This is my newest layout to my personal webpage. Many of you used to know this page as, "Gabby's Angelic Thoughts," however, I've decided to change the pace a little bit.


I've decided to show a deeper side of myself. Angelic Thoughts was very playful, cute, and bubbly. Which is what I am, sometimes, but there is a side to me that is a lot calmer and thoughtful. This page won't be entirely dark and deep, because sometimes it's too much for even me to handle, so there will still be some aspects that will be very much like exterior - cute and giggly. (OK... so maybe I'm just giggly =P)


I decided to name my new page Imperfections because it's something that I've always had a difficult time dealing with. I tend to be extremely self conscious. I don't neccessarily think I'm beautiful and I never thought of myself as interesting.

By naming it Imperfections and building a page dedicated to the fact that life, in general, is full of imperfections, it helps me to further deal with it.

Lately, I've been constantly searching for new ways to find and understand myself. To do this, I figured the best way was to get another person's reaction. The only way anyone can know me is if I'm perfectly honest and show all aspects of myself. So.. this page is to help me better understand myself and a more indepth way for others to get to know me.
