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Capcom's Survival Horror genre has capitalized on
players blowing the heads off of brainless slabs
of meat. Now, the action gets more intense, more
frantic. In Dino Crisis, the first installment to
the survival horror series to not incorporate
zombies or Raccoon City, the player will meet his
or her match as a prehistoric terror hits modern
day. Players assume the role of Regina, a member
of a special force operative team. When you think
adventure heroine, you think Lara Croft. However,
Regina is more like Jill Valentine than any other
video maiden. She's smart, resourceful, and
proportioned accurately. She does wear some kinky
clothing as she jaunts about stages with her
flashy red hair. But believe us, unlike Lara, the
dinos in this game are more likely to grab onto an
arm or hip rather than her pointy pistols.

Dino Crisis also marks the beginning of an
exciting event in the Survival Horror genre. For
the first time, all of the environments are
polygonal. Gone are the painted backdrops, and
gone are the stationary cameras. The dino hunt in
this game comes packed with the same great
dramatic camera angles that makes the RE games so
cinematic, but now, the action can be viewed from
many camera angles. When a raptor hops over a fence and latches onto Regina's arm, you'll see this
scene breakdown from the approach to the fence
seen through the raptor's eyes, the leap over the
fence seen from Regina's lower perspective, then
the latch onto the arm viewed in a close up cut
that showcases in-your-face blood and effects. As
of now Capcom has yet to incorporate a camera
system for the user, and it may not happen since
the game relies on certain angles for suspense,
but don't be surprised if you see some kind of
targeting camera for certain scenes in the game.

As mentioned before, the enemies in this game are
quite a bit more ferocious than a zombie or even a
hunter. When dealing with raptors and even the
mighty tyrannosaur, you'd better have some serious
ammo on hand or an escape route nearby. These
critters are relentless and they even have the
capability to disarm your weapon and swallow you
in one bite. If a dino latches onto and you
somehow manage to escape, more dinos will be drawn
to your position from the blood trail leaking out
of your wound. To make sure that you don't get
chomped, two health kits can be used. One to
revitalize Regina, the other to cover the wound.
To eliminate dinos, a hefty arsenal has been
included...shotguns, rocket launchers, grenades,
oh my!!!

Dino Crisis is a remarkable game, and we can't
wait to get our hands on a finished copy. The
story is crafted just like those in Resident Evil
-- complete with cheesy voice-overs and character
personalities, and the action is ten times as
intense. The wait for this one isn't long -- it
launches this September. <> ######################################## C O M P L E T E W A L K T H R O U G H ########################################

First of all, you'll see if you have massages in
your mail; After that,
you'll see very very good CG movie (usually I call
it FMV). Okay, keep your
good work CAPCOM !!!!

Now, you'll see an event, that Regina (your
character), Rick and Gail are
talk a little about this facility. After that,
you'll at Backyard of the

| Backyard of the Facility |

Items : Recovery Aid and An. Aid
Enemies : None

After you split with Rick, go up and you'll meet
Gail and you'll see event.
Now continue up, push the center box and pick up
Recovery aid. Go back to
Gail's position, enter the Material Storage (the
door at your right).

| Material Storage |

Items : BG Area Key, Resuscitation
Enemies : None

Go on, take BG Area Key. Go back a little and go
right; Push the shelf and
take Resuscitation. Exit and back to the place you
were spliting with Rick
just now.

You'll see event. Gail will take your BG Area Key.
After the event, press R2
and enter the door (The Backyard).
There are three doors here. Choose the top one

(Passageaway to the Backup

| Passageaway to the Backup Ganeretor |

Items : Med Pak M
Enemies : None

Follow the path till event. Check the dead body
for Med Pak M. Follow Gail
and enter the door beside Gail.

| Backup Generator Room 1F |

Items : None
Enemies : None

Go on your way, there is a puzzle. Rearrange it
with this arrangement :

Red, Green, Blue, White

In other words, choose : Right, Center, Right

Now press the switch at your right. Exit. On the
way back to Passageaway,
you'll hear Gail's shot, Gail's voice and a
Dinosaur's voice.

| Passageaway to the Backup Ganeretor |

Items : None
Enemies : Raptor

Go on a little, see event. There is a RAPTOR !!!
Run as fast as you can,
don't kill that Raptor if you can, because you
don't have to back to this
place later.

After you reach The Backyard, the Raptor will jump
above the FENCE !!! Go
enter The Backyard of the Facility. The Raptor
want to jump above the fence
again, but this time the fence is to high for it.

Now you'll call Rick, if Gail was attacked by a
dinosaur. Rick doesn't
believe it and call it a good joke. Go enter the
room that Rick entered it
just now.

| Office Hallway |

Items : None
Enemies : None

Follow your way till you hear a Dinosaur's voice.
Ignore it for now. Go on
till you find a Ventilation Opening.

| Piping Check Passageaway A 1F |

Items : None
Enemies : None

Go follow the path and go down at the first
ventilation opening to Control
Room Hall

| Control Room Hall |

Items : 9mm Parabellum
Enemies : None

Go on down (don't enter the door), right and take
9mm Parabellum. There is an
E-Box near 9mm Parabellum. This E-Box is for save
your items here. There are
three colours E-Box. There are :

Green --> You need a plug ==> Usually it's healing items Yellow --> You need a plug ==> Usually it's mixing items Red --> You need two plugs ==> Usually it's ammoes Enter the sliding door to Control Room. | Control Room | Items : None Enemies : None You'll meet Rick here. Event, then exit this room. Enter the door that I told you to ignore just now. | Management Office | Items : Shotgun, DDK input "H", a plug, Panel Key 2 (inside the password box : Entrance Key and Resuscitation) Enemies : None Take Shotgun, DDK input "H" and a plug. Then press the red switch. It'll become green. Then you can read the E-mail if you want to. Go to the right side of this room. WAOW !!! There is a dead guy here. Take Panel Key 2 beside the corpse. There is a Password Box. Ignore it for now. Now exit this room through the other door. | Management Office Hallway | Items : None Enemies : Velociraptor Rick will call you if you can deactivate the laser beam now. Now, kill the Velo. Enter the white door. | Locker Room | Items : DDK code "H", An. Dart M and Recovery Aid Enemies : None Take those items. They are scattered in this room. After that, read the blue book. It's a Journal of the Guardsmen. There, you'll find '0426'. Yes, it's for that Password Box in Management Office. Exit and enter the password and take Entrance Key and Resuscitation. Exit, deactivate the laser beam and enter the door. | Main Entrance | Items : An. Aid 2x Enemies : None The first time you are here, you'll look around this place. Use Entrance Key at the big sliding door. | Front Area of Entrance | Items : SG Bullets, An. Aid and DDK Code "N" Enemies : None Go right and follow the path and take all items. There is "The File of Personnel Changes". Read it if you want. I will give you the important one : *>Section : Third Energy Physics Laboratory *>Ragistration Number : 57036 *>Name : Mark Doyle Back to Main Entrance. Take An. Aid (it's under the stairs). Then go to 2F Main Entrance. Push the Box and take An. Aid, then enter the white door. | Hall 2F | Items : Hemostat and SG Bullets Enemies : Velociraptor Kill the Velociraptor, take all items, equip your shotgun with SG Bullets as your ammo. Use DDK "H" at the machine beside the door (the door is near SG Bullet). Enter 'HEAD' as your password. Enter it. | Chief's Room | Items : Panel Key 1, SG Bullets, Key Card L and DDK input "N" Enemies : T-REX You'll meet a survivor here. He'll give you Panel Key 1. Take all items exapt Key Card L. Use Panel Key 1 and 2 at upper right corner machine. Panel Key 1 --> Left Panel Key 2 --> Right Now you must enter a password. If you look the panel key 1 & 2 upside down, you'll notice if it's not a LEO and SOL word, but it's a number. Key 1 ==> 705 Key 2 ==> 037 So the password is 705037. You'll receive Key Card L. On the way back, a T-Rex is coming from the big glass. It'll eat the survivor (now he is dead) and now it is coming for you. Ok, for this T-Rex, I have two choice for you. 1. After it's try to reach you, it will pull it's head. NAH! that's only your chance to exit this room. 2. Use your SG Bullet to make the T-Rex is bored of you. You'll need 4 bullets for it. For the choices, there is higher and lower. I'll explain it one by one. 1. Higher : You don't need to waste your bullets to this T-Rex Lower : You must becareful, 'cause if you wrong a little, it will eat you and the game is over (Game Over) 2. Higher : You don't need to worry Game Over, 'cause you shoot the T-Rex Lower : You lose four bullets to this T-Rex Now, after you are at Hall 2F, enter the room near where you find Hemostat. | Passageaway to the Communication Area | Items : None Enemies : None Go on left, you'll read Communication Antenna Room. Now, enter Communication Antenna Room | Communication Antenna Room | Items : None Enemies : None Remember the slot for Antenna Activation Key. Read A Memo from an Antenna Operating Engineer. There, you'll find a password and how to use DDK. Exit and back to Hall 2F and enter the last room that you haven't entered. | Lounge | Items : Resuscitation and Handgun Slides Enemies : Velociraptor Kill the Velo and take Resuscitation. There is a note here, you can read it or not. Use the password that you find it just now beside the shelf. You'll get Handgun Slides. Use it at Handgun. Now your Handgun is more powerful. In other words, you can use another bullets. Exit and go back to Main Entrance 1F. Go to under the stairs and Rick will call you. Now use DDK "N", and enter 'NEWCOMER'. | Elevator Hall | Items : Plug and An. Aid Enemies : None Take plug near Red E-Box. Push the box near the dead guy for An. Aid. Complete your map by checking the map near the dead guy. Now unlock the other door. | Lecture Hallway | Items : Plug Enemies : Velociraptor Deactivate the laser beam and enter the left door | Office | Items : None Enemies : Velociraptor Kill Velo, check all things here and use phone. Set hold to the telephone. Exit. Go on your way, but becareful to Velo. If it is coming at you and it is near you, press the green dot. It will use gas, and it will hurt Velo (but you can't kill the Velo with this gas). Go on your way till you find a door to the left. Take the plug first and now enter the door. | Lecture | Items : B1 Key Enemies : Raptor Take B1 Key on the bottom right corner table. After you take the Key, a Raptor will come out from the ceiling and it will hit you by its tail. Now you are having Danger scene. Tap all buttons and Gail is kill the Raptor for you. Wow..., what a right time. After a little talk, go back to Backyard of the facility by using Piping Check Passage away B 1F. There, take Recovery Aid. After you reach Toilet, take An. Aid and exit this room and go to Backyard of the Facility. | Backyard of the Facility | Go to the place where you find Recovery Aid. Use B1 key at the bottom left corner from this place. Take An. Aid and go down. | Backup Generator Room B1 | Items : Plug and Startup Battery R Enemies : None Take Startup Battery R in battery charger. Go left, push the shelf and take plug. Use Startup Battery in its place and rearrange to this arrangement : Red, Green, Blue, White In other words, choose : Right, Center, Left, Right, Center, Right Then press the switch. Now Rick will call you. Then go to the Control Room. But, after you reach Office Hallway, you'll have a danger scene again. Tap all buttons. Then run as fast as you can to the laser beam, then activate it. Now it can't reach you. Go to Control Room by passing Management Office, so you can save your game, 'cause you will have two choices later. | Control Room | Here, you'll have event again. But, the different is : Now you are having two choices. 1. Gail's idea : find more clue to find Dr.Kirk 2. Rick's idea : rescue your comrade immediately I suggest you to trust Rick's idea, 'cause if you trust Gail's idea, you'll continue your jurney with Rick's idea. [{ Gail's idea }] Press R2, exit, then go to E-box place and there's an opening at the back. Go down the stairs. | Medical Room Hallway | Items : None Enemies : Many Amasgus Go on till you see many Amasgus are eating a dead raptor. Enter the right door to Medical Room | Medical Room | Items : ID card and 2 Med Pak M Enemies : None Take ID card on the table and 2 Med Pak M in the cupboard near the table, exit and save your game. Ignore those amasgus, and enter Hall B1. | Hall B1 | Items : None (for now) Enemies : None (for now) You'll meet Gail there. After a little chatting, there's a man wearing green cloth run away from you (wonder who is he), and the Gail is run after him. Regina want to run after Gail, but he (green cloth) close the path. Then Gail calls you. Regina says that you can go there by elevator. {You take control of Regina} Go back to Management Office Hallway. Go left, turn off the laser beam and then use your ID card on the door that there is symbol of this facility. | Strategy Room | Items : DDK code "E", F.C. Device and a plug Enemies : None Take those items (it's scatered in this room). There's E-Box here and use your plug on it if you are very need E-box (because ... tee hee hee. Look by yourself later). Exit and go to Elevator Hall. Use F.C. Device at the corpse, and then go to Office. Check the whiteboard, then take a notice at the password (but I write it. Don't worry). Use your ID card at the computer and then enter the password that you were looked just now (58104), and say yes two times. Now, you get a new ID card. Go back to Elevator Hall. {You can use the F.C. Device at the corpse that at Front Area of Entrance, and use the password} You will hear a pager voice. You can turn off the pager by checking the corpse once again. Now go on your jurney with Rick's idea. [{ Rick's idea }] Go back to The Backyard. There, you'll see Rick enter another room that you haven't entered it. (If you continue this by Gail's idea : Rick will call you if Tom's die) | Large Size Elevator Passageaway | Items : Slag bullets and resuscitation Enemies : 2 Velociraptors Go on, kill the Velos if you wish by Slag bullets.Take Slag bullets and resuscitation, then enter the next room through the double door. | Large Size Elevator | Items : Your gun, An. aid and a plug Enemies : Ptheranodon There, you'll have event. HEY! you are familiar with it. It's PTHERANODON !!! Okay, now you have danger scene again. After its end, go back to where your gun is falling. Now, I will teach you how to kill Ptheranodon : HOW TO KILL PTHERANODON : 1. Equip shotgun with any bullets, exept darts 2. Shoot the Ptheranodon if your aim is going up if you press R1 (aim) Go to R-6 garage, take An. aid. Now go to the boxes on the right of R-6 garage and take a plug. Continue right, and enter the right room to Large Size Elevator Control Room. | Large Size Elevator Control Room | Items : DDK input "L", DDK Code "L" and An. Aid Enemies : None You'll see Rick and Tom there. Event (if you go on with Gail's idea, there's no event). Tom will give you DDK input "L". Now take DDK code "L" on the table, then go to another side of this room, complete your map, take An. Aid, then go enter the other room. | Passageaway to the Power Room | Items : None Enemies : Patheranodon Go follow the path (zig-zag if you can), and enter another room. | Elevator Power Room | Items : Med Pak M and B1 Crane Card Enemies : None Go down the ladder, push the shelf, then take Med Pak M and B1 Crane Card. Go down a little and you'll see six computers in this order : o o o o o o Now, if you check the computer, you'll have four options : Green, Red, Blue and Cancel Arrange the computers in this order : 5B 2R R=Red => 1st 4G 3G G=Green => 2nd 1R 6B B=Blue => 3rd Now press those computer in that order. If number one, press it first time, etc. Now go ascend the ladder and exit this room. You'll see Danger scene again. Tap all buttons, and the Ptheranodon will die (look by yourself ^o^). Go back to Large Size Elevator. Activate the elevator by checking the blue dot; Now go to where Rick is, and see event. (You won't see event if you choose Gail's idea) | Carrying Out Room B1 | Items : An. Aid Enemies : None Event, go up the ladder then push the shelf, take An. Aid. Go on down, there's instruction on the wall. Read it if you want. Use B1 Crane Card at the computer. You'll see this : ______________________________________ |Card : | | | |[Many cards here] | | | |Start | |Clear | |Exit | |______________________________________| First, choose your card, then choose start if you are ready. Your first crane is at bottom center. So, choose : 2 up, 1 down, 1 left, hook, 2 right, release, then start 2 up, hook, start Then exit and go back to downstair, you'll see event (you won't see event if you choose Gail's idea). Go on, take An. Aid at bottom right corner (near the door). Enter the left door (you must unlock first) | Hallway for carrying materials | Items : None Enemies : Raptor Event (if you choose Rick's idea). Unlock the other door, don't enter that door. Turn off the laser beam, go on right, event. WAAAA !!! A Raptor is coming from the fence. Danger Scene !!! You'll kick the Raptor and it is dead. Now go to the Medical Room. | Medical Room | Items : ID Card, 2x Med Pak M Enemies : None Go to the other side of this room. You'll see Rick here and ... Tom's corpse (I'm sorry to here that). Now take the ID Card on the table and two Med Pak Ms in the shelf. If you wish, read the memo. Exit, go to Elevator Hall. | Elevator Hall | # Items : None Enemies : None Use F.C. Device at the corpse, enter Lecture Hallway to The Office. | Office | Items : None Enemies : None Use ID Card at the computer, enter 58104, say yes 2 times. Back to Elevator Hall again, and use the left elevator. ## {You don't have to read from # to ## if you continue with Gail's idea} Huh ?! What sound is that ? WAAAAA !!! A raptor again !!! Danger scene again. | B1 Hall | Items : Med Pak M Enemies : Raptor Now kill the Raptor. Take Med Pak M, complete your B1 map, read the instruction of DDK if you wish, then enter the DDK "L". Enter 'LABORATORY' | Main Hallway B1 | Items : None Enemies : 2 Raptors Go on down a little. You'll hear Raptor's step. Go on till you see a laser beam. Remember, there are two Raptors here. How to kill them all without get hurt ? HERE IS THE STRATEGY : 1. Turn off the laser beam 2. Run down as fast as you can 3. Press R2 4. Run back as fast as you can, then 5. Turn on the laser beam again If you do it perfectly, the Raptor will not eat you, because you are trapped there with laser beam. So, it's time to kill them. After you finished it, turn off the laser beam again, go on down. Don't enter the double white door, but go on right, turn off the laser beam. There is a red E-box there. After you've finished sort your items wisely, enter the single white door near that E-box to Computer Room. | Computer Room | Items : Plug and Screwdriver Enemies : None Take the plug near the other door, and take the screwdriver in the red box. Now look at the red box right. Use the screwdriver there, but you can't use it now. Exit this room through another door to Research Area Hall. Save your game if you wish (I suggest you not to save it right now, but it's up to you) | Research Area Hall | Items : Recovery Aid Enemies : 3 Raptors Go on up, turn off the laser beam. Enter the left door if you wish or take the Recovery Aid first. There is an E-box beside Recovery Aid. Enter the left door to Research Meeting Room. | Research Meeting Room | Items : DDK input "E" and plug Enemies : None Take the DDK input "E" on the table. Now check the blue light (at the corner of this table). You'll get a Lock Code password. Check the shelf (at the corner of this room) and take a plug. There is another door here, but you cannot enter it right now, because you have to enter the lock code password first before enter it (it's so safe there, you know. Hoo hoo hoo ^o^) You'll see a memo beside the shelf. I give you the important one : Red button defeat green gas Blue button defeat orange gas green button defeat purple gas Now back to the Computer Room. Now, go to the computer (beside yellow memo). Check it. Enter the Lock Code Password (7248), when the computer ask you the password. Now go back to the Research Meeting Room. Now enter another door at Research Meeting Room to Gas Experiment Room. | Gas Experiment Room | Items : B1 Key Chip, Small Size Key and An. Aid Enemies : None Take the An. Aid, go down. Now, you'll see if there is a doctor in a poisonous place. Hurry !! You must neutralize the poison to save him and you can ask where is Dr.Kirk now. Now, there is three buttons there. There are : Red, Green, Blue You must press this buttons : Blue, green, red, red, green, blue In other words, press this option : 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 Yup !! You can save him now. Go enter it. Walk a little bit more, and see event. You'll get B1 Key Chip and there is a password on the chip it says "3695". After that, check the corpse again. You'll take Small Size Key. Now exit this room. On the way out, there is a Raptor !! OUCH !!! Danger Scene. After it's end, press the red button to kill the Raptor or ignore it. I suggest you to kill it. It's up to you then. Now go back to Research Area Hall. There, go to where E-box is. Go left a little, you'll see two Raptors are waiting for you. Do the same as before or just shoot it if you've seen them. Then, turn off the laser beam, go on up. BLARR !!! The Raptor at the next room is hearing your gun's voice. So, go back quick and turn on the laser beam once more. Kill it, and enter the next room. | Library Room | Items : Med Pak M and Key Card R Enemies : None Take Med Pak M. Now go left, check the blue light. It's a computer which need B1 Key Chip to operate it. Use it, and enter 3695 as your password. Now, there is another mini game. You must change from the original to the sample. It's quite easy. Just follow this walkthrough : Press : Up, X, X, Up, X, Up, Up, X Yup !! It's done. Now, you'll see a green light is out. Go there, and use the chip again. You'll find Key Card R, and a memo. If you read the memo, you don't need to read this walkthrough. Now, enter another door the leading to Main Hallway B1. There, go to E-box, sort your item wisely, and enter the door to Computer Room. There, go to the big monitor. There are two white spot at the right and left. Go left or right and use L or R card. In other words, use R card if you go right, or use L card if you go left. You won't be able to open that monitor one people. You need two people to open it. Choose to call Gail. After a little event, enter DDK disc "E". Enter 'ENERGY' as your password. Save your game now. | Experiment Simulation Room | Items : Shotgun Stocks and An Dart L Enemies : None You'll see an energy at the simolation table. Check the table again, set the intializer and the stabilizer, then third energy. HURRAY !! Not only Dr.Kirk can activate the third energy. You can activate it too. Hoo hoo hoo ^o^ Go up, push the shelf, then take Shotgun Stocks. It allow you to use PA3 bullets at your Shotgun. Exit this room. On the way to Computer Room, take An Dart L. Event. HUH !!?? Dr.Kirk is locking us in this room ! We must find another way. Now operate the Circuit Panel. You can use it now. Ok, there are three pictures. Number 1 is the left one, number 2 is the center one, and number 3 is the right one. So, turn the picture in this way : Picture number 1 : Don't change Picture number 2 : Turn right one time Picture number 3 : Turn right one time Now, arrange in this arrangement : Picture number 3, number 1, number 2 Yup !! You've done it correctly (is the same as sample). Uh-oh, Gail and Rick are quarrel again. You have to choose whose idea you are thrust : Gail's : Break through the area relying upon your skill Rick's : Cooperate with Rick and escape through the hatch Gail's --> Go to Carrying Out Room B1 (be careful of Raptors) Rick's --> Go to Experiment Simulation Room, go to where you are take Shotgun Stocks, go to the right and operate the computer. You need to access three mini game and you have only two chance to win. After you are ready to catch Dr.Kirk, use Emergency Evacuation Hatch. I like Rick's idea, because you are catching Dr.Kirk first before Gail's. After you are at Carrying Out Room B1, you'll catch Dr.Kirk. Now, Gail will tell you to go to call a helicopter to rescue you all in Communication Room. Gail knows if Dr.Kirk knows where is the Communication Room. At first, Dr.Kirk doesn't want to give the card to Regina. But, after Gail force him, he is telling you where is it. Now, Dr.Kirk must give you the key card to go to Communication Room. He doesn't give it to you (waow... he is naughty isn't it ?). Gail is forcing him again. And finally, he give the key card. After you take control of Regina, go to Control Room 1F. Before you go here, save your game first or bring Resustication at your inventory (one is enough). Go on right, you'll see a green light. Yes, it is an elevator to go to Communication Room. Use the key card that Dr.Kirk gived you just now. | Communication Room | Items : Slag Bullets and Antenna Key Enemies : None Take Slag Bullets and an Antenna Key. Remember, Antenna Key is in the small box. There is a red E-Box. Unlock the door, exit. You'll be at Passageaway to the Communication Area. Go follow the way and enter Commumication Antenna Room. Enter the Antenna Key at the slot for Antenna Activation Key. Now see how the antenna is appear. Now exit. BUMM... BUMM... BUMM... BUMM... CREK !!!??? Rick is calling you and say what happend. WAHHH !!! T-REX !!! So that's why automatic lock is active. Now, Rick is trying to unlock the doors again, and you are busy with T-Rex. Hurry equip your Shotgun and use your maximum ammo (which have more ammo). Run as fast as you can to the entrance of the Communication Room. There, you'll fight the T-Rex. HOW TO FIGHT THIS T-REX : After it is trying to reach you, it will take back it's head. NAH !!! It's the only chance to make it can't eat you. Shoot it with your Shotgun about four times. After your four Shots, Rick will tell you if he has unlock the automatic lock. You'll automatically enter the Communication Room and call a helicopter. After it's end, walk a little, Rick will call you and ask you some questions (What's situation there, and tell you to go to the heliport). Now, go back to Front Area of Entrance. There, you'll have to see event. WAH !! Your enemies here is Patheranodon. Go on till the place that I told you to Remember just now. It says "Heliport A Head". Enter that door. | Passageaway to the Heliport | Items : None Enemies : 2 Raptors Go follow the path, ignore those two raptors that jump out from the ceiling. After you reach a dead end, there are two doors. Enter the right room. | Hangar | Items : Grenade Gun and two Grenade Gun bullets Enemies : None Go down, ascend the ladder. Go on left till dead end. On the way to the dead end to take Grenade Gun, you'll see a puzzle on your way later (at your right side of your television). Take the Grenade Gun, and Grenade Gun bullets. Read the memo if you wish. Go back and descend the ladder. Go right till you can't go on farther anymore. Nah, this is a puzzle. I will give you the map : . / \ / \ / MAP \____________________________________________________________________ | | | __ __ __ | | |VS||VS| |VS| | | |__||__| _______ __________ |__| | | | || || | |VS| | | | S || s1 || | _______|__| _______ | | |_______||_______|| B | | | | | | | | | | S2 | | S | | | |__________| |_______| _______|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | S3 | __ | S5 | | | | B | _______|_______| |VS| |_______| | | | || | |__| | | | | |__________|| S | |VS| | S4 | | | |_______| |__| |_______| | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| ____ / \ / \ / Legend \_________________________________ | | | VS = Very Small (You can't move this box) | | S = Small (You can move this box) | | B = Big (You can't move this box) | |___________________________________________| Move the S box in this Arrangement : S1 ===> Up S2 ===> Right S3 ===> Down S4 ===> Right S5 ===> Up After you've done it all, take Grenade Gun bullets, and enter the double white door. | Heliport | Items : None Enemies : T-Rex AHHH.... Finally, we can see a FMV again. I know, you must be waiting this FMV. << FMV >> WHEW... Finally, the helicopter is come. But, your friends are only Rick and Dr. Kirk. HUH ?? Where is Gail ? BUMM... BUMM... ??!! The birds are flying all. It's not good. BLARR !!!!! A T-Rex is coming to the heliport by breaking through the wall. Now, it goes to the helicopter. WAOW !!! It wants to break the helicopter. After the helicopter rather break (damage), it is eating the helicopter tail. Now, after the helicopter is no more, Dr. Kirk is running away (again. Huh...! That's bastard).Now, the T-Rex is coming for you. HOW TO FIGHT THIS T-REX : 1. Equip your Grenade Gun 2. Equip the ammo 3. Run if needed and shoot it if there is a chance 4. You are only need three times After you shoot the T-Rex three times, Rick will shoot his gun to give a massage to you and tells you to come to his way. Now go to where Rick is. See event. Bah !! the elevator is broken. You must find another way. Exit this elevator to Underground Passageaway to the Facility. | Underground Passageaway to the Facility | Items : None Enemies : Many Amasgus Go on down a little, you'll see a small stone is falling from above. WHAOW !! There are Amasgus !! Not only small stone. Run down, go to the right and enter the room. | Materials Room | Items : An. Aid, C.O Passcard Enemies : Many Amasgus Go on to the other side of this room. You'll see many Amasgus here. Check the corpse for C.O Passcard and then take the An. Aid. There is a memo here. Read it if you wish. Exit. Go on your way to another Liaison. Event. Regina will ask Rick if he is ready or not. Rick is always ready (I like him. Tee hee ^_^). After you reach the top, you are at Large Size Elevator. Now, You are going to B3 by that large elevator. On the way down, the elevator is shut for a while, and it is automatically use another energy. Gail will call you. Oh.... So, Gail is on floor B3 (wonder what is he doing here). You'll exit this Big elevator to Carrying Out Room B3. | Carrying Out Room B3 | Items : Grenade Bullets, Enemies : None You'll see if the battery is broken. You must find another battery to exchange it. Go to bottom left corner. Enter the white door. | BG Room B3 | Items : Batt.W and Slag Bullets Enemies : None Go to the other side of this room, take the Batt.W. Go to the other side of this room, you'll see a shelf. Push the shelf and take Slag Bullets. Exit Go to where Rick is and give him the Batt.W. YES !!! The light is on again. Go follow Rick, take Grenade Bullets on the way to the Control Room B3. | Control Room B3 | Items : Multiplier, B3 Crane Card 2, B3 Crane Card 1 and a plug. Enemies : None Take those items (Multiplier, B3 Crane Card 2, B3 Crane Card 1), it's scattered in this room. For the plug, you must push the shelf, and take the plug. Remember, there are two E-box here. Red and Yellow. Use it wisely.