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...I've Got All My Brothers With Me

We know, we know. *NSYNC is a family. They are like brothers, or whatever. But have you ever wondered where *NSYNC got all their dashing good looks? Here we have compiled pics of the guys parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, third cousins, you name it. Anyone that shares even one gene with the boys will eventually be pictured. (Okay, so that would be impossible. So instead you're just gonna have to settle for immediate family.)

**We will never post any of our personal pics of the guys or their families. Any pic seen is already in circulation on the net. It's a privacy thang.***

The Timberlake's/Harless' (and half peeps):

Aw. It's Justin and his mama, Lynn, holding hands. The moral is: you are never too old to hold your mom or dad's hand. True that.

Here's Justin and his lil' bro Jonathan. Wonder if he'll turn out to be "hotstuff" like his big brother. Lord knows he's got the attitude...

The Chasez's:

JC and younger brother Tyler.

JC shown hugging his Dad, Roy, after completing the last leg of the '98 US tour.

This is JC's grandpa Lou. The Chasez's age REAL well.

The Bass':

Lance and the whole fam. They are all just so proud of their Lancee-poo

Just ignore the dude in the middle. He is X-*NSYNC keyboarder Dax. We just think that Stacy and Lance look so perty.

(Lance is the one on the left)

The Fatone's:

Joey and his parents Phyllis and Joe.

No, that's not Joey with a banana, it's Joey and his big bro Steve. Many of you may have met, seen, or got hit on by him during the tour.

Joey's sister Janine. She's perty just like Lance.

The Kirkpatrick's (and step peeps):

Chris' Dad and Mom, Beverly Eustice, in happier times.

Cute wittle Busta Kirkpatrick. Put your paws where my eyes can see, Woo-ha.

Chris has a total of four half sisters. Pictured is the youngest sis, Taylor.

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