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You Gotta Love This Guy

This page was last updated: 2/12/00

Okay so i just have to say that i'm so pissed about Alex betraying the M's that his name is no longer Arod but A-hole. But no matter what even though he left Seattle and i'm upset about it..he's still Arod and i've got a little bit of respect left for him. but umm alex..How's Texa$? one joke though and i LOVE this one so i have to put this up here..Alex Rodriguez wipes his as* with dollar bills..i wipe mine with his rookie cards.

:::Ever met arod? Wanna tell your story?:::

I'm starting a page on Arod Encounters..and I've had a few so mine are gonna be on there but i want yours also! Wanna know more.. Go here*!*


::Where you can find everything you need to know about Alex Rodriguez::

Alex's Bio

Alex's Favorites

Alex Quotes


::Need I say More?::





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Since Sept. 19, 1999

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