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8612TH A. A. U. Camp Chitose II-1957

Sgt Gary Salsbury and Sfc Tiny Minzell with club employees-1957
This shindig was sayonara party for some of the club employees and for Sgt Jim Brock, departing President of the NCO Club Board of Governors. Sgt Gary Salsbury was the NCO Club Manager in 1957. Sfc Tiny Minzell was incoming President of NCO Club Board of Governors.(UPDATE 01/04)Sadly Gary and Tiny have passed on.
Some of NCO Club Employees at party -1957
The lady is Mambo, Kazumo and Pappasan are shown, but don't remember the others' names.(UPDATE 01/04)Man to Mambo's right is Frankie. Pappasan is Mr Saka and Ben Saka's Father.
[IMAGE] Mambo, Club Cashier-1957
Mambo was the NCO Club Cashier for many years. She married an American Soldier and now lives in the US I'm told. Anyone who can tell me where and what her name is now?? (UPDATE 1/04) Mambo married Donald Cole in 1966 and lives happily in Torrance, CA after 37 years of marrage.
[IMAGE] Sgt Jim Brock,Pres. NCO Club Board-1957
We had to the opportunity to see the expansion of the club from a straight quansett to the larger U shape, former Mess Hall building, which opened in March 1957.

[IMAGE] Misaki, Club Bookkeeper-1957
Misaki was a good friend of mine and I was honored to have dined at his home on occassions.(UPDATE 01/04)Sadly Misaki has passed also.
The following were provided by Mambo and Don to be displayed here.

Mambo in her original job as cashier circa 1956

Mesaki, the civilian manager of the NCO Club and his wife, who worked at the AF PX on Chitose I. I had many meals at Misaki's home and due to Japanese tradition his wife never ate with us. She was fun to meet and talk to at the AF PX but she never spoke at her home.

Mambo and friend at Jozankei Hot Springs circa 1957.

Mambo and Kazumo circa 1957.

Mambo and Kazumo in Office circa 1957. Kazumo was cook in the Club Snack Bar.
