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*N the Know

I admit it. My name is K, and I live with two non-*NSYNC fans. At least, that was the case before they moved in with me. This is my second set of roommates, and this is the second set I have influenced into accepting (beyond mere toleration) our favorite fivesome. Anyway, I digress. The point of this is, I realized there are some basic groundrules that every *new* *NSYNC fan MUST know. The more interested one of my current roommates becomes, the more I find myself explaining even the most rudimentary details. Starting from scratch isn't easy, and I realized that's where she would be coming from. Imagine people, FROM SCRATCH. For most you, "duh" will be commonly said after each line. For any of you new folk, study up, and get *N the Know.

  • Most fans came to know and love *NSYNC during the million airings of the Disney special. Classic quotes such as "He designed that?" to special advice like "Respect everyone." changed life as the *NSYNC fan would come to know it. The most important performance in the history of *NSYNC performances. Period.

  • The meaning of crunk. Not a basic meaning, but the actual TGIF version. If you have it on tape, show it now. If not, download. They need to be able to recite it, sing it, and loooooove it.

  • They need to know where to add the "ahh ahh ah ah" in TUMH, Joey's solo of "Oh yeah, I want you back baby...Oh yeah, I want you back girl." in IWYB, and Justin's "JC, siiiing." in IDMC. It is mandatory that whenever listening to these songs, no matter what company is present, to throw the lines in there. Never neglect them. No true *NSYNC fan ever does.

  • Teach them to always skip number 7 on their self-titled album. Not that they wouldn't figure this out on their own, it's just a time saver. (If possible, scratch that portion of the CD and tell them that it is suppose to be like that.) Think of the wonder of never knowing that "You Need Love" ever existed. "Ignorance is Bliss" people.

  • Show them the "Before They Were Stars" when Lance is playing pattycake, Joey is the wolfman, JC sings with this "friends" (note the hair and shirt. peace and love, bro) Justin "Randall" is on Star Search, and Chris is normal. This appearance helps all *NSYNC fans remember that the guys are just regular people, that would have had VERY different lives had Chris not made that first call.

  • They should be able to recite one of the following, whichever they like best: "Trans Continental's conduct with regard to 'N Sync is the most glaring, overt and callous example of artist exploitation that the music industry has seen in a long time." or "Pearlman is an unscrupulous, greedy businessman who while hugging us and calling us 'family' was picking our pockets, robbing us of our future and even endangering our health."

  • Explain that they should never be ashamed about the Euro-days. Show them some pictures and the IWYB-European version. Wait for laughter to stop, then tell them that without the Euro-style, *NSYNC would not exist in America. In time, they will come to respect the Euro-era as the beginning of *NSYNC time.

  • Explain that things that Justin says, no matter what, will become part of the *NSYNC lingo. Peace and Hair Grease, J.

  • Most importantly, give them quick answers to the questions they will be faced with daily. For example, Q: How can you call them a band when they don't play any instruments?" R: "They are a vocal harmony group, where their voices are their instruments. Plus, JC can play the piano. He does little Jazzey versions to all the songs." or, Q:They are just like the BSB." R: "Ooooh no, you didn't. The difference is *NSYNC has undisputable talent, love what they do, put themselves together, and are real-life buddies. BSB is nothing more than a group of randomly concocted guys thrown together in the hopes that the popmarket would accept their commercialized and manufactored look. Plus, *NSYNC is just cool."

    I hope these tips help you in your mission. Your efforts will not go unrewarded. Paaaace.

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