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Questions Without Answers

At two in the morning, I was pacing the hard wood floor of Brian's and my bedroom. Outside thunder boomed and rain poured down in thick sheets. I loved thunderstorms, but they were a little frightening when you were home alone in a big house by yourself late at night. Wearing just a pair of boxers and one of Brian's old t-shirts, I walked back and forth, every now and then stopping to look out the window. I strained my eyes to see through the pouring rain and scanned the street outside for headlights. My heart would jump every time I saw a car, and then I'd let out a disappointed sigh when I realized it wasn't Brian.

'Maybe he's trying to get in touch but he can't for some reason. Maybe the phone's dead!'

I walked away from the window and over to the phone on the desk. I picked it up and turned it on, and was greeted by the loud and clear sound of a dial tone. 'Maybe not.'

I walked back to the full-length window and sat down on the floor, leaning my head against the thick glass. I felt my eyes start to sting with tears, but I quickly shook my head and wiped them away. 'You have to be strong, Maggie. Don't let the fact that it's two in the morning and he's out with Leighanne bother...what the hell am I thinking? Anybody would be bothered by the fact that it's very late and your boyfriend is out with his gorgeous ex-girlfriend. Not to mention I haven't heard from him in hours...'

I sat back and let the tears roll down my cheeks. Of course I trusted Brian. Or maybe I just was telling myself I did. At two in the morning it's hard to tell. It was just too many things to swallow at once I guess.

Him not calling as much as he usually does when he's out, the fact that they were supposedly just going to dinner, and how, knowing Leighanne, that she had to have more in mind than just producing a soundtrack with him. She obviously had intentions of rekindling whatever they had before. With all her connections to Hollywood and the music business, she could have easily found someone besides Brian to produce that stupid soundtrack. It was just all so painfully obvious that there was something going on behind my back, and it seemed like there was no way out. If I accused Brian of anything, he'd get mad at me for not trusting him, but if I stayed quiet, what was possibly going on would just keep going on. There was no way out.

My thoughts were interrupted by the slamming of the front door. My heart leaped for joy, but at the same time I was worried about how exactly to approach the situation. I decided to just crawl in the bed and act like I hadn't just been sitting on the floor by the window crying my eyes out.

Quiet footsteps entered the bedroom. I listened as Brian sighed, then dropped his shoes on the floor, then went into the bathroom. I heard him washing his face and brushing his teeth, then heard the bathroom door open again and saw the lights go off. I felt the mattress move as he gently climbed into bed next to me and lightly caressed my face with one hand before sliding it around my middle and pulling me against his chest. As comforting as it was to have him back home with me, the questions were still echoing in the back of my head.

I reached back with one hand and combed my fingers through his hair and then rested it on the back of his neck. He pulled me closer and nuzzled his face in my neck and inhaled deeply.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Hey," he replied just as softly. I carefully considered what to do next before saying,

"You're back late."

"Yeah, we talked some stuff over at dinner and then decided to go try some stuff out in the studio. Sorry it took so long, I guess I wasn't paying much attention to the time," he explained in between yawns.

'Well maybe you shouldn't have been paying attention to other things instead- like Leighanne.' I thought to myself. "Why didn't you call?" I asked quietly. Brian sat up and looked at me.

"Maggie, I'm sorry, okay? It's not like this has happened before. It just bothers you more this time because I was with Leighanne. For the last time, don't worry about her, okay?" It was true. He had been out late like this before in the studio. But that was when he was with Nick or Kevin or the others. Not Leighanne.

"Ok, good night," I said quietly. I began to feel a small nagging pain in my heart like someone was trying to pull it out bit by bit. It hurt so much I couldn't even cry. I could tell that something bad was about to happen, and it hurt too much to even think about it. And all because of questions I couldn't ask the answers to...