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Hi. My name is Haley and I'm 5 years old. I started school this year and I love it. I already recieved 2 awards. I got bragged about and I was chosen to be a shining star. My mom and dad are so proud of me. I still like to play with my big brother. My favorite color is pink and my favorite toy is my stuffed lion named Brian. I love to play outside in the water and with Misty our cat.



This is my adopted bunny.

Click on bunny to adopt one for your page.

Home About Me Tyler Paul

Recipes Poems Friends Jokes

Webrings Gators My Love

Good Tips Diamond Dust

Before I was a Mom Moms Club

~Please take a few minutes to visit these wonderful adoption sites~


Graphics on this page were made by my Mom, using psp & Art work by Lisa Frank.