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My Arod Encounters*!*

September 23, 1999

I read on that Alex was going to be at the Eagle Hardware and Garden in Seattle so I decided to go there and catch a glimpse of him. He was there from 5-6:30 pm, and before i think that he had shot a commerical for them. I got there at 5:45 becuase of traffic and I was suprised to see that not that many people had showed up. Around 50 or 60. So I made my way through the crowd and taking TONS of pictures. But i felt so bad becuase it was cold up and he was up there answering questions that the audience was asking. He was picking people to ask him questions himself. He looked kinda annoyed, and i felt bad for him becuase some of the questions that they were asking him were kinda personal. ::Note: I didn't have a question to ask him so i decided not to, even though i wanted to really bad:: One of the girls asked "What was his ideal Women?" and he didn't really understand the question, one girl asked him to dinner at his house. i mean it went on~! But one thing i remembered was that he likes Eternity by Calvin Klein, that is one of his favorite colognes. For the record. But he answered a lot of questions and finally it was over and then he got back into his car, the men were mean about it, the pushed everyone away. And left. (Sorry i didn't really want to go on about the questions and stuff. but i hope to have some pictures up soon!!~!)

June 25, 1997

I went to Bellevue Square which is a mall in Washington, for those who don't know. Anways i went into the Locker Room, with one of my freinds who was looking for a shirt for her boyfreind. I started looking at the Arod jerseys and asking how much they were cuz I wanted one, and the guy said that Arod had just walked by with some of his freinds and was heading towards Nordstrom. Well I freaked out! I grabbed my freind and ran out of the store towards the Nordstrom.
When I got there, I went to the Men's Department and started asking around if anyone had seen Arod in the store. One of the men said "Yes," but that he had already left the mall and pointed to the direction that he had gone. So we started again running around the mall and to make the story a lot shorter and get to the good stuff..we went to EVERY store that a guy would think of going to--not kidding. We even started asking random people in the mall if they had seen him. We also met up with some of our freinds..and one of them by chance happened to have a camera.
We were getting hopeless..but we had one more place to go. The Bon Marche. So we walked in to the store and asked one of the ladies at the Make-up counter if she had seen him and she said that he was in the Men's Shoe Department. I made my way over there..and there he was sitting on one of the chairs with some of his freinds. He was wearing a yellow and blue horiztal striped Polo Shirt, with jeans and Nike Shoes. We walked around to the front to catch a glimpse of him, and he had turned his head away with his hand and was facing the mirror so we could still see him. His freinds started asking us questions like "Do you play Baseball?" and "Who is cuter Ken Griffey or Alex?" and then the guy whispered to me "Go tell Alex that Mr. Cole sent ya." So we walked over to alex..and i shook his hand twice. And the funny thing was that he was kinda embarassed it seemed. And it might have had to do with the fact that he was trying to keep and low profile and we were kinda blowing it.And so all through the whole converstation he kept going "shhhh.." cuz we were being kinda loud and stuff. And when i met him, he was on the DL becuase he was injured. And he was supposed to be coming back on the day that i was going to the game. So i said that i was going to the game and he smiled. Then we got our picture taken with him and at the end before he left he said to us "Go try and get your picture taken with Ken." Becuase Ken Griffey and Jay Buhner happened to be in the Bon too. And as we were leaving he winked at us. And as we were leaving we walked by him again and i said "I can't find Ken." Kinda kidding..and he turned around and goes "Ken is over there" and pointed. And then he left.

August 22, 1998

This time Arod was having a book signing for his book "Hit a Grand Slam with Alex Rodriguez" at Borders Bookstore in Redmond Town Center.I woke up at six and we got there a 8:00 in the morning and the line was already long. I was one of the first 50 people there though. He wasn't signing books until 11:00 so we had to wait a while.
Around 10:50 *i don't know how was before eleven* he pulled up to the side of the parking lot in his black mercedes..but he wasn't driving someone else was and he was waving to all of the fans..I missed part of it becuase i was looking away but my mom, my best freind, and my aunt all saw it. Anways the line started to move up and after a while i was in the store waiting for him to sign it.
When i got to the table where he was sitting a guy took my book away and then i walked towards alex and watched him sign was a fast process but i tried to tell him Good luck at his game..but i was talking way to fast so he asked me "What?" twice. I was embarassed. And before i had told my aunt and my mom to get a lot of pictures *I wish that i could put them up cuz they are really good..but i don't have a scanner* anways so my mom was taking pictures and he kept looking at me. And then he saw my mom with her camera and so he smiled at me and after she took the picture he goes "Are you guy sisters?" My mom was like "Alex, your too Nice". and i just smiled cuz i was still embarassed from last time i tried to talk. And then we left.

Kimi/Irving, TX

I met Alex May 19, 1998 when the Mariners were in town playing the Texas Rangers. Me and one of my friends had tickets to the game, and I had this longshot idea to go over to where they were staying afterwards. Well it worked!! we left the ballpark in the bottom of the 8th and drove (really fast) to the Marriot and waited outside. (While we were outside waiting, we talked to David Segui and Jay Buhner) Then all of a sudden Alex came walking up!!!!!!! I was so excited!!!!! I got up, walked over to him, said hi, introduced myself and asked if i could take a picture. He said that would be fine, and I took it. Then I had my friend take a picture of the 2 of us. It didnt come out to good, though : ( But the picture of him alone, came out awesome, he's even smiling his adorable little smile. I thanked him, shook his hand and then we left. I will never forget it, Alex was so nice to me.....especially considering they lost the game by about 4 runs. If I wasn't already Alex's biggest fan, this experience definatley sent me over the top. It's one thing to be a great player, its another to be a great person.