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Setting Goals

Recently this was posted by Sami WI on the Avon BB
I asked Sami for permission to post her words on my
website and she said yes. I hope that this helps you
as much as it helped me!

In December I make a chart with pictures. Airplane (for convention, I am going), Mail (for bulk mail permit and I did start in Feb last year), RC(which I would have made had I not recruited my best customers LOL), dishwasher (spring), Savings (do own stock now), dining room carpet (spring) Credit Cards (goal is to have all paid off and have made some dents but it is early yet!), EUL (I am determined and have some new unit members that will help this one) Palm Pilot (which I purchased in Jan.). Goals for 2001/2002 are RC, EUL, Credit Card payoff, remodel kitchen, setting business hours (already done when I got voice mail two weeks ago, got it set up so customers can leave orders and saved tons of time by not playing telephone tag), Do at least one Craft Fair and Go all out to get a fundraiser (bought 200 flyers that will go in a mailing in March).

As I accomplish a goal I write "DONE" over it boldly and on those days when I ponder "WHY AM I DOING THIS" I look at my chart and see what is already accomplished and I get pumped!

I started two years ago with little things like a scanner (price $129), then a fax machine ($99), a really nice dinner that I took my hubby to and I PAID! Start with something small so it is easy to accomplish, like the dinner, then increase the goal by say $50, then double it, then double that. My start up permit fee and first postage was $300 and it was all Avon earnings.

I also budget myself in Avon purchases $10 a camp. for the I need items (mascara, lipstick) and $10 for the I wants (gee, bubble bath in every scent possible should really be a I need don't ya think?). If I spend $20 for I want item then I can buy NO I want the next campaign.

I post my graph on the fridge so it keeps reminding me on those days I just feel blah! Main thing is keep it realistic! If you have 10 customers a new 18,000 car is not realistic. Tucking away say $100 a month or more for a down payment is. AND if you set a goal like say for a dishwasher follow thru with that item, DON'T change your mind midsteam or once you have the money in hand.

AND MOST IMPORTANT! BELIEVE YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS! Some will have to be carried over to the next year, that is not failure but an ungoing goal. (I set up a really neat home office, new drapes, rugs, furniture, extra phone line, etc etc, paying this plus some other expenses in 6 months was not realistic unless I won the lottery or had 4 killer back to back fundraisers).HOWEVER I AM DETERMINED BY THE END OF 2001 TO HAVE THIS ACCOMPLISHED! Having a goal makes you more eager to pass on that extra book and to step out of your comfort zone WITHOUT being a aggressive or a sales rep people run from.

On a daily basis also set some goals, accomplish the most hated job first (bathroom, or that customer that drives you nuts), set a goal to take one weekday off from Avon (funny how when I do that I usually end up with several new customers). Set the goal that at on the 1st of each month you will do the paperwork from the previos month (really saves alot of time and headaches at tax time). Some of these when done on a regular basis become HABITS! Habits (good one's at least) save time! Who do you know that doesn't want more free time to do what THEY WANT? (if you recruit this is a great thing to pass on to your downline). I learned long ago to do what you hate first and there is such a sense of fulfillment that the rest of the day everything is a breeze!

Well I am no pro at this, I do hope some of this info helps. My goal for today is to RELAX! We had a ice storm last night so I moved all of today's deliverys to last night and I get to stay home today!

Write a list of what you REALLY want to accomplish this year, then read it a couple of days from now and set prioritys to it, read it a few days later and re-adjust it, then make a picture show of your goals and print it. AND don't forget to date it, like 2001-2002. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

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