8612 DU Players

Clayton Taylor's Clipping.

Chitose Roster with * by starters.

Earl Warner with a grin.

Earl Warner again.

Jim Brock and Earl Warner 2005.

Clayton Taylor, Jerry Teller and yeah, Earl Warner.

Jerry Teller and Clayton Taylor 2008

Clayton Taylor

Jim Brock and Clayton Taylor 2009

Jerry Teller

Clayton Taylor

Oliver Shiver.

Oliver Shiver and Jim Brock (backrow)2007.
Jim Brock

A little doctoring the indoor shot due to bad weather on the date scheduled for the photo.
Jim Brock

Bad weather out side still. No matter they didn't use the inside shoots anyway.
Jim Brock

The used this one for the sketch. Check out the shoes. We had shabby practice uniforms and no cleats. We wore our first cleats of the season against Tachikawa, in the pouring rain. Final results 62-0. But we had fun. Ask anyone above.
Jim Brock

This is how it turned out. I took a lot of ribbing over this one. Truly deserved at that.
Jim Brock.

Things got better as time went on. Especially when we got down south with the big boys and the cheerleaders and bands showed up for the games. Following is some of the clippings that have survived the years between Clayton and I. Some game pictures of the Yokota game, that we won, by the way. These courtesy of Charlie Dawson back then. Thanks for adding to my memories Charlie.
This game was Chitose VS Shiroi AFB "The Green Wave."
Chitose VS FEAF-TIA. This team had All America George (Dusty) Rice from 1947 Univ of Iowa team. Sometime in the '60's while watching Iowa play I saw an Iowa running back by the name of Ferguson break George Rice's record of longest run from from scrimmage. It was over 90 yards and Ferguson went 99 yards I believe.

Chitose VS Yokota. Nr 11 to the right running pass play. Some good blocking going on.

Chitose VS Yokota. Good action going on.

Chitose VS Yokota. Good action going on atill.

This one we WON!

This one we WON!

Chitose played the Champs. We didn't do all that bad as the score was much higher against some teams in the past. One thing we can say is we played hard and had fun. The championship banquet that night was the greatest. Misawa's player/coach Dick Heatly, University of Oklahoma 1950, right halfback to Billy Vessels at left halfback, invited me to sit at the head table. What an honor that was. Sit by Dick Heatly and had a very interesting conversation. Dick went to Washington St as a coach when he left the Air Force. I tackled him from linebacker and I must have hit his knee coming forward with my helmet because it was down over my eyes with all straps broken in the top of it. I think I was out for less than a minute, but they took me out for a play and I got a different helmet from one of the subs. Only time every that I lost memory for a moment or knocked out at all. Great team, great game and a even greater banquet.

Players Photos Then and Now

John played the latter part of the season with us in 1955. Picture taken by Clayton Taylor when the met during 1956 season in the Tokyo area where John was playing on the opposition that day.

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