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About Me

Here is a little about me:

Fav. actor: Will Smith
Fav. Movie: Austin Powers
Fav. artist: Will Smith
Fav. group: The Backstreet Boys!! (Duh!)
Fav. song: That's the Way I Like It

The story behind my obsession over the Backstreet Boys began when I wanted their first US cd about a year and a half ago. Since my sister's Birthday was coming up, she got the cd instead of me. =( Me and my sisters started to listen to the cd and watch their videos. We soon learned their names and were looking up websites. Then we went to their first US concert.

Thats when we became intense. We began to tape everytime they were on, find tons of websites, go to charity basketball games they were sponsering, by all the merchandise we could find, and built websites (that one should be obvious!) That is how we became obsessed with BSB!!!