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Metal Gear Solid (GameShark Codes)

Famitsu Wave Demo Codes
  • So you have the MGS demo. Good choice, in case you haven't noticed somewhere else the demo has over 30 codes, not a usual thing for a demo! So are you dying to get every little ounce of MGSness out of your demo? Here's how:

  • All codes featured on this page have been tested and approved by me on a Gameshark version 1.99 or better.

 Socom w/ silencer  800b52ce 000c
 PSG 1  800b52e0 000c
 Cardboard box #4  800b5300 0003
 Nightvision  80052b302 0003
 Thermal vision  800b5304 0003
 gasmask  800b5306 0003
 body armor  800b5308 0003
 ketchup  800b530a 0003
 stealth (very awesome)  8oob530c 0003
 fin  800b530e 0003
 camera (don't press triangle while equipped!)  800b5310 0003
 ration  800b5312 0003
 dog food  800b5314 0003
 medicine  800b5316 0003
 binding  800b5318 0003
 diazepam  800b531a 0003
 PAL key  800b531c 0003
 lv. 3 key  800b531e 0003
 timer bomb  800b5320 0003
 mine detector  800b5322 0003
 disk  800b5324 0003
 rope  800b5326 0003
 scarf  800b5328 0003
 suppressant  800b532a 0003
 FA-MAS  800b2d0 000c
 grenades  800b5d2 000c
 Nikita  800b52d4 000c
 stinger  800b52d6 000c
 claymore mines  800b52d8 000c
 C4  800b52da 000c
 stun grenades  800b52dc 000c
 chaff grenades  800b52de 000c

To get a better view when shooting at Liquid Snake in the driving scene, hold Triangle while shooting the gun. 

Hidden ghosts 
Take a picture of the following locations using the camera to view hidden ghosts who are KCEJ
development team members.
FujimuraElevator in the Comm Tower B complex
FukushimaHeliport; looking out to sea from cliff
HiranoElevator in Comm Tower B; deep in the shaft of top level
IshiyamaHeliport top of building
ItoInside elevator to tank hangar
Jerem BlausteinSniper Wolf's corpse
KanedaThe mirror located in the Women's restroom
KimuraMG underground base; tip of Metal Gear 's railgun
KinbaraDark area of stairs
KitaoDecoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse
KobayashiRock in canyon
KobayashiJohnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief
KojimaOtacon lab; the picture frame to the right
KorekadoMen's restroom
KozyouBehind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon
KutomeObservation room
MakimuraHidden armory store room; behind the weakened wall
MatsuhanaHallway of corpses; outside Otacons lab
MizutaniWhen fighting Metal Gear
MoriLowest point of elevator; Comm Tower B
MukaideReflection in wolfdog cave puddle
MuraokaWater in cargo dock
NakamuraIn Meryl's blood pool; where she is sniped
NegishiSewage waterfall
NishimuraNext to Baker's corpse
OkajimaMaggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell
OnodaWhere Baker is tied up
SasakiPicture frames in the Commander's room
SatoComm Tower A; roof destroyed by Hind D missiles
Scott DolphDeep down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Towers A and B
ShigenoHeliport,security caera by staircase
ShikamaElectric floor
ShimizuWolf dog cave; first crawling point
ShinkawaDeep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar
SonoyamaTorture machine
TakadeNinja room; glass atedga
TanakaHeliport; sleeping soldier
TougoEnd of boiler room; in Blast Furnace with the steam
ToyotaContainer in the middle of Raven's warehouse
UeharaEdge of elevator; where the ravens are
YamashitaTip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room
YoshimuraDead end of air duct
YoshiokaBridge on the third floor of the blast furnace

Game Shark Codes

North American Version

Infinite Health800B7316 0600
800B7318 0600
Infinite Oxygen800AC844 03E7
Radar Not Jammed When Spotted800AC810 0000
Ghost Mode800AC820 0000
800AC822 0000
Auto Reload800AC7FC 0019
Never Get A Cold800B731A 0000
Never Have Time Bomb800B5C16 0000
Have SOCOM Pistol800B5BCA 03E7
800B5BDE 03E7
Have FAMAS Rifle800B5BCC 03E7
800B5BE0 03E7
Have Nikita800B5BD0 03E7
800B5BE4 03E7
Have Stinger800B5BD2 03E7
800B5BE6 03E7
Have PSG1 Rifle800B5BDC 03E7
800B5BF0 03E7
Have Claymore Mines800B5BD4 03E7
800B5BE8 03E7
Have C4800B5BD6 03E7
800B5BEA 03E7
Have Grenades800B5BCE 03E7
800B5BE2 03E7
Have Stun Grenades800B5BD8 03E7
800B5BEC 03E7
Have Chaff Grenades800B5BDA 03E7
800B5BEE 03E7
Have Cigarettes800B5BF2 0001
Have Scope800B5BF4 0001
Have Cardboard Box A800B5BF6 0001
Have Cardboard Box B800B5BF8 0001
Have Cardboard Box C800B5BFA 0001
Have Night Vision Goggles800B5BFC 0001
Have Thermal Goggles800B5BFE 0001
Have Gas Mask800B5C00 0001
Have Body Armor800B5C02 0001
Have Ketchup800B5C04 0001
Have Stealth Camouflage800B5C06 0001
Have Bandana800B5C08 0001
Have Camera800B5C0A 0001
Have Level 100 Key Card800B5C14 0064
Have Mine Detector800B5C18 0001
Have MO Disc800B5C1A 0001
Have Rope800B5C1C 0001
Have Scarf800B5C1E 0001
Have Suppressor Active800B5C20 0000
Have PAL Key800B5C12 0001
Have 255 Rations800B5C0C 03E7
800B5C22 03E7
Have 255 Medicine800B5C0E 03E7
800B5C24 03E7
Have 255 Diazepam800B5C10 03E7
800B5C26 03E7
Special Mode Codes
VR Mission Complete800E556C 1000
All Missions Unlocked800E5538 FFFF
VS. 12 Battle All Levels Unlocked & Complete800E553A FFFF
800E553C FFFF
Ninja All Levels Unlocked & Complete800E54D8 FFFF
NG Selection All Levels Unlocked & Complete800E54BA FFFF
Variety All Levels Unlocked & Complete800E5556 FFFF
800E5558 FFFF
Puzzle All Levels Unlocked & Complete800E550E FFFF
800E5510 FFFF
Mystery All Levels Unlocked & Complete800E5522 FFFF
800E5524 FFFF
1 Min. Battle Codes
Vs. Target All Levels Unlocked & Complete800E54C0 FFFF
800E54C2 FFFF
Vs. Enemy All Levels Unlocked & Complete800E54A8 FFFF

Japanese Version

Enable Code For Disc 1 & 2 (Must Be On)D00C3AB6 1000
800C3AB6 1040
D00C492A 1040
800C492A 1000
Enable Code For VR Disc (Must Be On)D00C209A 1040
800C209A 1000
Infinite Health800B4DAE 0600
800B4DB0 0600
Infinite Oxygen (Press R1)D00AB950 0008
800ABA34 03E7
Radar Not Jammed When Spotted800ABA00 0000
Ghost ModeD00B4DB8 0000
800ABA10 0000
Auto Reload800AB9EC 001E
800ABA04 001E
Never Have Time Bomb800B4E06 0000
Have 99 Rations800B4DFC 0063
800B4E12 0063
Have 99 Medicine800B4DFE 0063
800B4E14 0063
Have 99 Diazepam800B4E00 0063
800B4E16 0063
Have SOCOM Pistol800B4DBA 03E7
800B4DCE 03E7
Have FAMAS Rifle800B4DBC 03E7
800B4DD0 03E7
Have Nikita800B4DC0 03E7
800B4DD4 03E7
Have Stinger800B4DC2 03E7
800B4DD6 03E7
Have PSG1 Rifle800B4DCC 03E7
800B4DE0 03E7
Have Claymore Mines800B4DC4 03E7
800B4DD8 03E7
Have C4800B4DC6 03E7
800B4DDA 03E7
Have Grenades800B4DBE 03E7
800B4DD2 03E7
Have Stun Grenades800B4DC8 03E7
800B4DDC 03E7
Have Chaff Grenades800B4DCA 03E7
800B4DDE 03E7
Have Cigarettes800B4DE2 0001
Have Scope800B4DE4 0001
Have Cardboard Box A800B4DE6 0001
Have Cardboard Box B800B4DE8 0001
Have Cardboard Box C800B4DEA 0001
Have Night Vision Goggles800B4DEC 0001
Have Thermal Goggles800B4DEE 0001
Have Gas Mask800B4DF0 0001
Have Body Armor800B4DF2 0001
Have Ketchup800B4DF4 0001
Have Stealth Camouflage800B4DF6 0001
Have Bandana800B4DF8 0001
Have Camera800B4DFA 0001
Have Level 7 Key Card800B4E04 0007
Have Mine Detector800B4E08 0001
Have MO Disc800B4E0A 0001
Have Rope800B4E0C 0001
Have Scarf800B4E0E 0001