I've gotten to know people better and people that I consider my friends (as I can remember) OO;
Jeff C. -
He's basically an all around nice guy. I met him through Eric (my fiance) in June of '99. Eric and I will be moving in with him this January ('01). I'm sure I'll get to know him better after time, maybe it's just because I've been leaning towards shy while being out here. I wonder if I can stand being around him that much...LoL
Suzanne R. -
I met her the day Eric took me to eat breakfast...it was Eric, Jeff, Suzanne, and myself. I really didn't get to know her then because apparently she couldn't get me to utter anything for the life of her. ^^; Hehe...oops...I guess I can be too quiet sometimes. Well after we moved out to Arizona then I actually started to get to know her and she's a real great person. I can talk to her about anything and I don't feel like I have to worry about what I am saying...I feel like I can just speak my mind.
More to come soon!!!