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JC bytes

Audios and Visuals

Just Chasez


  • Group Interviews

  • Group Songs (silly)

  • Group Songs

  • Chris

  • JC

    ++ "Oh, you want some sugaaaaa, alright." (a T*N K fav)

    ++ JC is asked if he thinks he is sexy.

    ++ Learn to pronounce Chasez. (and no, the boy isn't Mexican.)

    ++ What's JC's favorite food? Yes Saaah.

    ++ JC tells all about Chris' fashion. FuBu mondays, FuBu Tuesdays, FuBu Fridays. Everyday's a FuBu day.

    ++ JC's first concert and his running man abilities.

    ++ "For the girl who eats everything..."

    ++ Happy Birfday from JC.

    ++ "Hotel, Motel...Holiday Inn!"

    ++ Open House Party.

    ++ Cute (& accurate) Kermit impression.

    ++ MSG, it does JC's body good.

    ++ "What's up, my bro."

    ++ JC sings Feliz Navidad.

    ++ Tells about new album.

    ++ JC confesses about a childhood deed.

    ++ only "Do you think you're sexay."

    ++ What the guys do on stage.

    ++ Singing "End of the Road."

    ++ Singing "I Only Have Eyes For You."

    ++ Bad pinapple?

    ++ Basic. He just says "Thank you." But, it is in a sarcastic tone.

    ++ Singing "Things are getting out of hand..." and then "Baby, baby, baby c'mon" in the background.

    ++ JC admits that he is embaressed about Wipeout.

    ++ Sleepy hello.

    ++ Singing "Cry For You."

    ++ He doesn't want to date any other squirrels.

    ++ Pure Humor. JC raps to "Live and Learn."

    ++ Singing "Love and Affection."

    ++ THE BEST! Singing "Now and Forever." Seriously, if you haven't heard it, DOWNLOAD. K, nuff said.

    ++ Singing "I Saw Her First."

    ++ More of "I Saw Her First."

    ++ Singing "Thinking back on you and me, remembering how it use to be."

    ++ JC's number one fantasy. Ooooh La la.

  • Joey

  • Justin

  • Lance


  • Group Movies

  • Chris

  • JC

  • Joey

  • Justin

  • Lance

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