep telling him he'd be a very good teacher for high school students..He has also changed my life alot too .He makes you feel really special when he talks to you..Thanks David..and I at COPSPAGES recognize you as a SPECIAL PERSON in my life along the many fine select you see on this page..=)

THIS IS FROM MY BROTHER IN CALIFORNIA..CARM IS MY OLDEST BROTHER..AND while i am here..ya'll look for a Publix Commercial with a kids baseball team and the coach sending this kid to the bench where he precededs to eat out of the grocery bag..THATS MY GREAT NEPHEW..WHOOOOOOHOOOOOO GOOD JOB GREG..


It's Just Rock and Roll to Me!

I live in California where it's been known to Rock and Roll,Most quakes are never felt but one or two have taken their toll.Some people think that California really is the spot,Others say because of quakes, live here they could not!Some would rather live in the lush and green Northeast, Where Autumn's colorful display is breathtaking to say the least.But those who live there must pay the price when Old Man Winter comes,By living in nature's deep freeze? Does that really sound like fun!Other migrate down and live in America's Deep South,Where the warm and humid air brings nasty insects out.Of course they cannot do without their annual Hurricane Season,Where from the sea a giant swirly destroys the land without reason.The Midwest some would say is the place to be,With the land stretched out flat as far as the eye can see.Does really make sense to build a home in Tornado Alley?Where every spring giant funnels carve out brand new valleys!Then there are the states filled with tall mountains and forests,Unless you are a mountain goat there's really nothing for us.The Northwest is best known for it's frequent rain,But people who have moved there now have mold upon their brains.Arizona and New Mexico is a hot and dry desert land,Except for coyotes and roadrunners there's nothing there but sand. Nevada has Reno and Vegas where gamblers spend their money,And since they closed the Mustang Ranch...Just keep on drivin', honey!Living in the land of Rock and Roll doesn't take a lotta guts,The toughest part is living here with all the fruits and nuts!



I know this is a page to HONOR people who have touched me in some way..but I cant let this go by without showing you a place that has stolen my heart ..I loved this place so much..If it wasnt for family reasons I'd still be here..Maybe one day I'll go back home ..GALEVESTON ISLAND,WEST END, TEXAS..the three words that are like honey on my tongue


To Nite Summer & Copspages Friends, Hello everyone! Though I havent spoken with any of you (except Summer);There are a few things Id like to say to y'all. As the year draws to an end, I would like to let my friends know how much I appreciate them. To the cops who endure stresses that the rest of us cant easily we'll all be safe. To the rest of you who in your way strive to make the world a better place. A heartfelt THANK YOU. I guess its easy to see the lower nature of people sometimes... I know i do. Then I read the stuff yall put on here. The humor that sometimes makes me laugh till my sides hurt, and the inspirational stories that tug and warm my heart. But most of all.... I see the time spent, the effort....given freely by so many people out there, for the betterment of others. It is something that constantly amazes me. So to all of you THANK YOU! I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas!!!Most Sincerely,Rog

THIS IS FROM A NEW FRIEND I MET..DEB IS SOOOOO COOL..I have encluded a piece she sent me ..THIS IS SOO TRUE..

Spiritual Voice Mail....

We have all learned to live with "voice mail" as a necessary part of modern >life. But, have you wondered, what if God decided to install voice mail? > >Imagine praying and hearing this: > Thank you for calling My Father's House. Please select one of the following >options: > - Press 1 for Requests > - Press 2 for Thanksgiving > - Press 3 for Complaints > - Press 4 for All Other Inquiries. > >What if God used the familiar excuse..."I'm sorry, all of our angels are busy >helping other saints right now. However, your prayer is important to us and >will be answered in the order it was received, so please stay on the line." > >Can you imagine getting these responses as you call God in Prayer: If you >would like to speak to: > - Gabriel, Press 1 > - Michael, Press 2 > - For a directory of other angels, Press 3 > - If you'd like to hear King David sing a psalm while you are holding, >please press 4. > - To find out if a loved one has been assigned to Heaven, Press 5, enter his >or her social security number, then press the pound key. (If you get a >negative response, try area code 666.) > >- For reservations at "My Father's House," please enter J-O-H-N, followed by >3-1-6. > >- For answers to nagging questions about dinosaurs, the age of the earth and >where Noah's Ark is, please wait until you arrive here. > >- Our computers show that you have already prayed once today. Please hang up >and try again tomorrow so that others may have a chance to get through. > >- This office is closed for the weekend to observe a religious holiday. > >- Please pray again Monday after 9:30am. If you need emergency assistance >when this office is closed, contact your local pastor. > >Thank God (today) that He doesn't have voice mail and He listens whenever we >pray!!!