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Chapter Three

“Nick, all of you actually…please just give me some time…I’ll tell all four of you when I’m ready to discuss this matter.” Ashleigh said.

“Ashleigh…” Dan begun.

“No Dan.” Ashleigh said.

“C’mon you guys. Lets respect Ash’s wishes and leave. Call me Ash…please? The whole Carter clan misses you.” BJ said.

“Yea BJ. I’ll call you. You know check up on everyone.” Ash said.

“Okay thanks Ash.” BJ said. “See ya later.”

“I’d better.” Ash joked.

“Ashleigh, dad misses you.” Tyler said.

“Ty, I’ve been gone for what…2 weeks. Besides I’m right here.” Ash said.

“Um…Ty, I’m going to come home tonight. Just for a little while.” “I’ve decided something that’ll change a lot.” Ash said.

“Okay Ash, see you then.” Ty said.

“Make sure that Denise, dad, AJ, Sara, Alisa, Ana, mom, Robert, and Rachel are all there.” Ash said. “Dan and you have to be there too, Ty.” Ash said.

“Ashleigh…I’ll try…but I have to ask dad and Denise if mom, Robert, etc. can come.” Ty said.

“Just try” Ash said. “I’ll be there at 7:00PM”

“Okay Ash.” Tyler said. “I’ll have to tell mom it’s about you giving away some money.”

“Whatever works.” Ashleigh replied.

“Okay Ash.” Tyler said.

“Thank you Tyler.” Ash said. “Nick can’t come”

“Okay.” Ty said.

“Bye.” Ash.

“Okay, I’ll get Dan and we’ll be there in a half hour.” Ash said.

*A half hour later*

“Daniel! Ashleigh! Tyler!” Robert yelled.

“Okay ya’ll.” Ash said. “I called this meeting to announce that, the Geller’s wont get anymore of my money. That’s because I’ve decided to finish my senior year at school in California.”

“What?” They all said.

“You heard me. I’ll be back in 1-2 months.” Ash said.

“You can’t” Matt said.

“Yes I can and I am. My flight leaves in…2 hours.” Ash said. “Bye.”

“No you cannot Ashleigh Charissma.” Matt said.

“Ashleigh, I don’t think it’s a very good idea.” Denise said.

“Ugh! Amazingly enough I agree. We need your money.” Kelly said.

“Kelly, this isn’t about Ashleigh’s money.” Denise said.

“Well you have a rich son, plus a rich step daughter and a rich step son in law to be.” Kelly said. “Of course you would say that.”

“I don’t take AJ or Ash’s money.” Denise said. “Ash and Nick broke up.”

“No!” Kelly said. “How could you? You little brat! I can’t believe you!” We need that money for Sara, Alisa, and Anna’s education!”

“What about me mom?” Ash yelled. “I’m going to college to you know!” “Amazingly enough, I don’t have that much money!”

“You have more than Robert and I do!” Kelly yelled.

“Everything isn’t about money!” Ash yelled. “I maybe a multimillionaire mom, but if I could have a normal mom like Denise, I’d rip up all my money.” “Maybe you people will never see me again!” “Hey you never know…I might end up in California forever!”