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Christina Aguilera

Hey guys, remember Christina Aguilera??? Sure you do, she was on the 6th and 7th season of The Mickey Mouse Club...You know the ones with Brit and Justin? Well, her first single "Genie in a Bottle" went to number one, and she has been making appearances all over the globe! Her complete album is now out, and take it from us, it is off the hook! Where "Genie" was catchy, the rest of the album truly displays her talent. We predict "diva" for this girl, and is what we consider to be a fantastic role model for all the young girls out there...She defiently has the support of the Totally *Nsync Chicas! To find out more about this cool and talented chica, click on her "Genie In A Bottle" single cover below. Enjoy!

We also added a link to her official site, since we just loved the web design. They changed the layout so it doesn't take a year to view it. Check it out ya'll.

Christina's Official Site

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