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Cerrrazy Chris

Audios and Visuals

All Chris, All Fun.


  • Group Interviews

  • Group Songs (silly)

  • Group Songs

  • Chris

    ++ I miss Busta, my puppy Busta!

    ++ Chris talks about the BSB to MTV news.

    ++ Chris 27? He doesn't look a day over 24.

    ++ Chris explains Justin's obsession over babyblue.

    ++ Joe Montana=crying. Isn't that true for everyone?

    ++ The famous "He designed that!"

    ++ Nothing surprising ya'll. But Joey's Pregnant.

    ++ "Don't touch me."

    ++ You mean Chris had weave? That wasn't natural?

    ++ Bob Barker mike.

  • JC

  • Joey

  • Justin

  • Lance


  • Group Movies

  • Chris

  • JC

  • Joey

  • Justin

  • Lance

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