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Alex's Favorites

Cologne- Armani, Cool Water, and Enternity

Actor- Eddie Murphy

Actress- Demi Moore

Hobbies- Golf, Basketball, Traveling, Reading, Fishing, and Computer Games

Book- The Winner Within by Pat Riley, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Movie- The Untouchables, Good Fella, and No Way Out

Music- Mariah Carey, Puff Daddy, and The Rolling Stones

Band- The Rolling Stones

Song- Eye of the Tiger (survivor)

Food- Rice, Beans, Sushi, Salmon, and Pasta

Cereal- Cocoa puffs

Dessert- cheesecake

Cartoon Character- roadrunner

Type of Music- R&B

Place to shop- Bergdorf-Goodman, NewYork