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The following things on this page are HUMOR!! They are from BsB any teeny boppers that decide to come to this page..I suggest that you leave now. I am a Backstreet Boys fan, but its always good to have a lil fun with them! I'm sure they even make fun of some of us..right?
I will try to have a new one every Sat!

"The Ticket Song"

** To the tune of "I Want It That Way"**

The joy of joys,
One night with the Boys.
I'd beg or barter
To see Nick Carter!

I'd like a floor seat
or on the aisle.
Hopin' and prayin',
Hittin' the "redial".

Tell me why-
The line is always busy.
Got to try-
I'm gonna have a tizzy.
Why, oh, why?
My day is simply blowing.
I won't be going.

I'd be in heaven
If I saw Kevin.
Yes, my dream come true.
Long overdue.

So I thought-
I'm gonna call a broker.
What's the price?
Are you some kind of joker?
Gonna cry.
It is a disaster.
Screw Ticketmaster!

Now I can see
That this ain't gonna work
Throw all of my hope away.
I won't be there
To hear "Spanish Eyes"
Sung by Howie and A.J.

This is a nightmare.
I will not be there.
No fair.
No fair.
No fair.
No fair.

I guess it ain't my day!

No ticket today
What can I say?
Inside, I'm dyin'.
I got no Brian.

Just to let you know, I did not write this song was sent to me by my cousin..she didnt write it either

Ok..if any of you have song parodies or any kind of funny funny stories about the guys...send send..PLEEEEASE!!!!
