Hi! Here are a few things I would really appreciate some of the vistiors to this page to possibly send me
If any of my European net surfers who have been to their concerts..please send me reviews!Click Here! Thank you!!
If you have a site and would like to qualify as a Sister Site..Click Here!
Do you know someone who can make me an award for my page, and help me with a new layout? Click Here!
In order to make this page GROW..i REALLY need your participation..please send me ANYTHING..stories, dreams, pictures, REVIEWS, and LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!or can u please send me pics of AJ's other tattoos, and Nick's music note tattoo!!..or just about anything else you can think of! PLEEEEEASE!!I'm on my knees begging!Thank you!!
If you are going to send me something..then Click Here