The Many Taboo's of Sailormoon
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The Many Taboo's of Sailormoon
Over the years many "taboos" have arisen over the series, and this section of my site is simply here to clear them with out further adieu:
"Yes it's true they are lesbians"(naoko tackeuchi) Apparently the long disputed question as to weather or not they are lesbians has been confirmed by Naoko herself at an Anime convention.
Say it ain't so rini. Are the alleged homoerotic rumors concerning you and hakura true? Well one things for sure you two sure are friendly with each other. You decide.
Lita, keeping secrets? never. Well there have been aligations that Lita may be bisexual. I mean she's strong, rugged, sporty, and very affectionate towards the rest of the girls. So is it true? I dunno, if you guys know anything about it E-mail me more info.k?
ok guys that's all that I've heard, any new updates will be posted. Allso any gossip y'all wanna share bout the scouts Email me and I will post it and give you credit. Remmeber it's just talk and talk is cheap.
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