
Ever notice a smudge in a perfect painting? Ever see a forgotten step in an elegant ballet? Did you ever stare at yourself in the mirror until you could point out every possible flaw? These are imperfections.. these are what make life real and they are what make me. Don't spend you're entire life making things perfect, notice the imperfections and move on from them. They're what make you special and singular.

Welcome to my page.


11/21/01Sorry, guys, this site is majorly messed up and I've been neglecting it a lot because i have lost my patience. Since it's Thanksgiving Break, I'm going to try to pay attention to it more and fix things up.

Basis || My Diary || E-Mail Me

Sarah's Spot

Kelli's Page

Jaime's Impressions

Gabby & Sarah's Angelic Spot

Special thanks to Ami's Garden for providing such beautiful bars.