Loniness seems to be blind,
When I can spend time talking on line,
Friends from near and far,
Cheery chatting wherever they are....
Lot's of "lol's" and things like that,
Make for fun and interesting chat,
Knowing Friends from other places,
Sometimes never even seeing their faces....
Where shoulders dry tears,
And ears sure fears,
Winks, twinkle like stars,
Were often the dreams float from afar....
Fantasies come alive with imagination,
Places in the heart are born,
With no one there to scorn,
For these out of Love are formed....
Harmless dreams into the night,
Makes some places better and almost right,
Words of lovers paint pictures of their reality,
Lonely hearts paint pictures of dreams,
So often they are the same,
Yet they are never the same,
As long as one is but a dream,
Feelings of Love come from the Heart,
No one to judge or say it is wrong,
Love is born in freedom...for each to give,
Love can and expects nothing,
But dies if it receives nothing,
So what is freely given must be shared....
And by this, each will have it's place,
And one day may they become one,
So as Love does soar on wings of eagles,
It becomes reality as the two come to roost....
So we will be well rounded in our life to come,
I will take you on my wings spread wide,
We will see the world as it should be,
And you may take me walking in the forest,
And show me the world as it is....
Randy, Thank you for sharing and writing with me,
I hope you like this page as much as I do....
We will always be close friends...