WWF Extreme's Unforgiven Results

September 26, 1999
Charlotte, North Carolina
Hosted by Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

       Val Venis vs. Steve Blackman
       Wow, great match (note the sarcasm). Why does Steve Blackman still have a job? The opening two in the 6-pack match will be The British Bulldog & The Rock. The scab ref is Steve Lombardi. As you can tell, I'm avoiding the match as not even the crowd is in to it. DDT by Val into the Money Shot, 1-2-3. After the match, Blackman nailed Venis with a kendo stick. Then the head of security takes out Blackman as Blackman threants the paramedics.

Big Show Interview Michael Cole asks where The Undertaker is, Big Show says that The Undertaker isn't on the roster. He says there is no way he'll be leaving without the WWF Title.

Mark Henry vs. D'Lo Brown (European Title)
hey show a promo of Mark Henry & D'Lo Brown being friends and then him turning on him. Henry gets interviewed by that chick, and she asks him about the match, and then Henry whispers something in her ear and she slapped him. The WWF refs are showed outside. Mark Henry comes down with 2 nice looking women. Henry gets on the mic and says that there won't be a European Title Match, he tells the girls to go start the car. He says he got slapped back there and something popped and he ain't wrestling tonight. D'Lo comes down to make sure he can't leave. The scab ref is Tom Prichard, the head of the scabs. D'Lo hits the Sky High to a big pop. Henry hits a hotshot. But when Henry goes to crotch D'Lo on the middle rope, Henry misses and rolls out and D'Lo hits a tope. Stupid match when Henry has the advantage, Henry finally hits the crotch thing on D'Lo and both go outside. After Henry dominating D'Lo hits a headscissors. D'Lo hits a power bomb from the 2nd rope into a Sky High for the 3 count.
Winner and new European Champion: D'Lo Brown

Acolytes Interview, Debra/Jarrett Interview
Bradshaw says that they ran one ECW tag team out of town and it was Public Enemy of course. Chaz tries to go at the Acolytes for some reason and a bunch of people are holding them back. Debra & Miss Kitty & that chick in the back. Debra says that that was the last time JJ was gonna put her hands on him, and JJ comes and says that she should keep out of the business.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Chyna (Intercontinental Title)
Jarrett comes only to the ring with Miss Kitty. Chyna with a low blow as Jarrett comes off the 2nd turnbuckle. Boring match. Chyna's over as a face though. They're probably booing Jarrett because he doesn't have Debra. The scab ref is Harvey Wippleman. Jarrett hits that Tornado Single Arm DDT. They show Moolah & Mae Young. Jarrett goes for a figure four but Chyna kicks him off onto the outside. Chyna with a big chair shot on the outside, Chyna drops Jarrett face first on it as well. Chyna backdrops JJ on the spanish table, and it doesn't break. Chyna went for the Pedigree, but JJ reversed itwith a catapault into Harvey. JJ calls for the guitar. Mae Young & Moolah are in the ring, they start slapping him. They hit a double suplex! They go for a double clothesline and Jarrett hits one instead. Here comes Debra!. Debra pushed down Kitty. Jarrett goes for the figure four Debra with a guitar shot! Chyna with the cover! 1---2--3! WAIT, Tom Prichard reversed the decision, since he's the head scab ref, because of Debra's interference.
Winner by DQ and still Intercontiental Champion: Jeff Jarrett

Dudley Boyz vs. Acolytes
The ref for this is a regular ref Jim Kardias. Buh Buh Ray hits a avalache. The crowd sounds dead. This would be a good match if it was a hardcore match. Bradshaw kicked out of 3D????????????? Buh Buh Ray with a powerbomb into a D-Von headbutt off the top rope for only a 2. They hit 3D and Stevie Richards comes down and hits the Stevie Kick on D-Von and he's dressed like an Acolyte and The Acolytes win. After the match he gets his ass kicked.
Winners: The Acolytes

Ivory vs. Luna (Women's Title, Hardcore Rules)
It starts off in the back with Ivory throwing a trash can at Luna. Harvey Wippleman is reffing this match as well. Luna puts Ivory in a copy machine and makes some copys, Luna hits Ivory with a phone. Ivory starts knocking over the sets and knocks a cameraman over. Luna puts Ivory on a bunch of boxes, and Luna goes up on a something, and dives on Ivory for a 2. Ivory was gonna hit Luna with a pole, but Tori came and grabbed it and stopped it, and gets hit herself, and Ivory hits Luna and gets the win.
Winner and still Woman's Champion: Ivory

New Age Outlaws vs. Edge & Christian
OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW? YOUR ASS BETTER CALL SOMEBODYYYYY!!!!!!! Mr. Ass comes out about 30 seconds after the Road Dogg. Kordanis is back in there. Good beginning, don't know if I could subscribe it to you. Road Dogg & Christian hit a sick looking double crossbody block. Edge hits a backbreaker into a Christian reverse DDT. Road Dogg hit a Double DDT on Edge & Christian. Gunn gets tagged in to a big pop. Christian hits areverse DDT, he turns around into a Road Dogg attamped Pumphandle Slam, the Hardyz jump Edge & Christian, Gunn hits the Fame-ass-er on Edge for the win.
Winner and still Tag Team Champs: The New Age Outlaws

HHH/Bulldog Interview, Bossman Interview They show the HHH - Rock match from SmackDown. Bulldog says that The Rock is getting too cocky. HHH says she shouldn't worry about the relationship. He says he will leave the ring with the title. Bossman says that he'll stick the night stick up Cole's ass if he asks another dumbass question.

Al Snow vs. Big Bossman (Hardcore Title, Kennel from Hell)
This cage looks kick ass. They have the cell and then the cage on the ring is the one with the blue bars. Bossman takes about 20 minutes to get down here. The bell rings, and the HAIC (Hell in a Cell) is lowered, and they're outside the ring, no dogs yet, the cameraman is outside the ring, I suggest he gets his ass i the first cage, and Bossman is locking The Bossman between cages, and here comes the dogs. The dogs are in the cage now, if Bossman was smart, he would climb in. He starts it, and Snow gets an end of a shovel. Snow comes up and tries to knock him down, Snow almost fell down. The dogs start barking at the dogs, Al Snow starts climing at the Hell in a Cell, and he gets near the door, but doesn't leave. He finally gets to the cage and Bossman keeps hitting him, Bossman hits a superplex from the top of the cage. The dogs still keep barking at each other. Bossman has pliers, and he's gonna try to cut himself out of the cage. Bossman cuts a part of, and he starts going at his ear. Bossman has powder and is gonna hit Snow with it, and Snow throws it back in his face. Big shot with something and is busted open along with Snow. His match sucks. Bossman dents the shovel end on Snow's head, and he handcuffs Snow to the turnbuckle. Bossman's gonna climb out the top of the cell. Snow ran so hard that he busted the cuffs off. Snow shook the cage and Bossman fell and straddled the top rope. NO REACATION, UNTIL HEAD IS HERE! HEAD SHOT! Here's a comment for you: Jim Ross: Snow took Head out of his sac Bossman goes out through the top, but Snow gets out before him!
Winner and still Hardcore Champion: Al Snow

Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac
After injuring Ken Shamrock on SmackDown!, Chris Jericho took on X-Pac instead. Curtis Hughes, who ended up having a direct impact on the match, accompanied Jericho. With Jericho caught upside down in the turnbuckles, X-Pac hit him with a rather unusual broncobuster. Hughes had seen enough, and he came into the ring and clobbered the referee. Jericho and Hughes ganged up on X-Pac, but the Road Dogg appeared and evened the odds! X-Pac and Road Dogg won the scuffle, but the match ended in a disqualification.
Winner by DQ: X-Pac

The top superstars in the game battled in the Six Pack Challenge. Stone Cold Steve Austin was the enforcer, and he opted to enforce from the commentator's table, where he joined Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. It was complete anarchy inside the ring, but somehow referee Jim Korderos, the only regular official to cross the picket line, was able to keep some sort of control. As the other superstars battled outside the ring, the Big Show chokeslammed Mankind. Korderos administered the count, but the regular referees, who had walked down to ringside, pulled Korderos out and put a beating on him! Enforcer Austin sprung into action, taking over referee duties. The Rock nailed Triple H with the Rock Bottom and People's Elbow, but the other superstars pulled out Austin. Inside the ring, Bulldog hit The Rock with a chair, and looked to do the same to Triple H, but Austin stole the chair and clobbered the Bulldog with it. Meanwhile, Triple H hit The Rock with the Pedigree, and Austin was forced to make the three count. Triple H became a two-time Federation Champion. Austin reluctantly handed the new champion the title, but Hunter defiantly pushed the Rattlesnake away. Austin retaliated by stunning Triple H, and celebrating with a few beers!
Winner and new WWF World Champion: Triple H