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Do you have dreams about that handsome Kevin??!! Well email me with them and I will put them on this page.

My dream about Kevin happened in a mall near my house. Me and my friend Michelle were walking in the mall and we noticed Kevin and a guy that apeared to be his body guard, incognito. We decided to go up and talk to him like we don't know who he is.

I go up to him and say, "Excuse me. Ummm.. I waas wondering do you know where the ticket office is? We're meeting some friends at the movies." (Even though I had been there a million times). The kevin said, "I know where it is I'll walk you there." So he walked me and Michelle there and he stayed with us while we "pretended" to be waiting for our friends. After a while I said that maybe we should buy the tickets for them so then we could get to the movie faster once they showed up. He waited (being the gentleman that he is) with us in line. And I kept mentioning that I had seen him somewhere before but I didn't know where. After we got the tickets, we waited some more and then I said that maybe I should call them. So Michelle stayed with Kevin while I pretended to call them. I came back and I said that they couldn't make it and I offered our extra tickets to Kevin. He accepted, saying that he wanted to see the movie anyway. When we went into the theatre I made sure I sat next to him. When the lights were dimming, he took off his hat and wispered in his gorgeous deep voice into my ear, "My name is Kevin Richardson." And just as the dream was getting good, my mom woke me up saying that it was time for school.



I had a dream once that Kev and I were ballroom dancing... but it was like Tyrese's "Lately" video. And instead of dancing on the floor we were floating in the sky, with clouds underneath us. He and I were both wearing white and it was so cool. But as he was reaching over to kiss me, my alarm went off and I had to go to school. Don't you hate when that happens?



One time i had a dream that i was at this HUGE building with all these famous people but they were all ignoring me.. Then out of no where Kevin came walking out.. He walked to me in a Versace suit *VERY SEXY* and said Hello do u need any help.. I said actually i do.. I have to go to the top of this building and take pictures of the ground from the roof.. **I HAVE NO CLUE WHY I HAD TO DO THAT** In a weird voice he said.. Ok i know how to get there.. He walked me up and then i looked at him and laughed.. He said whats so funny.. I said Ur kevin.. And i have loved u for so long and now here u are with me.. He laughed and said.. Aww thanks.. We took a picture together.. then as i was taking pictures of the ground on the roof i got really close to the edge.. I leaned over to take my last picture and kevin said.. BE CAREFUL!!!>.. He ran to me and grabed my arm and as he did he fell over the ledge.. I pulled him up and then he looked at me like u saved me life.. He was about to hug me and ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ER ALAM goes off.. SCHOO TIME



it seems like every night for the past month I have had dreams about my Parents going to a club or a movie and then when they are about to come home they die some how; thenI find Kevin at mey door offering me a Job with them and I end up living at his house for no apparent reason. then I also end up on tour with them and either Kevin and I or Howie and I always seemm to develope a relationship. Just as I am about to kiss Kevin for the first time my mom wakes me up. darn moms LOL.

