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Funked Up Fashion

First off, we desperately hope that their management put them in these get ups. Can we really believe that Lance from Mississippi chose this ensemble? Let's do this systematically. Justin--okay, so we aren't digging the threads but dude, you still look hot. are a POP star, not a rock star. We can see where the confusion could come from with such thrashing songs like "God Must Have Spent..." though. Chris--we think that Lauryn Hill has mad style too but that doesn't mean that you should dress like her. JC--velvet scarf? Crunk it JC, you would have been the tightest without that gay accessory. Joey--there are no words that would accurately diss this outfit enough. Just look at the picture. Nuff said.

What would a fashion review be without us using some of the old school stuff? They are all kinda struggling. It is lucky for Lance that he enjoys to snuggle, since we only get a preview of his attire by the tight jean leg at the bottom of the picture. This diss should then be quite obvious. Chris what?!? Army fatigues? tucked into combat boots? Did you want to make Lance feel more at home or something? Maybe the dreads give you a better sense of fashion...

This one is dedicated to Joey. We have been very nice not to comment on all of the Superman stuff that you insist on wearing (so far), since we understand the concept of obsession, but red vinyl? Can we get a double what what?? Did you think that it would make you fly? Random Joey, just random.

Funked Up Fashion continued...