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Chapter One: Her Life In Lexington

“Hey Anisa!” Lori smiled.

“Hey Lori. How are you today?” Lori was a friend that she had met with going to school. She was also a nurse.

“I’m pretty good. Colette has been asking for you all morning though. She wanted me to make sure that you came and saw her as soon as you were done with your rounds.”

“OK, I’ll do that.” Anisa smiled and walked into the loung where they kept their things in their lockers. She hung her jacket up and put her purse in the locker before shutting it and locking it.

She stepped out if the room and started walking down the hall. Once she had the supplies she needed for doing her rounds she began check on the patients.

The first room she walked into held two 5 year old boys. Twins. Jermey and Justin. Jermey had just had a blood transfustion and Justin was his donar. They were both staying in the hospital until they knew for sure that Jermey was going to be OK.

“Hey guys!” She said smiling.

“Nisa! Hi!” Justin all but shreiked. Jermey just giggled at his brother and smiled.

“Hi Nisa.” He was the shy one.

“How are we feeling today?”

“I feel fine. I dont feel like I’m floating on a cloud anymore.”

Anisa laughed. This was why she loved working with children. “That’s good Justin. And how about you, Jermey?”

“I feel better.”

“Well, that’s good.” She checked their vital signs and changed their IV bags. “All done. Now if you two need anything, you know how to get me, right?” The boys nodded. “OK, good. I’ll come ack and check on you later.”

“See you later Nisa!”

“See you later guys.” She walked out of the room smiling.

After check on the ten other patients on the floor, she walked into a room that only had one occupant. A little girl, 11 years old. “Cole?” Anisa said.

“NISA!!! I thought you would never be done with rounds!” The little girl exclaimed. Anisa just laughed.

“Well, here I am. What can I do for you?”

“Is it true that you are going away?”

Anisa looked at her hands. “Yes it is. I’m going to Florida. I am going to tour with a music group that needs to keep a nurse on staff becuase one of it’s members has heart problems and they have a tendency to hurt themselves onstage.”

Colette giggled. “That sounds like the Backstreet Boys. Brian had a heart problem and the others are always trying to kill themselves onstage.”

“Well, I don’t know what group it is. But they need me to be with them so that they don’t kill themselves.”

“OK.... But the Backstreet Boys live in Florida.....” Anisa laughed.

“If I meet these Backstreet Boys of yours, I’ll be sure to tell them that you say Hi and get their autographs for you, OK?”

“Would you?”

“Of course!”

“Does that mean that you are going ot come back and visit?”

“Yes it does. Now let me check you’re vitals, and IV and then I can got put that dumb cart away and come back and we can talk some more. OK?”

“OK.” Colette let Anisa check all of her vitals and change the IV bag before saying anything. “Nisa?”

“Yes, Cole?”

“Do you still miss Brian?” Anisa just looked at the girl and smiled. She was the only patent that knew about her best friend in high school.

“Yeah, I do. But that was a long time ago.” She finished what she was doing and walked out of the room, promising to come back after she was done putting everything away.