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WANTED: ALL Boyband Potentials

Picture it: Bored College student flipping through the largest independently run college newspaper in the country (aka "The Alligator"), and while pretending to pay attention during some lecture (I said I was pretending didn't I? I don't know what it was on!), came across a lovely ad which was strategically placed above the beloved crossword puzzle. The ad read:



Dance + Move. No Singing. 333-7283.

You got it, no need to be discrete about how a "boyband" is formed anymore. The BIG secret is out. No talent, just "move" is all that is required. This got us to thinking. With our connections, we decided to help anyone that wanted to apply for this gig. We got off our butts, made some calls, and through much begging and bribing, we were able to get our hands on the applications of the most successful assembled boyband today. You guessed it! BSB Baby! Study up fellas, and don't forget to give props to the Totally *Nsync Chicas (and 20% of all profits) when YOU become the next boyband star...

Name: Nick Carter

Current Occupation:STUDent

Music background, if any:Middle School Chorus, some plays and stuff.

Dancing background, if any:no, but I like to pretend.

Influences:This kid with curly hair that I met this past week at the MMC auditions. He was so awesome! So cool! I want to be just like him.

What you hope to gain in being in a pop group:My mom wants me to pay her telephone bills, and pay her automo bills.

Willing to say what we tell you to say?:let me check with mom, okay, yeah.

Willing to do what we tell you to do?:Mom said as long as I don't get naked.

Would you consider yourself good looking?:Yep. I be getting all the honnies.

Are you sexual?: yeeeaah

Are you the only one?: yeeeaah

List anything else that makes you qualified: I have always thought of myself as larger than life. I think that is the attitude that will get me whatever I want.

Name: Howard Dorough

Current Occupation:Just Chillin' like a Villian.

Music background, if any:I sing in the shower and in my car.

Dancing background, if any:I can do the "Hammer" and "Running man"

Influences:Mr. Ed. I use to sing "a horse is a horse of course of course" all day long. Use to drive everyone crazy.

What you hope to gain in being in a pop group:Maybe some ladies. But they have to be under 4'6", cause I'm 4'8".

Willing to say what we tell you to say?:sure.

Willing to do what we tell you to do?:yep.

Would you consider yourself good looking?: Me? No, but every boyband needs it's token ugly dude. So, that can be me.

Are you sexual?: yeeeaah

Are you the only one?: yeeeaah

List anything else that makes you qualified:I don't smell and I can make really good corny hand movements, which I think will be good for music know, instead of dancing maybe.

Name: Brian Littrel

Current Occupation:I distribute those Bible's to the Motels.

Music background, if any:Weddings, stuff in highschool, the usual.

Dancing background, if any:nope.

Influences:Joey McIntire from NKOTB.

What you hope to gain in being in a pop group:Make me a star.

Willing to say what we tell you to say?:I guess.

Willing to do what we tell you to do?:Um, okay. As long as it doesn't interfere with my health or heart surgery or something like that.

Would you consider yourself good looking?:I have my moments.

Are you sexual?: yeeeaah

Are you the only one?: yeeeaah

List anything else that makes you qualified:I yodel.

Name: Alexander James McLean

Current Occupation:Bag boy.

Music background, if any:I sing in my church choir and I am famous for carolling on Christmas.

Dancing background, if any:Tango, waltz, Lambada, Marcarana.

Influences:Godfather of Soul (James Brown), Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey, and Beck.

What you hope to gain in being in a pop group:I want to finally be cool.

Willing to say what we tell you to say?:Yeah, but can you tell me to be crazy? I have always wanted to be crazy.

Willing to do what we tell you to do?:Yeah, I would even be a freak if you wanted me to.

Would you consider yourself good looking?:I need some work, but anything is possible. Maybe a hat or sunglasses would help...or a paper bag? I'm up for anything really. Please just make sure I'm the cool one.

Are you sexual?: yeeeaah

Are you the only one?: yeeeaah

List anything else that makes you qualified:I can actually sing. Oh, and I once played a punk named "Skunk" on the show that lasted 2 episodes called "Honey, I'm Home"

Name: Kevin Richardson

Current Occupation:Hair Dresser/Beautician

Music background, if any:A battle of the bands or two in H.S.

Dancing background, if any:Jazz, Ballet, and love Ballroom.

Influences:Fred Estaire, Patrick Swayze (He does it all!), and George Michael.

What you hope to gain in being in a pop group:A life. A job. Cool clothes. And all the hair gel I could ever want.

Willing to say what we tell you to say?:With in reason.

Willing to do what we tell you to do?:At this point. I'll do anything.

Would you consider yourself good looking?:I've been labeled "tall, dark and handsome" by many a male and female.

Are you sexual?: yeeeaah

Are you the only one?: yeeeaah

List anything else that makes you qualified:I am a man. You guys aren't really seriouis about the whole dance + move thing are ya?

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