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Is It Ever Really Forgive And Forget?

Brian left without saying goodbye to his best friend. He also failed to contact her at all for six years.

Now they are forced to work together on the guys' 1999 US tour. Can she forgive him? Can they get along? And what happen when he finds out things in her past that he never knew about, even though they were happening right in front of him?

Read on and find out....

*Prologue and Character*
*Chapter One: Her Life In Lexington*
*Chapter Two: The Tour Nurse*
*Chapter Three: Water Stops And Brian's Will*
*Chapter Four: Planing For The Worst*
*Chapter Five: Familair Faces...not Always Good*
*Chapter Six: Having First Dibs*
*Chapter Seven: AJ's Bright Idea*
*Chapter Eight: Just Doing Her Job*
*Chapter Nine: Haunting Dreams and Secret Care*
*Chapter Ten: Wide Spread Confustion*
*Chapter Eleven: A Plan...*
